Chapter 555 My Name, Begins to Promote 3 (Fourth!)


Huayu heard Wang Xian’s mutter and looked at him with astonishment.

Break through the entire fairy gate?


Wang Xian shook his head faintly, and said faintly: “Cultivate hard!”

Huayu flushed, and walked to the side with some embarrassment.

More than twenty disciples stared at Wang Xian with complicated faces.


“what happened?”

At this moment, a voice suddenly appeared, and the Yu Master had appeared in the sky in an instant, looking at the crowd who fell into the water, doubts appeared on his face.

“it’s okay no problem!”

Yu Ling’er shook her head quickly, so she wouldn’t tell her mother that Wang Xian defeated them all alone.

This is shameful!


Master Yu didn’t ask much, and looked at Wang Xian: “Wang Xian, give you a sword!”

A azure blue sword was thrown at Wang Xian.

Wang Xian stretched out his hand and held the long sword for a moment.

Shadowless Sword: Level 11

“Eleventh level, it turned out to be an eleventh level spiritual weapon!”

Wang Xian’s heart shook, and the long sword was unsheathed. He unexpectedly discovered that the sword was blue and almost transparent.

But the sword’s edge was extremely sharp, and when his arm moved, phantom swords appeared.

“Good sword!”

With a shadowless sword in Wang Xian’s hand, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

“If you need anything, you can tell me!”

Master Yu continued to say towards Wang Xian.

“Master Yu, do you have any combat skills or techniques?”

Wang Xian asked directly.

“I don’t teach combat skills and methods. Our Shanmen disciples can enter the Tibetan Scripture Peak for one hour every month. After five days, you can go to the Tibetan Scripture Peak to choose. I still have an elixir here!”

As Yushi said, he threw a water-blue pill to Wang Xian.

Lianwen Dan: Level 5

Extractable Dragon Qi: 110983

Wang Xian did not hesitate, took it directly in his hand, and bowed towards Master Yu, “Thank Yu Master!”

“No, you practice hard, hoping to take Fengyushan further!”

Master Yu smiled and shook his head, his eyes swept over the surrounding disciples, his figure moved, and the sword returned to the mountain.

“I will pay the favors I owe!”

Wang Xian looked at the figure of Master Yu, and said in his heart.

He took the pill in his hand and swallowed it directly into his abdomen.

“It seems that Master Yu should know Wang Xian’s strength, otherwise he won’t give him the spirit sword and medicine pill!”

When the crowd saw the spirit sword in Wang Xian’s hand and the elixir he swallowed, their eyes were full of envy.

Even Yu Ling’er’s eyes were full of envy.

“Which is our Shanmen currently ranked?”

Wang Xian used all the dragon energy obtained by swallowing the pill to recover his injuries, and asked Hua Yu.

“Nineteenth, a twenty gates, we rank nineteenth!”

Hua Yu said with a bit embarrassed expression.

“Where is the eighteenth mountain gate?”

Wang Xian asked Huayu.

“Huh?” Huayu was taken aback, and immediately said: “It’s not very far from us, you want…are you going to challenge them?”

As he spoke, his eyes lighted up, and everyone around him looked at Wang Xian in surprise.

“take me!”

Wang Xian said directly.

“Yes Yes…”

A gleam of light flashed in Hua Yu’s eyes. With Wang Xian’s strength, he would definitely succeed in challenging the eighteenth place.

“Come on, come with me!”

Hua Yu looked at Wang Xian and stepped directly on the sword.


Wang Xian nodded and stepped directly on the sword!

“Go, let’s go too!”

“Follow it!”

An expression of excitement flashed in the eyes of a famous disciple of Fengyushan. Wang Xian wanted to challenge eighteen people. Even if Fengyushan advances one, the resources allocated will increase a lot.

Yu Ling’er hesitated for a moment, and stood on the sword, following behind.

“Wang Xian, ranked 18th is Tianshui Mountain. They have 25 disciples. The strongest is Wang Beichuan, who is a bit higher than me, but your strength is stronger, plus me, Junior Sister Ling’er. , Zhao Qian, Liu Dong, the five of us can definitely win!”

Hua Yu said to Wang Xian with some excitement on his face.

For the mountain gate challenge, each mountain gate needs to send five disciples. They can fight in a team or fight separately. The challenged person chooses.

This is the rule of Dahong Immortal Gate.

However, Wang Xian didn’t care about the rules at all. He really didn’t like the strength of Hua Yu Yu Ling’er.

Fengyu Mountain is three kilometers away from Tianshui Mountain, but three kilometers is just a few minutes to them.

“Wang Xian, our imperial sword flies directly over, enters other people’s mountain gates, and flies directly over with imperial sword technique. It represents a provocation and a challenge!”

Huayu explained the rules to Wang Xian.

Wang Xian nodded, and flew straight to the Tianshui Mountain cultivation site beside Hua Yu.

At this moment, beside Tianshui Mountain, some of the twenty-odd disciples were cultivating and some were resting.

Other disciples are talking about love.

A petite girl was standing next to a boulder, talking and laughing with several other young men and women.

“Huh? Someone is here, challenge?”

At this moment, a disciple who was cultivating saw a crowd of Yujian flying over, with a look of surprise on his face.

“Challenge, who challenges us?”

The disciples in Tianshui Mountain looked at Wang Xian and the others who were flying towards the Yujian.

“Fengyushan, come to challenge!”

Huayu yelled, and the sound spread for several kilometers around.

“Fengyushan is Fengyushan. They dare to challenge us. We only abused them last month. How dare you come to find a place today?”

“I think it’s a beating!”

“Huh, is it possible that this kid Huayu has made great progress in swordsmanship?”

A group of Tianshuishan disciples looked at the Fengyushan disciples who were flying over them coldly.

“Yeah, I didn’t expect someone to challenge you Tianshuishan!”

At the location of the boulder, a young man raised his head with a smile on his face, and said to the petite girl in front of him.

“The disciples of Fengyushan, they should not be our opponents!”

The petite girl said with a smile, looking very cute.

“Hehe, it’s really interesting, rookies peck at each other? Let’s go and see!”

“What is it, Brother Liang, what does it mean to peck at each other!”

The petite girl said to the young man unhappy.

“The battle between the nineteenth and the eighteenth is not a rookie pecking each other, haha!”

The young man laughed and said.

“Hmph, ignore you, you are a rookie, ranking twelve is amazing!”

The petite girl stared at the young man displeasedly for a year.

“Well, I was wrong, let’s go and take a look!”

The young man hurriedly took up the girl’s body, his eyes filled with smiles, and walked over as if watching a show.

Several young people beside him also followed behind.

“Huayu, you weren’t the one who repaired it last month? Why did you dare to come over again?”

At the Tianshui Mountain Cultivation Center, a young man raised his head slightly, staring at Tianyu coldly, and said.

“Haha, today you are bound to lose, the five groups fight, dare you?”

Hua Yu snorted coldly, and some foxes shouted at the youth in a pretended manner.

“Haha, just right, today’s forehand is itchy, just so you practice swords!”

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