4286 Born-18 Nov 1974

“grown ups!”

Thousands of disciples of Natian universe heard Wang Xian’s words with a look of confusion on their faces!

They were a little frightened.

If what the adult is saying is true, then where will they go in the future of the universe?

“Give you an item. In the future, if the saints of the universe are resurrected and then slaughter you creatures, or the strong of the evil sequence camp come to slaughter you, engrave words on it. If I have time, I can come over! ”

“If you are killed accidentally, I will come here to see!”

With a wave of Wang Xian’s arm, he threw a branch of the soul-returning wood to the old man in the front.

As long as the old man engraved the words on the soul-returning wood branches, then Wang Xian would be able to sense that if he had time, he could come and help!

Wang Xian is not the Virgin, but seeing this tragic universe, I can’t bear all the creatures being slaughtered!

However, it is obviously impossible for him to sit here forever.

This method is supposed to be a small help to the creatures of the Natian universe.

In addition, the two saints of Haoyang and Buddha, Wang Xian looked very upset at them.

He also said to retaliate against him and make Jiuyuan Universe pay the price?

Then Wang Xian played with them to the end.

If the disciple of Natian Universe really reported the information to himself, then he would not mind coming over, and then slaughter the Buddha and Haoyang Saints!

After Wang Xian gave the soul-returning wood to the old man, he disappeared immediately after his figure moved!

Thousands of disciples of Natian Universe left behind, kneeling there blankly!


The headed old man sighed, and cherished the soul-returning wood branches into his arms!

Maybe, at a critical time, this is their life-saving straw!


“Go to the riot zone!”

Wang Xianfei cashed in the universe, looked at the route on the map, and made a decision in his mind.

In the chaos, not all is gray and dead.

In the chaos, there are the giant chaos beasts, the god of the elements, and in addition, there are some special areas.

The riot zone is one of this special field!

In the chaos, as long as it is not a gray place, there must be a great terror, a great crisis, and a great opportunity.

The weakest thing that can be special in the chaos is to dominate the peak realm.

Riot area, according to the treasure map and some records on the map, this is an area with very violent energy!

The violent energy must have an evolutionary treasure born.

However, Wang Xian didn’t know the specific situation of the riot area.

“To reach the riot zone, you need to go through the Justice League.”

Wang Xian secretly said in his heart, flying quickly in the chaotic space.

It would take him at least tens of millions of years to fly over such a long distance!

“It’s a little far away, let’s see if there is a teleportation station between Youyu Zhou after arriving at the Justice League!”

Wang Xian murmured.

Time passed day by day, millions of years in the blink of an eye!

Wang Xian has been flying for hundreds of years and has come within the scope of the Justice Sequence Alliance universe!

He stared at a universe ahead and flew directly over.

Entering the Justice Sequence Alliance universe, the Tianyuan Communicator that Wang Xian bought from Justice Cosmos can communicate and view information!

The Tianyuan Communicator is shrouded around the Justice Sequence Alliance.

If Wang Xian were in Jiuyuan Universe, he would not receive information.

Cannot be used!

Here, you can use it!

Wang Xian searched for information through the Tianyuan Communicator, and then continued to fly towards the Justice League.

Within the Justice Sequence Alliance, many universes have opened up the teleportation array.

It originally took tens of thousands of years to fly to reach another universe. Through the transfer of the teleportation array, it only took more than ten days to reach it!

It can be said that the time has been greatly shortened!

If Wang Xian passes the teleportation array, it can save seven or eight million years!

Continuing to fly forward, 20,000 years later, Wang Xian came into a universe.

This is a powerful universe, which belongs to the powerful existence within the Justice Sequence Alliance.

This planet has a teleportation array that teleports to other universes.

Wang Xian began to teleport one by one through the teleportation array.

Ten days later, I came to another universe and continued to teleport.

A few months later, he came to the justice universe.

Coming to this prosperous universe again, Wang Xian took a break here, turned on the Tianyuan communicator, and took a detailed look!

“The information requested by other universes in the Justice League is much less, but there are quite a few universes that have joined the Justice League!”

Wang Xian looked at the information and said in his heart.

The forces of the Justice League began to radiate toward the surroundings.

More and more universes want to join the Justice League!

Joining the Justice League does have a lot of benefits for some weak universes.

At least in the face of powerful intruders, there is some protection.

In addition, he received a message.

In the evil sequence camp, there are currently very few attacks on the Justice Sequence Alliance universe.

The powerhouses of these evil sequence camps turned their goals to start with other neutral universes.

Wang Xian looked at the information, and then exchanged some of the space attribute treasures in his hand into resources that he could use.

Trading in the justice universe is still very convenient.

As long as there are enough resources, the most precious fragments of Tianyuan’s good fortune can be exchanged.

Even some breakthrough places can be exchanged.

Wang Xian stayed in the Justice Universe for a while, and then continued to rush towards the riot area.

Through the teleportation array and flying, it traveled again for millions of years.

“In the chaos around here, you can find quite a few strong disciples.”

The closer to the riot zone, the more powerful disciples Wang Xian found.

The strong in the realm of good fortune in Tianyuan, the disciple who dominates the realm of pinnacle.

I can come across it every few years.

The density of this strong and disciple is already very high!

“It seems that many strong disciples in this riot zone are aware of it, and many strong disciples will rush over!”

Wang Xian secretly said in his heart.

In the special area in the chaos, fools know that there are treasures.

Even a powerful treasure of heavenly origin can be bred from the chaos!

Wang Xian continued to fly forward, and soon an area emitting gray light appeared in his line of sight!

Wang Xian looked at the place where the gray light was blooming, with a look of error on his face.

The area covered by the gray light is much wider and larger than the light and coverage area of ​​a universe!

There was an energy that made Wang Xiandu feel heart palpitations.

The gray light is somewhat different from the chaotic blackish gray.

The gray here is relatively light and also exudes luster.

In the area covered by the gray light, there are some light spots of other colors!

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