Chapter 551: Too Weak (Fifth!)

“This junior, now that you have joined us Fengyushan, let’s report the name!”

A young man held a blue long sword in his hand, raised his head slightly towards Wang Xian, and said.

“Wang Xian!”

Wang Xian glanced over more than 20 young people and girls, and sighed slightly in his heart.

All are innate strong, all are.

The congenital powerhouse in his twenties is enough to shake the whole arena on the rivers and lakes, but they are all here.

“The disciples of the elite are the innate, aren’t the core disciples all in the Dan realm, the elders and deacons are in the infant realm, and the head is the fairy god, this kind of power is too terrifying!”

Wang Xian decided that after going out from here, he must improve the strength of Dragon Gate and Dragon Palace.

Otherwise, if the immortal gate of Yongchang World comes to the real world, and the dragon gate is in front of it, nothing can be considered.

“Wang Xian?”

The young people looked at Wang Xian’s flat introduction, and raised their eyebrows slightly.

“I don’t know how to be polite!”

Yu Ling’er next to her pouted and picked up the long sword in her hand, ready to practice swordsmanship.

“Since the brother joins us in Fengyushan, as a brother, he will definitely guide you in the future. Come, let all the brothers and sisters see your strength!”

A young man whose hair reached the tail slightly raised his eyebrows, raised the long sword in his hand Qingqing, and gestured towards Wang Xian with a smile on his face.

Wang Xian looked at the young man in costume and shook his head: “No need!”

The existence of an innate level makes him unable to take the slightest interest.

“Oh? Brother Huayu wants to see your strength. Isn’t that uninteresting?”

“A newcomer, dare to be so aloof?”

Next to him, the two young men saw Wang Xian rejecting Dongyu’s guidance. They were slightly taken aback, and said to him coldly.

“Junior Brother, you are impolite, draw your sword!”

Hua Yu condensed slightly when he saw Wang Xian’s refusal. With a wave of the long sword in his hand, a sword light swept across in front of Wang Xian, and said coldly to him.

The surrounding disciples also watched this scene with a smile, and the corners of their mouths were slightly cocked around the long sword, watching this scene with interest.

Brother Huayu is the strongest among them, and every disciple comes, he will see the strength of the other party.

The so-called insight, naturally, is to give a good start.

In Fengyu Mountain, except for Yu Ling’er, no one dared to dissuade Senior Brother Dongyu.

Moreover, Brother Huayu has been pursuing Yu Ling’er, plus Yu Ling’er’s dislike for the youth just now, he will naturally not let this opportunity pass.

The others were slightly upset when seeing Wang Xian so indifferent.


Wang Xian nodded, this kind of death-seeking guy, in the arena, he just gave up.

“Try it, swordsmanship!”

A smile appeared on Wang Xian’s face, and he waved the long sword in his hand.

In an instant, densely packed virtual swords, phantom swords gathered around him!

“Huh? Some strength!”

Hua Yu condensed slightly, his arm shook, and ten water swords surrounded his long sword.


Wang Xian said indifferently, the mist rose up around him, and a long sword pierced towards the youth.

“Phantom Sword? Huh?”

There was a trace of contempt in the young man’s eyes, and he narrowed his eyes slightly: “Ten epee!”

“Illusory sword vs. ten-epee sword, this kid is far short of Senior Brother Huayu!”

“I don’t know which epee he can take over Senior Brother Huayu!”

Several people nearby saw Wang Xian’s attack and smiled disdainfully.

The magic sword belongs to the swordsmanship practiced by disciples below the innate level. At their level, they have already begun to practice the heavy sword and the water sword.



There was the sound of metal hitting, and in the eyes of everyone, they saw Wang Xian’s long sword being directly missed.

However, in an instant, the long sword that was missed made an arc and continued to attack.

Around, the dense phantom swords all attacked towards Senior Brother Huayu.

“What? He… there he is!”

At this moment, a young man showed a look of horror on his face, and pointed his finger at the back.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and turned their heads in amazement, and was shocked to find that Wang Xian was standing outside the range of ten meters.

And those long swords and phantom swords were attacks carried out under his remote control.

“Unexpectedly, Junior Brother’s magic sword combat skills are quite strong!”

After Huayu’s ten-epee attack was completed, he bounced the long sword away again and again, but the opponent quickly attacked again, making his face a solemn expression.

In front of him, there were thousands of long swords densely lined with a faint mist, which surprised Zhi.

He found that every phantom sword’s attack was very powerful, and because it was a phantom sword, it could not be broken unless it was directly destroyed by water energy.

“Very good, very good, you can actually push me to this point.”

Huayu’s face was embarrassed and slightly embarrassed. He shook his figure and shouted: “Boundless sword, come from the sky!”

“Swish swish!”

In an instant, ten sharp long swords condensed by water energy appeared in the sky.


He shouted, and the long sword attacked directly towards the center of the magic sword.

“If you don’t want to get hurt, give up quickly!”

He reminded with a cold face, his tone full of arrogance.

However, at this moment, everyone around was stunned.

They stared blankly at Senior Brother Huayu, and then at Wang Xian, who was ten meters away, and took a breath of air-conditioning.

Even Yu Ling’er was dumbfounded, her face full of consternation.

Brother Huayu, fighting in front of him all the time was just a magic sword, a dense phantom sword and a metal long sword.

And Wang Xian himself is just a water energy controller ten meters away.

This…it’s a complete joke!

Completely crushed!

However, Senior Brother Huayu didn’t know that his opponent was watching from ten meters away, and he even uttered wild words in his mouth.

“Since you don’t admit defeat, don’t blame me for not being merciful!”

Hua Yu shouted, and with a wave of the long sword in his hand, he smashed a magic sword with a handle.

Towards the center of the magic sword covered.

The sharp water sword directly annihilated the magic sword.

“The strength is too weak!”

After the attack, a contemptuous voice came.


When Huayu felt that there was no one in the center of the Magic Sword, he had a premonition of not wanting it in his heart.

When the rich water vapor dissipated, six sharp water swords hovered around him, making his expression stunned.

Wang Xian shook his head faintly, and with a wave of his arm, the long sword in front of Hua Yu returned to his hand.

“This this…”

All the disciples around Fengyushan simply didn’t know how to describe this battle.

The scum scum, who is the best among them, screamed and screamed, and finally let others watch like a clown.

The dense phantom sword, a metal sword, easily played with Senior Brother Huayu.

The strength of this junior is so strong, especially for the control of the phantom sword.

“Dahong swordsmanship does not lie on the sword, but on the law, and the magic sword is not on the sword, but on the illusion!”

Wang Xian had a sense of understanding in his heart, and a smile appeared on his face.

The reason why the Dahong Immortal Gate is not the Gate of the Sword Immortal is because their cultivation lies not in the sword, but in the law!

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