Chapter 501-The Refining Device and the Backyard Are On Fire (First!)

Walking out of Sui Huang’s room, Wang Xian hurriedly sent Ajiaya back to one room, and then took Guan Shuqing to another room.

With time, Guan Shuqing immediately began to question Ajiaya.

Wang Xian had already thought about it for a long time, and described Ajiaya as a patient, and he needed to treat her for a few days.

Moreover, he also revealed the identity of the Princess of Ajia Yadi, and it is impossible for the Princess of Di to marry a man outside his country.

Guan Shuqing believed it with a little doubt.


In a room not far away, Ajiaya snorted coldly at the room where Wang Xian lived.

“Bulling me for not knowing Chinese, learning language is very easy for me!”

Ajiaya said in her mouth, immediately dialed a phone call, and soon connected to a video.

A well-known professional Chinese professor came to the mobile phone and began to teach Ajiaya to learn English.

In the shocked eyes of a famous professor, Ajiaya quickly grasped each word.


In the early morning of the next day, when Wang Xian walked out of the room, Ajiaya was at the door.

Wearing a headset, she looked up at Wang Xian: “Morning!”


Wang Xian was taken aback for a moment: “Good morning, how can you…”

“Xiaoxian, my luggage!”

At this time, Guan Shuqing’s voice interrupted him. Wang Xian glanced at Ajiaya who was looking at the phone in confusion, and took Guan Shuqing’s luggage!

“Let’s go, we will go directly back to Jiangcheng.”

Wang Xian said loudly towards Ajiaya who had been looking at the phone with earphones.

Ajiaya nodded and followed them.

Guan Shuqing looked at Ajiaya curiously and kept looking at the phone. She was also slightly puzzled, but she didn’t ask much.

She still believes in Xiaoxian very much, and yesterday, Xiaoxian also explained a lot to herself.

Wang Xian was also very happy to see Ajiaya this way, and rushed towards Jiangcheng by plane.

On the plane, Ajiaya was still looking at the phone and said nothing.

“Dragon King!”

Arriving in Jiangcheng, Mo Yuan drove to the airport and shouted respectfully to Wang Xian.

Since the establishment of the Dragon Gate, they have not called the young master anymore, but directly called the Dragon King.

“Well, things have arrived, right?”

Wang Xian asked towards Demon Abyss.

“It has arrived, all the treasures have been moved to the floating island!”


Wang Xian nodded.

“Xiaoxian, today happens to be Saturday, Qingyue and the others are waiting for you in the villa!”

Guan Shuqing said to Wang Xian.

“I don’t see you in a day, like three autumns!”

Wang Xian smiled happily.

“Look at you beautiful!”

Guan Shuqing gave him a white look, and the car drove quickly toward the villa.

“Get off!”

Wang Xian saw Lan Qingyue, Sun Lingxiu and Xiaoyu who were waiting outside, and said to Ajiaya.


Ajiaya nodded. Unplug the earphones and put the phone away, instantly exuding a strong sense of self-confidence.

“Little Fairy!”

“elder brother!”

Lan Qingyue Xiaoyu and the others immediately greeted them and shouted.

Wang Xian laughed when he saw them and opened his arms.

“Huh? This is?”

Lan Qingyue also saw Ajiaya who was following at a glance, frowned slightly, and asked suspiciously.

A woman will feel a strong sense of crisis in Ajiaya.

“This is from Diguo…”

“My name is Hetha Mohammed Kaben Al Ajiaya, you can call me Ajiaya, I am Xiaoxian’s future wife, your name is Brother Xiaoxian? That one, two, three, four, four It happens that in our country, a man can marry four wives at most!”

Guan Shuqing smiled and prepared to introduce this to a princess from Diguo, a patient.

However, before she could finish her words, Ajiaya’s voice had already been heard.

Standard Chinese, even some standard Mandarin.

As Ajiaya said, she stepped forward and took Wang Xian’s arm and turned her head over: “How about Xiaoxian? Am I very good? I learned Chinese in one night. Was it surprised or surprised? ”


Was it unexpected?

When Wang Xian heard Ajiaya speak Chinese, his face froze.

Seeing Ajiaya actually took his arm and looked at it with a smile on her face, her body trembled even more.

Guan Shuqing’s face stiffened and sank slowly.

The smile on Lan Qingyue’s face also sank.

The two looked at Wang Xian angrily.

Wang Xian felt a strong murderous aura, he saw Guan Shuqing and Lan Qingyue clenching their fists tightly.

“You bastard, didn’t you say that she was your patient?”

Guan Shuqing stared at Wang Xian angrily, her eyes a little red!

“This, this thing is not you…”

“Are you still lying to me?”

Guan Shuqing glared at him fiercely, and ran towards the villa angrily.

Lan Qingyue also had a cold face, looked at him coldly, and followed Guan Shuqing towards the villa room.

Xiaoyu looked at this scene with a bit of amazement, and Sun Lingxiu was also slightly surprised. She looked at Ajiaya, nodded at her with a smile, hesitated, and followed back to the room.

“Brother, you are going against the sky, it’s on fire!”

Xiaoyu glared at him, and ran towards the villa.


Wang Xian sighed heavily.

“I can accept one husband and four wives. If there are too many, then it won’t work!”

At this moment, Ajiaya’s serious voice came from beside her.

Wang Xian felt that his head was about to explode: “Sister, please tell me the forging technique in the Mystery of Fire!”

“Eldest sister? Xiaoxian, do you want me to have a Chinese name in the future?”

A Jiaya was slightly puzzled, watching Wang Xian tilted her head: “By the way, there are some young ladies who seem to be a little angry, I will comfort them later, they should be able to accept me!”

Wang Xian looked up at the sky, his face changed drastically, and walked towards the villa.

“Unexpectedly, he has a dog outside. He is a big bastard, he is a big bastard, if it is Lingxiu sister, I can still accept it, and now he has brought back a foreign woman, and he lied to me that it was a patient… ”

As soon as she entered the door of the room, she heard Guan Shuqing’s cry inside.

Wang Xian stiffened, turned his head and glared at Ajiaya, and walked slowly inside.

Xiaoyu saw him walk in, and immediately drove a color toward him, telling him not to come.

Wang Xian touched his nose and pulled Ajiaya: “Tell me the forging technique.”

“Okay, I’m ready for you!”

Ajiaya took out some papers from her arms and handed them to him.

“Also, you have seen what happened just now, please don’t make trouble for me!”

Wang Xian said seriously towards Ajiaya.

“Leave it to me. If they can accept me, I will stay by your side. If they don’t accept me, I will leave, okay?”

Ajiaya suddenly looked at him seriously.


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