Chapter 562 One defeats the enemy, Dahong’s top 20 (first!)

A young man with short hair, the warrior does not stick to the trivial, even in ancient times, he always kept long hair, he still has short and flat head.

The young man’s eyes were very sharp and looked rebellious.


Wang Xian, who was thinking, suddenly saw a young man walking in front of him, he was slightly taken aback, and instinctively walked to the side.

“Oh? Dragon King? Are you so confused?”

The young man saw Wang Xian actually move to the right, the mocking on his face became more intense, his hands were held behind him, and he stared at him with a sneer on his face.

Wang Xian paused, slowly raised his head, and looked to his side.

“That’s Wuying, it’s Wuying Kong coming!”

“This… Wuying Kong’s presence is obviously aimed at the Dragon King!”

“What Dragon King, a disciple who is ranked at the eleventh gate dare to be king? Che, a arrogant kid!”

“Yes, it’s the Dragon King. After I heard this name, Laozi looked at him upset, and didn’t see if he was qualified.”

“Haha, this is interesting. Wuying Kong is here, but he is the 20th-ranked existence among the young Tianjiao of Dahong Xianmen. At the same time, he is also the leader of the Jiulian Peak. He was ranked the tenth mountain and killed the 20th Tianjiao of the young man. One can imagine the strength of Kong’s presence!”

“It is estimated that the Dragon King wanted to challenge Jiulian Peak yesterday, which made Kong feel dissatisfied with his presence, so I ran into trouble finding him today!”

“This is not to blame others, you must not be arrogant in Dahongxianmen, otherwise, there will be strong people to take care of you!”

The disciples around saw Kong Liming staring at Wang Xian, watching with abusive faces.

Most of the disciples of the top ten mountain sects around, they have been sneer at this dragon king since they heard it, and now they see Kong coming to make a move, and the faces of all the people are excited.

“It seems there are rewards for entering the rankings of the Youth Tianjiao, right?”

Wang Xian looked at Kong Li, then looked at the huge broken wall aside, and asked faintly at him.


Kong Guangxi was taken aback for a moment, followed by a cold flash in his eyes: “It is really crazy, as long as you can get into the top 20 youth rankings, you can get a lot of resources every month. Unfortunately, you don’t have the qualifications yet!”

“It’s very simple, just beat you, that’s it!”

As Wang Xian said, staring at Kong Lili, Feng Qingyun said towards him.

“Haha, well, I just like this kind of newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers, challenge me? I will scrap your arm and treat it as unreasonable!”

Kong Lien burst into laughter when he heard Wang Xian’s words, a gloomy color flashed in his eyes.

“Arrogant, Senior Brother Kong, abolish this kid and let him know how powerful our Nine Lotus Peaks are!”

“Dare to challenge Senior Brother Kong, I think some people are really arrogant, and soon you will know the cost of arrogance!”

The disciples who followed Kong Liming stared at Wang Xian with disdain.

“That’s the strength, but the mouthparts are really big!”

“It’s quite big. I directly challenge Kong Lili. I really don’t know where he is confident!”

“Haha, this is interesting, Dragon King challenges Wuyingkong to come!”

The crowd around saw that Wang Xian actually challenged Kong to come, slightly surprised, with a look of excitement on their faces.

“No one has dared to be arrogant in front of me for a long time. The long sword is good. If I lose, I will laugh at it!”

Kong Guangxi pointed at Wangxian, laughed, and shouted towards the surroundings: “Today, the newly emerging Dragon King wants to challenge me Kong Guangxi, brothers and sisters, see you in Wufeng Arena!”

The voice of Kong’s presence spread over several kilometers in the surrounding area, and everyone around him could hear it clearly.

“Ha ha!”

Immediately after, he let out a big laugh, his body moved, and the sword flew directly towards Wufeng’s position.

“Can you still take away the loser’s things?”

Wang Xian looked at Kong Lie, who was flying forward, with a smile on his face.

As soon as his body moved, Wang Xian followed directly behind him and flew towards Wufeng.

“What? The Dragon King challenged Kong to come here, this… really looking for death!”

“This is not looking for death, this is arrogance.”

“A guy who likes to be pushy, let’s go and see how Brother Kong abuses him!”

“Senior Brother Kong is not a good stubble, he shot very hard!”

The Tibetan scripture peak and even a few surrounding mountain disciples heard the voice of Kong’s presence with excitement on their faces, and one by one immediately flew towards Wufeng’s position.

Dahong Immortal Gate, the top twenty disciples, the lowest strength is also the Dan Realm.

This kind of strong fight is naturally very exciting.

Wang Xian looked at the disciples around him with a faint smile on his face.

This Kong came in front of him, obviously wanting to find something, but this was just what he meant.


Wang Xian fell on an arena, and Wang Xian found that there were more than fifty large and small arenas on Wufeng.

Their arena is at the top of the arena, and Kong Lili is already standing on the stage, staring at him mockingly.

Around, a group of Dahongxianmen disciples hovered in the air, watching with excitement.

“Come on, I’ll give you a lesson today. Don’t be arrogant in Dahongxianmen, here, be low-key!”

Kong Liming saw Wang Xian fall, picked up the long sword in his hand, and picked it up at him: “Let you attack first!”

“Teacher, every time a group of new disciples come in, the brothers will educate the new disciples in this way!”

“Haha, interesting, if the Dragon King is educated by Kong Qu today, then he will be a joke in the name of the Dragon King from now on!”

The people around saw Wang Xian’s posture, and laughed and talked around unscrupulously.

A faint smile appeared on Wang Xian’s face: “Try your combat skills!”

Water energy surged from his body, and the long sword in his hand was not unsheathed, and it was cut directly in front of him.


“Water body!”

For an instant, Wang Xian’s long sword moved slightly, a burst of water energy flashed, and two combat skills were instantly released. Shui held the blade and cut directly towards Kong Li.

The real combat skill water body is not a water-blue appearance, but exactly the same as Wang Xian’s body.

“Huh? Moisture body? Sculpture skill, use Moisture body in front of my Wuying?”

Kong Liming saw Wang Xian’s instant release of attack, and his eyes showed disdain.

With a movement of his figure, five figures identical to himself appeared.


With a wave of his arm, each body directly attacked Wang Xian’s body.

The two were a hundred meters apart, their eyes facing each other.

Kong Lei’s mouth was slightly cocked, and he looked at his body with a smile on his face.

“Puff puff!”

However, soon his face froze, his moisture body was easily broken, and there was no room for resistance.

“That is, the blade, well, I didn’t expect to use the water body to control the blade, very smart!”

Kong Liming narrowed his eyes slightly, his eyes showed a trace of attention, and the long sword in his hand was directly unsheathed.


Waves appeared on the long sword, ten epee swords, slashed directly at the blade.

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