Chapter 4320 Chaos rough stone, control time!

The ball lost the palpitations energy it had before.

It seems a lot more peaceful.

Wang Xian’s soul fragment stood in front of this ball, looking curiously.

“See if I can get it away.”

Wang Xian decided in his heart to study this sphere well.

The loss this time is too great, he wants to get it back from this ball.

Otherwise, you will lose a lot!

Wang Xian’s soul fragment stretched out his arm and wrapped it towards the ball.


To his surprise, the ball could easily move him.

This gave Wang Xian a look of surprise on his face.

“Ready to study!”

Wang Xian secretly said in his heart.

A part of the soul in the tree of chaos returned directly to the dragon palace.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Xian came to the place of the ancestral tree and directly sank into a mother-fetal fruit.

There are only two of the eight mature fetal fruits that were given away.

The other three were directly energy exhausted and withered.

Entering the fruit of the mother’s fetus, Wang Xian’s body slowly condensed.

Gradually, his body completely recovered, including the body of the Void Dragon.

“Four mother-fetal fruits were consumed at once.”

Wang Xian felt distressed and moved to the position of the Chaos Tree again.

Then he flew away again.

This sphere is a bit weird and a bit powerful. If Wang Xian wants to study him, he naturally has to find a safe place.

To prevent accidents.

Flying into a chaotic void, Wang Xian’s heart moved.

He now has a channel with the ball.

The fragment of Wang Xian’s soul beside the ball directly pulled the ball and flew towards the channel.


When flying over with the sphere, Wang Xian could also see the passage begin to collapse again.

Immediately after him, a ball appeared in front of him.

When the ball came to Wang Xian’s body, it seemed that there was no danger.

He looked at the orb that cost him so much, his eyes shone with lustre.

Wang Xian stretched out his hand, a burst of energy was injected into the ball, and the ball did not react at all.

This made him raise his brows.

“It doesn’t absorb energy anymore. It seems to be completely saturated. What is the effect of this sphere having absorbed so much energy?”

Wang Xian said in his mouth, get closer, and look carefully, wanting to analyze it thoroughly.

However, with such a powerful strength as Wang Xian, he couldn’t see through this sphere.

“What the hell is this? If I hadn’t seen his power before, I would have thought it was an ordinary Chaos Stone.”

Wang Xian frowned.

He thought for ten minutes, and his mind moved!

Wang Xian spit out blood, followed by the energy enveloped on the orb, preparing to refine it.

He is going to refine this sphere by refining treasures.


However, in the next moment, it really has a huge effect.

When Wang Xian’s spirit and blood fell on the ball, a message appeared in Wang Xian’s mind.

Immediately afterwards, a picture emerged in Wang Xian’s mind.

The picture is extremely shocking, like a breakthrough!

In his mind, a sphere was suspended in a deadly void, and suddenly the whole sphere exploded and was divided into ten pieces.

Each piece contains a kind of attribute energy.

This is gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, darkness, and space.

Ten pieces of energy hovered in the void, and immediately began to collide with each other.

The collision of ten kinds of attribute energy makes all kinds of scenes appear in the surrounding void!

Immediately afterwards, some special energies were born around the ten energy stones.

Various attributes are also born around.

For example, stones, trees, meteorites, frost, and various special things.

Along with the continuous attacks of ten energy stones with attributes, various items appeared.

There are even planets born.

This seems to be a breakthrough.

Wang Xian looked at this scene in his mind with a shocked expression on his face.

The sphere exploded, classified ten attributes, and the ten attributes collided, changing a universe galaxy.

this? ? ?

“Chaos rough!”

Finally, a message appeared in Wang Xian’s mind.

Chaos rough stone, this is the name of this ball.


At this time, the original chaotic stone trembled slightly and flew directly into Wang Xian’s body.

Wang Xian looked at him without the slightest panic.

The rough chaotic stone was initially refined by him.

When the chaotic rough stone entered his body, it didn’t say that the size was reduced to a certain part of his body.

It was directly integrated with Wang Xian’s body.

But Wang Xian could feel that this fusion was not the perfect fusion.

It seems to be only one-tenthousandths fused with the body.

“Ding, the powerful energy has been detected to be fused with the host, and the fusion progress is one-tenth of a million!”

At this time, the voice of the Shenlong system sounded again, causing Wang Xian’s eyes to flicker slightly.

The chaotic rough stone disappeared and merged with Wang Xian.

He suspended there quietly, feeling the changes in his body.

The chaotic rough stone entered into his body, but Wang Xian’s strength was not greatly improved.

Because Wang Xian has not been able to thoroughly master the chaotic rough stone.

He is only one-tenth of a millionth that he merges with.

However, Wang Xian had a little control over the chaotic rough stone.

With a move of his palm, the original chaotic stone reappeared in the front position.

Wang Xian stared at the rough chaotic stone, and the rough chaotic stone opened an entrance, allowing people to enter it.

Wang Xian’s body of the void dragon separated from the body and entered directly inside.

Entering into the chaotic rough stone that is only ten meters in size, the internal space is huge, even boundless.

Wang Xian felt it quietly, and with a move of his palm, he took out a fragment of the God of Elements and threw it into the hands of the Void Dragon.

The body of the Void Dragon held this piece of the elemental god fragment, urging the energy inside to surround his body.

Following closely, Wang Xian had a strange feeling.

He felt that the time around him had become very slow and slow, as if time had frozen!

At the same time, the energy of the Fragment of the Elemental God in his hand was constantly being consumed.

Feeling all this, Wang Xian burst into a fiery glow in his eyes.

“This…controls the flow of time?”

A shocked look appeared on Wang Xian’s face.

Even if he had some guesses in his heart, under the experience now, it was still very shocking.

In the entire universe, there is only one of the most powerful and invincible, time!

However, within this chaotic rough stone, time can actually be slowed down.

This is incredible!

The time inside the chaotic rough stone is different from the time outside.

As for the specific difference in flow velocity, Wang Xian still needs to conduct continuous experiments.

But only this point of the chaotic rough stone shocked him.

If you can control time, it is invincible.

“If I want to control the time, I’m afraid I have to blend 100% with the rough chaotic stone!”

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