Chapter 521: The World Is Shaking (First!)

“Could it be that the remains were destroyed?”

Unbelievable thoughts appeared in their minds, and the four powerhouses of the Wind Spirit School were stunned, staring blankly at the place of bones burned by the fire.

They glanced over, and took a breath of air-conditioning.

“Remains? The existence of one of the four great demon cults, each of the four great demon cults is much stronger than the ordinary holy gate, and was burned. Who did this? Who can do this kind of thing?”

An old man looked around with blinking eyes and looked at the corpses on the ground. An old man hesitated and landed directly in the center of the flame.


Stepping on the bones made a creaking sound, which made him feel his scalp numb. He walked toward the central building, saw the altar in the central building, and saw the two characters written on it.

There is no life around, all people, all died.

The old man flew into the air with blinking eyes, and suddenly saw a huge body below.

It was the body of a young man with ten terrifying bone tails, but at this time, the bone tails were blown away in the breeze and turned to ashes.

“The Lord of the Remains, Ten Tails Mietian, that should be the corpse of the Lord of the Remains!”

The old man couldn’t hide the shock in his eyes, and said in a trembling voice.

“The destruction of the remains is a good thing for our Righteous Path Alliance, but I don’t know who destroyed them!”

There was a trace of contemplation on the face of an old man next to him. He had an idea, but he was not sure.

“Who else can do this in this world?”

An old man looked ahead and looked at the people beside him: “The only one who entered the land of the remains tonight is the Dragon King, Dragon Gate, and the only one who can destroy the remains is the Dragon King!”

“Longmen Dragon King? This…why does he want to destroy the remains, now he and Donghua Sacred Gate are immortal, and now he has provoke the devil’s way, he dare to do such things?”

An old man shook his head in disbelief.

“If you are an enemy of Donghua Sacred Gate and an enemy of Demon Dao, is this Dragon King going to be an enemy of the world?”

“We are all enemies in the world, and now we are really enemies in the world. The Dragon King’s actions are really beyond our ability to figure out. Within a day, we can provoke the leader of the Righteous Path Alliance and destroy the remains of the Demon Path. It’s crazy, it’s crazy!”

“Let’s go, if this matter is known to the people in the rivers and lakes, the horror will boil!”

“This matter actually embarrassed the Donghua Sacred Gate.”

Several people talked, looked back at the flame-covered remains of the remains, and drove towards the direction of Lingcheng with shocked faces.

On the way, they encountered two innate powerhouses rushing towards this side, and the few of them passed by without communicating.

At night, the whole world calmed down.

At the forum of the rivers and lakes, it calmed down in the middle of the night.

For the condemnation of Dragon Gate and Dragon King, the rivers and lakes also disappeared for a while.

However, in the middle of the night, a post appeared suddenly.

The remains were destroyed.

A post with the fire in the Land of Remains, the bones in the Land of Remains.

When the news was released, it did not cause much sensation in the middle of the night, but there were still thousands of replies.

The next morning, after Wang Xian got up, he came to the floating island in Jiangcheng early.

Looking at the magic shadow iron and magic tenacity stone on the ground, Wang Xian hesitated for a moment, preparing to start making weapons.

“I hope to succeed. After refining the innate spirit weapon, the dragon people can reach the realm of invincible invincibility with the increase of the spirit weapon!”

The corners of Wang Xian’s mouth curled up slightly, and a look of expectation appeared on his face.

At this time, what Wang Xian didn’t know was that the world was shaking because of yesterday’s events!

In the middle of the night, when the post about the destruction of the remains was posted, it only attracted the attention of thousands of people.

Some people don’t believe it, and some people are dubious.

However, in a few cities closer to the spirit city, some sects and strong men sent people with a good face.

When they entered the land of the remains and saw the situation inside, an incredible expression appeared on their faces.

In the morning, the destruction of the remains was a complete sensation.

“The remains of one of the Four Great Demon Paths were destroyed, and the flames burned the entire area of ​​the remains, and all the strong people in the remains died. It has been verified!”

“Someone broke out that the remains were destroyed late last night. Many people don’t believe that we are very close to the place of the remains. When we went to the place of the remains, the remains were indeed destroyed!”

“It’s so shocking. The remains turned into ruins overnight. Who killed the remains?”

At the beginning, the news that the remains were destroyed instantly detonated.

The remains, one of the four great demons, the terrifying and powerful sect, has now been destroyed.

This caused many people on the rivers and lakes to applaud and cheered that their remains were destroyed.

The evil and cruelty of the remains have already made many sect families in the world angry.

When many martial artists celebrated the destruction of the remains, a question was raised, who destroyed the remains?

Who destroyed the remains of one of the Four Great Demon Sects?

who is it?

When questioning posts were sent out, many people remembered the post about Dragon King of Dragon Gate last night.

The Dragon King of Dragon Gate led the group of Dragon Gate disciples into the Wuyuan Forest.

The poster saw that the Dragon King followed the skeletal disciples to the place of the skeletal remains.

Immediately afterwards, the remains were destroyed.

Thinking of this, everyone opened their mouths slightly, with an incredible look on their faces.

“No… isn’t it, is it the destroyed remains of the Dragon King of Dragon Gate?”

“This f*ck thinking is extremely scary. Nowadays, there is one Donghua Sacred Gate that can destroy the remains, followed by Longmen, but it is obvious that the righteous alliance was established yesterday, and it will not be the Donghua Sacred Gate, led by the Dragon King. When the disciple enters the land of the remains, the result is obviously an opinion!”

“Damn, this is almost 100% certain, the Dragon King destroyed the remains, this…this…the Dragon King is simply too fierce!”

“Yesterday, who said that Longmen joined the Demon Dao? Damn, it’s just his nonsense. I think that with the character of the Dragon King, I will definitely not join the Demon Dao!”

“Upstairs, it seems that the Donghua Sacred Gate said yesterday that the Dragon Gate had joined the Demon Dao, and it was already a demon, and the Dragon Gate should be destroyed!”

“I, the Dragon King, act, why do you need to explain like you, I can be an enemy of the Donghua Sacred Gate, the leader of the Right Path Alliance, or I can destroy the remains of the Devil Path. f*ck, the Dragon King is acting too domineering!”

“Yesterday everyone abused the Dragon Gate and the Dragon King. How about today? Well, I slap myself twice. I admit that I slapped myself yesterday. Finally, I want to say, Dragon Gate is mighty, Dragon King is domineering!”

“Now, Dragon King slapped everyone who was yesterday, and also slapped Donghua Sacred Gate. The speed of this slap is too fast!”

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