Chapter 524 It’s Time to Do It (Fourth!)



The sound of tempering kept coming, and Wang Xian kept beating the magic shadow iron according to the forging method in the art of refining.

The original fire refining device has a very abnormal effect, which is the removal of impurities.

Removal of impurities is a very important link. Impurities will affect the transmission of attributes and affect the power of weapons.

Secondly, the original fire also has a strong effect, that is, no matter any metal, it can quickly make it soft and deformed.

Make it so that the temperature inside the metal is exactly the same as the outside.

This is a huge plug-in for the refining device.

Putting the magic shadow iron on the mold, Wang Xian quickly tapped, and soon, a mask appeared.

After the blank mask is manufactured, the transmission of attributes can be carried out.

However, when Wang Xian inspected the conductivity of the blank mask, he instantly found that the conductivity was unimpeded and unobstructed.

“It is the cause of the fire of the origin. There is a simple method of detecting the so-called conductivity. When the attribute is introduced into it, it will appear at the end position instantly, just like a conductive one. Some things are poorly conductive, and some are conductive. Good sex.”

This is related to whether there are impurities in the material and the material, and other influences are not great.

“The conductivity of a weapon made of a single material is very good. If two or more materials are used, conductivity is a key point!”

Wang Xian showed excitement on his face, with the original fire refining device, it was too easy.

For some refiners, it takes a long time to build an innate spirit weapon.

Take Zhan Lu as an example. According to legend, it took three months to refine the Zhan Lu sword.

Holding the Wanlian hammer in his hand, Wang Xian began to trim it a little bit.

“Huh, it’s done!”

Shadow Mask: Level 10

“The black mask is not very beautiful, it is painted like an abyss, the abyss mask is very handsome, very compelling!”

Wang Xian looked at this mask with a smile on his face, and moved his heart on his face, and Chu Xian was a phantom beside him.

The phantom is very vague, which has something to do with him not using magic attributes.

After using the magic attribute, this phantom will be much more realistic and condensed, and will distract the opponent when fighting.

“Make fifty!”

Wang Xian looked at the materials, raised the Wanlian hammer in his hand, and began to refine quickly.

The thirteen-level top refining weapon, the fire of the origin, the flame of the abnormal level.

Refining innate spirit weapons is simply too simple for them.

The forging sound of “Bang Bang Bang” has been sounding for more than two hours, and fifty magic shadow masks have been completed.

Wang Xian did not stop, but continued to refine.

It was still an auxiliary weapon, Wang Xian was going to build a magic wing.

It is a wing.

Compared with their strength and defense, the speed of the dragon people is a shortcoming.

If there is a wing, their speed will be greatly increased.

In addition, the wings and the magic shadow have a complementary effect.

With the original fire, Wang Xian had an idea, that is, to make the magic wings and the magic shadow mask into a suit.

Make the magic wings echo the magic shadow mask to create a simple magic suit.

The suit has a feature that can echo each other!

One is the spiritual response, and the other is the energy response.

The spiritual response is more advanced, and the energy response is relatively simple.

Of course this is simple, compared to Wang Xian.

The manufacture of wings is undoubtedly much more difficult.

The materials are magic tough stone and wind feather stone, and three metals are added.

The combination of the three metals undoubtedly increased the difficulty of refining a lot.

Magic tough stone is the main material, and the other two materials are supplemented. It must give play to the characteristics of the material, but it cannot affect the transmission of properties.


Throughout the day, Wang Xian kept beating and studying.

Wings, an auxiliary weapon, were too difficult. It took Wang Xian seven or eight hours to create a magic wing.

The left and right sides of the magic wing are about 1.5 meters, and the two spread out with a distance of three meters.

The entire wing is pure black, with five skeletons in the center. After adding the wind feather stone, it makes it as light as a feather.

After the magic energy is transmitted, it can make them fly to the sky easily.

It can add about 50% to their speed.

However, Magic Wing has a prerequisite, that is, it needs to be inlaid with spirit stones in the position of the wind feather stone to activate the effect of the wind feather stone.

Fortunately, the consumption is not very large, and it doesn’t matter.


Wang Xian unfolded the magic wings and made a crisp sound. He sensed it, and the wings contracted without any influence. After unfolding, the battle would not have any influence.

A satisfied look appeared on Wang Xian’s face. After putting on the mask, if there was a black windbreaker, it would be awesome.

“Do you want to build a trench coat?”

Wang Xian raised his eyebrows and became interested, but unfortunately, after seeing that the materials were not enough, he shook his head helplessly.

Wear a mask. Two pieces of metal can be buckled on the magic wings so that they can be connected together to create a simple suit effect.

When Wang Xian moved, an illusory shadow appeared beside him.

The corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and he continued to build magic wings.

“Dragon King!”

At night, when the moonlight came up, the voice of the Demon Abyss rang outside.

“Come in!”

Wang Xian wiped the sweat from his forehead, and he had been refining for a day, even he was a little tired.

“Dragon King, the Zhitian Group is now under our control!”

Mo Yuan said to Wang Xian excitedly.

“Controlled? So fast?”

A hint of excitement flashed in Wang Xian’s eyes.

“Yes, they are not many high-level people, and they are all ordinary people. It is very easy to control. Now we can use the information of the Zhitian group!”

Mo Yuan nodded heavily.

“That’s good!”

Wang Xian narrowed his eyes slightly: “Now, I will collect news about the Donghua Sacred Gate. Since we are immortal with them, we should do something!”

As Wang Xian said, the corners of his mouth were slightly cocked.

“Okay Dragon King, I will let the Zhitian Group send all the news about the Donghua Sacred Gate later!”


Wang Xian nodded, looked at the refined innate spirit weapon, smiled, took out the phone and lay on the chair to rest for a while.

When he saw the news on the rivers and lakes, he smiled faintly.

The whole arena is discussing Dragon Gate and Dragon King.

The destruction of the remains shook the entire rivers and lakes. After the Donghua Sacred Gate spoke again, the warriors of the entire rivers and lakes also hoped that the Dragon Gate and the Dragon King would once again take action to destroy the rest of the demons.

Both the Dragon King and Dragon Gate’s strengths are being discussed.

The Dragon Gate is known as the most powerful sacred gate besides the Donghua Sacred Gate.

And Wang Xian’s destruction of the remains also attracted the attention of the entire Demon Dao. Some members of the Demon Dao posted posts on the rivers and lakes, saying that they would destroy the Dragon King and avenge the remains!

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