Chapter 570: Master of Enchanting (Fourth!)

Thirty thousand spiritual stones, a random business is thirty thousand spiritual stones. If the business in the store becomes better in the future, wouldn’t it be possible to obtain more spiritual stones?

Hundreds of thousands a day?

Not to mention the improvement of one’s own strength, even the upgrade of Dragon Palace is easy.

A hint of excitement flashed in Wang Xian’s eyes, and he stared at the girl in front of him with a smile.

“Thirty thousand spirit stones!”

The girl also paused, thirty thousand spirit stones is not a small number, but for these six thin feather swords, she is bound to win.

“What? Can’t get it out?”

Wang Xian frowned slightly and asked her.

“You are too expensive, thirty thousand spiritual stones, who can take out thirty thousand spiritual stones at one time, and your little thin feather sword is obviously made of the material that Sister Xue gave you, and you are too bad. People, at most ten thousand spirit stones!”

The girl on the side heard the price quoted by Wang Xian, and said with irritation.

It is really difficult for them to take out 30,000 spiritual stones at once.

Lingshi is a consumable item, and most people use it to buy weapons and medicine to improve their strength.

“There is another way to exchange it with equivalent materials, whether it’s refining materials or spirit grass, it can be!”

Wang Xian said to them.

It would be better to exchange it with materials. He was more inclined to give him materials than to give him spirit stones directly.

“Give me some time to prepare!”

The girl nodded slightly, and said to Wang Xian.


Wang Xian nodded, moved his arm, took six small thin feather swords, and stretched out his hand: “Give me the spirit stone that repairs the thin feather sword first!”

The girl was taken aback for a moment, and the girl on the side looked at Wang Xian in a bit of astonishment.


The girl took a deep breath and handed the spirit stone she had prepared long ago to Wang Xian. She looked at him and said, “My name is Piaolingxue, I won’t be reckless. You can rest assured!”

“Small business, no credit!”

Wang Xian took the Lingshi, heard her name, was taken aback, and said with a smile.

In the falling snow, the second-ranked existence of the young Tianjiao disciple of Dahongxianmen, his strength reached the infant stage.

Now looking at this girl, who looks like her at most in her thirties, she is really the proud girl of heaven.

“You, sister Xue said that she will not owe you the spirit stone, so she will never owe you. Why are you like this!”

The girl pointed to Wang Xian and said with some dissatisfaction: “And by my sister’s name, it’s not worth 30,000 spiritual stones?”

Wang Xian smiled: “The business in the store is not good, so I won’t take credit!”

“Will the master refiner’s business be bad?”

Piao Lingxue said with a little bit of irritation in her heart, thinking about her Piao Lingxue, she is also one of the best daughters of heaven in the whole world of Yongchang.

In other places, if you owe a spirit stone for the time being, even if it is tens of thousands, with the three words of her floating snow, it is worth tens of thousands of spirit stones.

Now a young man even ignored it.

“No, you have seen it too, it’s not good at all, so when will the spirit stone be brought over and when will these six spirit swords be given to you!”

Wang Xian shook his head at her.


At this time, the girl on the side rolled her eyes: “If we introduce you to a business, can we have some spirit stones?”

“Oh? Introduce the business?”

A hint of surprise appeared in Wang Xian’s eyes, and he said directly: “Yes, if the value of the business you introduced is relatively high, I can save you a few thousand, even tens of thousands of spiritual stones!”

“Well, this is what you said!”

The girl squinted her eyes, revealing the cute dimples, and she pulled the drifting snow’s arm.

“Don’t overhear, let’s go down first!”

The girl pointed to Wang Xian, followed behind the falling snow, and whispered: “Sister Xue, we can introduce the disciple of the mountain gate, this stingy guy is a master refiner and can find a master refiner to practice. It’s not easy to use weapons, and this fool doesn’t have any business. We only need to name his master craftsman, and the young ladies of Shanmen will naturally agree to it, even eagerly!”

When Piaolingxue heard the girl’s address to Wang Xian, she smiled, and her eyes flickered: “Indeed, ordinary disciples who want to let the master refiner to forge spiritual weapons are not qualified!”

A hint of brightness flashed in Piao Lingxue’s eyes. She didn’t know why this master refiner was so miserable, but it was beneficial to herself now.


Piaolingxue raised his head and shouted towards the second floor.


Wang Xian walked down from the second floor and looked at the two of them.

“I’ll go back to raise spirit stones and introduce customers to you. When will your store close?”

Piaolingxue asked Wang Xian.

“I will always be here.”

Wang Xian said to the two girls.

“Well, we will be here soon!”

Piaolingxue nodded, and walked outside with the girl.

“Introduce more customers who refine pills, and I will give you more spirit stones at that time!”

Wang Xian’s voice came from behind.

Piaolingxue paused for a while, her face a little chilly.

Thinking of her goddess, the leader of Dahongxianmen Snow Mountain, now needs to rely on this method to get rid of some spirit stones?

This made her face a little red, and she felt a little embarrassed.

“This is what you said, you wait for us!”

The girl on the side was very excited: “Sister Xue, we will call all those disciples who need to refining alchemy, hehe, hey, direct the six spirit swords!”

The girl squeezed her fists, her face was full of excitement, and said with fighting spirit: “Let this stingy guy vomit blood!”

“The customer who refines pills, doesn’t that guy still know how to make pills? Isn’t he still a master alchemist? Impossible, it should be impossible!”

After calming down, Piaolingxue thought of Wang Xian’s words, she was not as silly and sweet as a girl.

However, if he is also an alchemy master at the same time, this makes her hard to believe.

A guy in his twenties who is a master refiner is already very perverted, how could he still be a master refiner!

“Forget it, I’ll know then!”

Piaolingxue’s eyes flickered, and she looked at the Bo Yu in her hand, feeling good, and immediately Yujianfei and the girl drove towards the Dahongxianmen Snow Mountain.

Snow Mountain, the second mountain gate of Dahong Immortal Gate, the entire Snow Mountain has a very special position in Dahong Immortal Gate.

The reason is that the entire Xueshan disciples are all women.

Xueshan does not recruit male disciples.

As the second mountain gate of Dahong Immortal Gate, the disciples in the gate are not comparable to Fengyu Mountain.

More than two hundred disciples, all female disciples.

In the entire Dahong Immortal Gate, and even the entire Yongchang, no one dared to provoke the female disciples of Xueshan.

Not only because of the strength of the leader, Drifting Snow, but also the many suitors of the female disciple of the Snow Mountain.

The area of ​​the snow mountain is four or five times larger than that of Fengyu Mountain. In the evening, the entire snow mountain is extremely lively.

I could see disciples coming from other mountain gates, even Zhanxiandao and Yongchang Immortal Gate.

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