Chapter 4281 The Sorrow Of The Universe

Wang Xian’s powerful shot suppressed, directly beheading the two powerful celestial elements of Natian universe!

Levitating in the air, he scanned the surroundings.

This is the lair of the two powerful celestial elements in Natian universe.

There are a lot of treasures and resources here!

Some treasure resources, they may be hidden in very secret places.

But things like some sacred trees and sacred grasses are planted around their lair.

The two great celestial fortune powerhouses occupy 80% of the resources of the entire universe.

The amount of these resources is huge, only a little less than that of the Void Universe!

For Wang Xian, it is also a huge treasure that is rare!

“Book student, break through here!”

Wang Xian moved his body, causing the body of the Void Dragon to search for all the treasures.

He said to the clerical student with a smile on his face!

“It’s your Majesty the Dragon King!”

The book student nodded to Wang Xian respectfully.

For the current Dragon King, he has great respect in his heart.

Even if he broke through this time, in front of the Dragon King, it was just an existence that could be killed in a flash!

As soon as the book clerk moved his body, he began to break through!

This is the center of the Natian universe. Breaking through here can shorten the time by ten times compared to the position just now!

The intensity of energy is different!

The book and clerical student began to make a rapid breakthrough!

Wang Xian stood there and watched quietly. This time, no other strong people came to interfere!

At the same time, it is located in two places in the Natian universe.

The holy sage of Haoyang and the sage of Buddha are resurrected again in a very secret place!

They felt the power of the breakthrough from the strong in the central position, and their faces were extremely embarrassed!

“Damn, the loss this time is too big, that damn guy!”

Their eyes were red, and their eyes were full of anger and unwillingness!

But this time, they dare not make any provocations!

The two took out the communication stone tray and contacted each other, and made a decision immediately!


At this moment, it is located on a life planet in the Natian universe.

The three black-robed elders from the evil sequence camp suddenly received a message from the Haoyang Saint and the Buddha Saint, and they looked at each other!

“I didn’t expect that the Haoyang Saint and the Buddha Saint were directly killed by the mysterious strong man. The mysterious strong man is really terrifying. In our evil sequence camp, it is also a shock to the existence of one party!”

A black-robed old man couldn’t help but said!

“These two guys are really good, they are willing to make more deals with us, but now, they seem to be in a very weak period, hehe!”

A black-robed old man’s eyes flickered, and his eyes were full of cold and sorrowful expressions.

“Are you going to do it directly? But those two guys are a bit harsh. If we snatch it directly, they might retaliate against us!”

Another black-robed old man hesitated and said.

They are the strong in the evil sequence camp, and they treat other creatures like ants.

However, the Haoyang Saints and Buddha Saints who traded with them this time are not good people either.

They must report it, and they still need to pay attention to this!

“Do it directly. Now that they are at their weakest time, we are slaughtering them directly. Why do we have to deal with them? Revenge on us? They dare to come to us and let them pay the price!”

The last black-robed old man said with a cold face!


The other two black-robed elders hesitated, nodded and licked their lips, their eyes filled with sorrowful expressions!

They looked at the creatures on this planet, and the corners of their mouths were slightly cocked!


In the next moment, they floated to the sky above.

With a wave of their arms, the three flags flew out directly.

The blood-red flag is full of weird horror and blood!

The blood-red energy flowed above, like an ocean of blood.

In these seas of blood, there are also black creatures and shadows, with ugly faces sticking out their claws, as if they are about to break free and tear everything in the world!

The three weird and terrifying flags grew larger in the wind, and the black and terrifying creatures phantoms in the blood sea broke free from them.

They flew towards the entire planet at a terrifying speed.

“What is this?”

“It’s so horrible and evil, run away!”


On the planet, all living creatures were shocked by this ominous breath!

They feel the deep fear from the soul.

All the creatures flee madly.

But those black strange creatures and ghosts, the speed is even more terrifying.

They directly penetrated the phantom of a creature, and the living creature instantly turned into a skeleton.

A decayed skeleton!

It seems to have been dead for countless years!

And that weird black hideous phantom, the black glow on his body is more prosperous, and there is a pool of blood around it!

Countless black strange figures quickly raged across the planet.

The creatures and humans on the planet have no room for resistance at all!

The screams kept ringing.

The panic spread to the entire planet.

However, this terrible disaster lasted only a few minutes!

The whole planet is silent!

There is not a living creature.

“Jie Jie Jie, it’s been a long time since I raised the Soul Refining Blood Sea Flag so coolly. Next, I have to improve it!”

A black robe couldn’t help laughing wildly.

“Ha ha!”

The other two also had grim smiles on their faces.

There was blood flowing on their black robes.

The three black-robed elders moved directly into the teleportation formation and headed to the next planet!

This is a brutal and inhumane massacre!

It comes from the slaughter of weak creatures by the strong in Tianyuan’s good fortune.

This is also a sorrow of the universe!

Wang Xian didn’t know what happened here.

At this moment, he was located not far from the clerical student, holding a communication stone tray and looking at some information.

This communication stone plate was obtained from an expert in the realm of the master of the universe.

From the communication stone disk, Wang Xian has a detailed understanding of this Natian universe!

In the universe that day, the Buddha of Buddha and the Saint of Haoyang were sitting in the palace of the saints.

Do not participate in anything else in the universe.

Let them develop.

But what all the creatures in Natian universe don’t know is that these strong disciples are just their two saints, free-range livestock.

As long as there is use value, it can be directly used for trading.

You can take your life directly.

There is a record of an event not long ago in the communication slate.

It is said that there are creatures in the universe of Natian, who disrespect the saints, and the saints punish them.

Hundreds of thousands of planetary creatures have all been wiped out.

This incident caused quite a stir, but there was no Youyu Zhousheng, who dared to belittle the two saints!

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