Chapter 4283

“I beseech your sage, save our disciples of Natian Universe!”

More than 10,000 disciples of the powerful Natian universe knelt in front of Wang Xian, begging!

They are at a dead end, no matter who Wang Xian or the others are, they just want the other party to be able to save them!

Wang Xian looked at the more than 10,000 disciples and looked at their pleading expressions, and sighed in his heart!

“The Dragon King comes from the Nine Origins Universe, I didn’t want to care about the matter of the universe, and I shouldn’t care about it!”

Wang Xian looked at them and said in his mouth, following a wave of his arm, a sharp sword hung from the old man in the front flew into his hand.

“This sword is just a reward!”

He spoke, looking at them: “Wait a moment, you guys show the way!”

After he finished speaking, he looked at the clerks from the Hetian Sage: “Hetian Sage, you don’t have to participate in this matter!”

“It’s the Dragon King!”

The sage Hetian nodded his head and arched his hands towards Wang Xian: “Then I and the book will go back first, the grace of the Dragon King, we sage will always remember it!”

In matters here, their participation is not too great!

And they also clearly see that the Dragon King has its own arrangements, and they can’t help much if they follow the Dragon King!

“Well, you give these two corpses to the senior demon king of the Fallen Shadow, it is said that my dragon king gave the demon clan a reward for sitting in the Jiuyuan Universe, and let him take care of the dragon palace when I am away!”

With a wave of his arm, Wang Xian directly gave the corpses of the Saints of Haoyang and the Buddha to the Heavenly Saints!

Giving the Shadow Falling Demon King two corpses with a control-level existence is also a reward.

In the next period of time, Wang Xian is going to travel in the chaos, and may not stay in Jiuyuan Universe often.

So the comfort of Jiuyuan Universe depends on the Shadowfall Demon Emperor.

Although the Fallen Shadow Demon Emperor said that he was sitting in Jiuyuan Universe.

But Wang Xian had to express it anyway.

In addition, there are still enemies in the Dragon Palace.

The Emperor of Phoenix, as well as the saint of Buddha and Haoyang who were slain, may retaliate.

So give the Fallen Shadow Demon Emperor some treasures, and let him better sit in the Jiuyuan Universe and protect the Dragon Palace!

The value of these two bodies is very high!

The Saints of the Buddha and the Saints of Haoyang joined hands, and the Shadowfall Demon Emperor couldn’t kill them.

This level of resources, it is no exaggeration to say, can increase the demon clan by 60 or 70 people to dominate the pinnacle realm.

It is even possible to give birth to an existence that can break through the shackles.

After all, this is the corpse of a powerful master!

“Huh? It’s the Dragon King!”

Hetian saint took the two corpses, marveling at the grandeur of the Dragon King in his heart.

This is too huge than resources!

The resources that are so huge that the whole saint’s line can not be exchanged for these two corpses.

This preciousness, even if it is used by the Hetian Saint himself, he is sure that within a few billion years, his strength will be improved.

“Dragon King, we will definitely send the resources to the hands of the seniors of the Fallen Demon Emperor, and we will also explain everything!”

Hetian saint said again, arching his hands towards Wang Xian!

“Well, pay attention to safety when you go back!”

Wang Xian nodded.

“Dragon King, don’t worry!”

The sage Hetian nodded: “When encountering danger, I can remotely contact the Universe Brain and forcefully go back directly!”


Wang Xian nodded.

Hetian saint arched his hands towards Wang Xian, the book student bowed deeply, and the two quickly left!

When Wang Xian saw them leave, his eyes fell on the tens of thousands of Natian universe disciples!

“I will take you there!”

Wang Xian looked at them and said!

“It’s Lord Saint, thank you, thank you!”

The old man headed hastily responded: “My lord, they are now slaughtering the Southern Ming Region, and many planets have been slaughtered by them!”


With a wave of Wang Xian’s arm, a soul-storing power entered the old man’s mind. He immediately grasped the specific information!

“Let’s go!”

With a wave of Wang Xian’s arm, the energy dragon looked for them, and instantly came to the position of a teleportation array!

In the palace of the saint, there is a teleportation array that teleports to various planets.

Wang Xian led them into the teleportation formation, glanced at them, and entered directly!

As soon as the picture turned, they appeared on another planet!

“Flee, the cold planet is undergoing a terrible slaughter, let’s run away and escape into the starry sky!”

“Where is our sage? Where is our Haoyang sage?”

“The saints of the rest of the universe came to slaughter us, run away!”

As soon as it was teleported to this planet, noisy sounds came from all around!

The foundations of countless Natian universes are fleeing madly.

They roared in horror!

The creatures on the planets were directly annihilated, and a planet was annihilated within a few minutes.

This kind of horrible thing makes them frightened!

“Master Saint, according to the news that the disciple got, those three demons can be directly teleported over here on the planet Cold Fa!”

Behind him, the old man with the name of the head, reported to Wang Xianhui!


Wang Xian nodded, with a move of energy, covering them, teleporting directly to another teleportation array!

Immediately after, they entered the teleportation array again!


“No, no, no!”


When they came to the cold planet through the teleportation array, the sound of howling, screaming, and panic came to their ears!

“It’s them, it’s them!”

“What a terrifying breath!”

“They are demons!”

The tens of thousands of disciples in Natian Universe who followed Wang Xian looked around, with a look of horror on their faces.

Their bodies trembled a little.

In the surrounding void, countless blood-red scary phantoms passed directly through the bodies of the disciples of the universe.

The blood-red shadow passed, leaving a rotten bone.

These shadows, originally black, are now bleeding.

Thousands of disciples of Natian universe watched this scene tremblingly!

At this moment, suddenly thousands of blood-red hideous shadows rushed towards them!

This gave them a look of horror.

Wang Xian stood there quietly, looking around, a pair of dragon eyes penetrating everything, looking towards the void.

He saw three figures floating in the void.

Looking at this scene with indifference and ferocious eyes!

“Damn it!”

Wang Xian murmured, and at the same time, an aura burst out of his body!


In the next moment, the energy of Jiucai burst out from his body, sweeping towards the entire planet!



All the horror phantoms made the sound of dissolving.

Painful screams came from those weird shadows!

In an instant, the evil energy of the entire planet was directly wiped out!

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