Chapter 4288 Other star fragments!

Wang Xian continued to fly towards the depths of the riot area.

The surrounding scene quickly passed by.

He looked at the route on the treasure map, changed the direction, and continued to fly in one direction!

After flying for two years, Wang Xian came to the central area of ​​this riot zone.

Close to this position, he could feel the terrifying energy coming from the front.

The position ahead is the origin of the riot zone.

All the rays of light burst out from here!

In the front position, there are special meteorites suspended in the void.

These meteorites carry a peculiar and terrifying energy.

From time to time, we can see some meteorites attacking each other.

The energy exploded from the mutual attack of meteorites is terrifying!

Every hit has a strong Tianyuan good fortune level.

The attacks of these meteorites all seem to come from instinct.

It’s like encountering two elemental gods with different attributes and fighting instinctively!

Wang Xian looked at the position ahead, then looked at the treasure map in his hand, and directly crushed the treasure map with a powerful force!

The situation recorded on this treasure map has changed.

The treasure map records that there is a huge meteorite at this location.

This meteorite exudes a strong vitality, if you can get it, you can get an incredible improvement.

But now, the meteorite at this location has disappeared!

In other words, this treasure map is useless!

He destroyed it directly!

“The treasure map is hard to distinguish between true and false, so don’t be disturbed by the information above!”

Wang Xian secretly said in his heart and glanced around.

According to some information he got in the Tianyuan Communicator, the meteorites at the center are called Chaos Stones.

The chaos stone contains various energies.

But this kind of energy is all condensed together, and it can’t be refined or used!

They will attack unconsciously like the gods of the elements.

If you go deep inside and suffer the riots of these Chaos Stones, then everything around you will be disturbed.

Some treasures that escaped can’t be used.

If it can’t resist the energy fluctuation of the Chaos Stone attack, then it will fall inside.

Such chaotic stone riots often happen inside.

Therefore, every strong Tianyuan good fortune who enters it will be extremely cautious!

However, in this central location, there are many fragments of the God of Elements.

These fragments are also rare treasures for the strong Tianyuan good fortune.

As for the one that dominates the realm, it is even better!

In addition to elemental fragments, there are also specially polished treasures.

Chaos stones contain various energies, and some of the chaos stones have their energy polished into special forms, possessing individual attributes, and can be used as weapons.

Some weapons are comparable to the power of a newcomer Tianyuan good fortune powerhouse.

Although it is not as good as the treasure of Tianyuan, but it is also comparable to the Five Elements Damo.

Therefore, there are still many strong people who can’t help but venture into it.

But there are many strong men who have fallen inside!

Wang Xian did not enter it directly.

He must understand this dangerous place before entering it.

As soon as his body moved, Wang Xian observed around this area.

When he was observing, from time to time, he could see some of the strong fortune of Tianyuan, who were also watching inside.

Wang Xian did not approach him, and both sides kept a safe distance!


At the same time, while Wang Xian was observing at the central edge of the riot zone.

Located in a location not far away.

Here, there are tall towers with magic patterns carved on them.

The entire magic pattern exudes luster.

Located at the top of the tower, there are bright fragments of the god of elements.

Every fragment looks very valuable!

It can be seen to the naked eye that a burst of energy enters the god of elements from the center of the riot in front.

The energy guided by the god of the elements entered below the tower again.

Below the tower, there is a pillar!

Inside each pillar, there are dozens of disciples from the Domination Realm cultivating inside!

And in the center of these eight towers, there is a small palace!

Inside the palace, four strong men from the realm of good fortune of Tianyuan sat cross-legged.

Suddenly, a beacon beside a strong Tianyuan good fortune suddenly burst into light!

The light of the beacon suddenly began to change, and finally formed a figure.

And this figure is exactly the same as the Wang Xian not far away!

This sudden change caused the strong Tianyuan good fortune beside him to be taken aback, and immediately stood up immediately!

An expression of excitement bloomed in his eyes.

“Teacher, what’s the situation?”

The other three strong Tianyuan good fortune saw his sudden change and looked at him in amazement.

“The light of divination is on, and there are strong men with star fragments appearing around!”

The strong Tianyuan good fortune said with excitement on his face!

“Really? It’s such a coincidence that the Star Territory Fragments appeared around, teach ancestors, this is your treasure, we must get it!”

The faces of the other three strong Tianyuan good fortune were also full of surprises.

The heavenly origin of good fortune, the most treasured star field, is the most treasure of the birth of their universe.

Because they taught the ancestors to enter the riot zone with the treasure in hand, they were attacked by the Chaos Stone.

Not only fell inside, even the star field was broken into pieces!

The power of the Tianyuan Good Fortune Supreme Treasure Star Territory is very huge, especially in the riot area, it has a great advantage.

Once their exquisite cosmos good heaven saints, also relying on this treasure of heavenly origin, are the strongest in the exquisite universe.

And created the most powerful force in Linglong Universe, Good Heaven.

Use the star field to enter this chaotic area and get a lot of resources.

Even the three of them were able to break through because they taught their ancestors.

But unfortunately, the fragments of this star field, they have been searching for tens of billions of years, and they have not been able to collect them.

Now it actually senses the existence of the star field fragments.

How can this not surprise them!


The sage of Shantian condensed his eyes, without any hesitation, holding the lamp of divination and flew towards the outside instantly!

The other three good fortune powerhouses of the heavenly realm followed closely behind!


Soon, they stopped in the void, looking at the figure in front of them.


At this time, Wang Xian, who was observing the situation inside the riot area, suddenly sensed four eyes staring at him, with a surprised look on his face.

He looked around and looked at the four figures.

“Avenue level!”

When Wang Xian fell on the old man holding a simple oil lamp, his eyes narrowed slightly!

At the avenue level, the aura is weaker than that of the Shadowfall Demon Emperor.

It should be an existence that has just stepped into the avenue level!

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