Chapter 559 The Name of the Dragon King (third!)

The wind is light and the clouds are calm, and the sword is gone.

Around, all the disciples looked at the indifferent figure leaving, their expressions were slightly startled, and their faces showed a look of wonder.

“I have never seen this brother before, why did he suddenly rise up!”

“His strength is completely invincible under the pill realm. It is estimated that the strong of the pill realm can also fight!”

“I’m sure that his strength must have reached the pill level, otherwise, he could not be so powerful!”

A disciple from the Dashanmen looked at Wang Xian’s figure and talked.

“Teacher Du said that his attack power has not yet reached the pill realm, but his swordsmanship and his ability to control water are more abnormal!”

“Fengyu Mountain is really soaring into the sky, one person led the entire mountain gate to fly!”

The surrounding discussion also reached the ears of more than 20 Fengyushan disciples.

There are complexities, excitement on their faces, and more excitement.

Fengyu Mountain went from 19 to 11 directly, and the resources allocated by the mountain gate would directly increase three or four times.

Their Fengyushan disciples are few, and with so many resources, everyone can be greatly improved.

Yu Ling’er stared at the figure blankly, her eyes full of complexity.

Once, Fengyu Mountain was also a powerful mountain gate of Dahong Immortal Gate, and his father was the number one existence on the mountain gate youth ranking list.

The chief disciple of Dahong Immortal Gate.

Glory has been decades away from Fengyu Mountain, and Fengyu Mountain once became the bottom of existence.

My own mother is struggling to support Fengyushan.

She did not expect that this young man who fell from the waterfall shocked him, and his mother took out the precious pill to treat him, was so powerful.

“I have been aiming at him all the time. He probably doesn’t have a bad impression of me now, right, he hasn’t looked at me straight from the beginning!”

Yu Ling’er thought bitterly.

“Brother Fengyushan, what is this senior’s name? What entered your Fengyushan?”

At this time, curious voices from other Shanmen disciples came from nearby.

Around, hundreds of disciples who were mostly stronger than them looked at them.

“Wang Xian, our brother is called Wang Xian!”

“Wang Xian? Brother Wang Xian?”

The surrounding disciples murmured, remembering this name, after today, the name of Wang Xian will surely ring at Dahong Immortal Gate.

“He said he was called Wang Xian, and others called him the Dragon King!”

Yu Linger murmured.

“What? Sister Linger, what did you say, his name is Dragon King?”

A Fengyushan disciple on the side looked suspiciously at Yu Ling’er and asked.


Yu Ling’er nodded.

“Dragon King, haha, the name is domineering, Dragon King, Dragon King, Shi Yunbuyu, turn the river and the sea, it’s very appropriate!”

A Fengyushan disciple said with a big smile.

“Dragon King? What a domineering name!”

The disciples of the other mountain gates around were slightly taken aback, and said with a smile.

“The name is domineering, Dragon King, Dragon King!”

Wang Xian didn’t know that a sentence of the Dragon King he casually said when he woke up was actually passed on at Dahong Immortal Gate.

Dahong Immortal Gate, after five o’clock, the disciple ended the day’s rest.

All the disciples of the mountain gate can go to Wufeng to discuss with others and continue to practice.

You can also go to wash the swords and sharpen the weapons, go to Danshan to buy medicines, and go to the Tibetan Scripture Peak to read books.

Every evening, the whole main peak is unusually lively.

“Look, Fengyushan, the ranking has improved by eight in one day!”

“How come, how can Fengyushan rank so high, do I remember that they are not second to last? Shanmen only has more than 20 disciples!”

“It is a disciple of Fengyu Mountain. He has penetrated eight gates and is very powerful. Today, disciples of six or seven gates witnessed him challenging a famous mountain gate. It is too strong!”

“A disciple defeated eight mountain gates in one day? Could it be the strength of the Dan realm?”

“I don’t know, others call it Dragon King, this name is a bit domineering!”

“Dragon King? He dared to make such an arrogant name, too crazy!”

“People have arrogant capital. One person pierced through eight gates. Five disciples in the half-step pill realm were easily defeated by him, one formidable!”

A famous disciple around the main peak looked at the eye-catching rankings and talked with shocked faces.

About Fengyushan, a disciple punched through eight gates and quickly spread to every disciple’s ears.

Some were shocked, some were shocked, and many more were dissatisfied.

“I heard that the Dragon King of Fengyu Mountain wanted to challenge the tenth place Jiulian Peak, but it was too late at that time, so I stopped. If we don’t stop, I guess Fengyu Mountain should be able to improve a few places!”

“Yes, the strength of the Dragon King is simply too strong, he definitely has the strength to fight against the pill realm!”

Several disciples who followed to watch this afternoon, looking at the rankings on the broken wall, murmured with a slight sigh.

“To challenge the tenth place, at least one must have the strength of the pill realm. It is ridiculous that a little disciple dared to call himself the Dragon King!”

“It’s really arrogant. After the top ten of the mountain gate, there is no one who is proud of heaven. He has broken through a bunch of waste, and there is nothing to be proud of.”

At this moment, several disciples came over, glanced at the leaderboard, and said slightly disdainfully.


Several young people looked at the other disciples and frowned slightly: “That’s because you didn’t see the strength of the Dragon King. If you see you, you won’t say that.”

“Dragon King? What kind of Dragon King, if he dares to challenge us, our Senior Brother Su Fa will definitely teach him how to be a man and return the Dragon King. It’s really ironic!”

Several disciples said with disdain, and slowly shook their heads: “A disciple who dominates after the top ten is nothing more than a chicken head!”

Several disciples were full of mockery, and walked directly beside them.

Several young people opened their mouths slightly and fell silent.

Indeed, the Dragon King Senior Brother Fengyushan has not yet defeated the Dan Realm disciple.

And that Senior Brother Su Fa.

They raised their heads and looked up at the ranking of the young generation of Dahongxianmen.

Ranking first: Hong Tianda! Infant!

Ranked second: falling snow! Infant!

Ranked third: Aoshuwen! Infant!


“Dragon King, this title is not something he can bear!”

“Tianyi swordsman Hong Tianda, falling sword frost and falling snow, Fengyun sword proud of writing, which one is not the strong in the infant realm? Or the existence of the first 20 generations of the young generation of Dahong Immortal Gate!”

“If you enter the top twenty, you can be regarded as our Tianjiao Junjie of Dahongxianmen. What is he Dragon King?”

When everyone marveled at Fengyushan’s crazy increase in ranking, it was more the disdain of the top ten disciples of the mountain.

Ranked eleventh, they look down on it.

What if one person beats through eight gates? Come to our mountain gate to try?

Teach that dragon king to be a man every minute.

Return the Dragon King? What qualifications do you have to accept this title?

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