Chapter 4274 Departure Full Of Loads

The strong disciples of the Void Dynasty were extremely frightened.

The palace of the dynasty, which seemed invincible to them, was violently destroyed!

Some royal family powerhouses immediately spread the news to the heavenly good fortune powerhouses in the void universe.

Pass it to His Majesty the Holy King!

The chaotic void.

The Void King and the others quickly shuttled, and the Void Tower teleported from time to time.

They move very fast!

The failure this time made their faces very embarrassing!

The Void King sat on the throne of the Void Tower, staring coldly at the front.

The failure of the Jiuyuan Universe is the strength of the Jiuyuan Universe.

Then this amount of calamity will not be able to fight against the Jiuyuan Universe like the previous amount of calamity!

Evolution requires some changes!

Although the Cosmic Brain is very important to him, at this time, he has to give up!

Improve your own strength and the strength of the Void Dynasty first!

He secretly said in his heart!


At this moment, a message came from his communicator!

At this moment, not only him, but the rest of the heavenly origin powerhouses in the void universe also got this information.

When the Void King opened the communicator and saw the content on it, his body was shaken.


He stood up directly, and the horrible breath radiated towards the surroundings!

His eyes widened and his face was full of cold killing intent!

“Dynasty Palace has been attacked? Shenlong? How could this be possible? How could the dragon of the Nine Source Universe appear in the void universe, and it can break into the palace, and ordinary control level can’t do it!”

The king of the void looked at this message with embarrassment!

“It’s the Dragon King of Dragon Palace!”

However, when he saw the information confirmed by Duke Xining, his face changed drastically!

“How could he suddenly appear in the void universe, how could he rush over so quickly?”

The Void King’s face is extremely gloomy!


At this time, the surrounding Void Towers were close to him, and the powerhouses of the heavenly origin came to the front of the Void King!

“The King, Duke Xining and the palace have all heard news that something has happened over there!”

The middle-aged in golden armor spoke with embarrassment!

“I rushed over immediately, the damn Dragon King, the Dragon King, actually ruined my palace, damn guy!”

The Void King shouted with a gloomy face!

With a move of his palm, he took out a treasure.

He gritted his teeth and suspended the treasure in front of him.

The treasure is a mirror.


He smashed the mirror, his body went directly into the mirror, and his body disappeared!

This treasure is a one-off.

Teleport over a long distance!

This kind of treasure is also a strategic treasure for the Void King.

It can make him return directly to the void universe from a very remote place!

Under normal circumstances, he is absolutely reluctant to use it!

But now, his palace has been destroyed by the Dragon King of the Dragon Palace!

You know, his palace, but he has built it for countless years before it has its current scale.

There are a lot of treasures inside, as well as the defenses he built.

Now, it is being destroyed!

The King of the Void rushed over directly, and the other powerful tianyuan creation experts in the Void Universe frowned.

“According to the news from the Void Universe, the palace has been severely damaged, and the king will probably be angry.”

A strong man in the void universe said helplessly!

At the same time, in the void universe.

Because of the fall of Duke Xining this time, he was directly resurrected in the void universe.

He looked very embarrassed looking at the message sent by his hand.

The Dragon King of the Dragon Palace actually killed him!

this? ? ?

He sighed helplessly.

The successive deaths made him no longer have the kind of treasure that can be resurrected without injury.

He is now comparable to the weakest Tianyuan good fortune powerhouse.

He needs a lot of time to recover from his injury.

At this time, he did not dare to trouble the Dragon King.

With the strength of the Dragon King, he can easily be killed in seconds.

He has already seen the terrible Dragon King!


At this time, it was located above the palace of the Void Dynasty.

A crack appeared in the void, and a mirror appeared!

Immediately afterwards, the Void King walked out of the mirror.

When the Void King saw the situation of his own palace below, a terrifying breath broke out directly from his body!

His eyes were instantly red with blood!

“Dragon Palace, Dragon King!”

“I am going to kill you!”

The original white gaze of the Void King was bloodshot, his gaze saw the figure of the Dragon King still raging in front, and roared violently!

At this moment, when the Void King arrived, Wang Xian had already discovered it.

Seeing his violent look, the energy boiled all over his body.

Wang Xian smiled.

“King of the Void, if you dare to come to my Nine Source Universe to kill people, I dare to slaughter people in your Void Universe, and come and go without being indecent. The grievances between us are just the beginning!”

“Huh, it will be long in the future!”

Wang Xian said coldly!

This time, although Jiuyuan Universe suffered heavy losses.

Tens of millions of creatures were killed.

But here in the Void Dynasty, the loss is also huge!

Especially the strong in the realm they dominate.

You know, the loss of the powerful in the Nine Source Universe is less than one-fifth of the Void Dynasty!


Wang Xian’s voice fell, and his figure moved.

An Lie on the side enveloped him, and they disappeared instantly!

“The Dragon King of Dragon Palace!”

The Void King flew towards him with the power of terrifying space.

There are horrible cracks in the space around him!

However, before he rushed over, Wang Xian had disappeared!

The Void King couldn’t feel Wang Xian’s breath, and his body trembled a little.

His eyes swept around.

Eighty percent of the entire palace has been destroyed.

All the treasures, sacred trees, and some precious items were looted.

Although his most precious treasure is placed in a secret place, the treasures and resources in the palace are also very scary!

In particular, there is a treasure that almost possesses the power of the realm of good fortune in Tianyuan!

In addition, the loss of the Void Dynasty Legion is too great!

The most elite force in the void universe is on the side of the void dynasty palace.

Half a million powerful people who dominate the realm.

They are all top existences in the realm of dominance in the void universe.

The strength is not lower than the third-order realm of the universe’s dominance.

However, such a strongest legion force was now completely wiped out by the Dragon King of the Dragon Palace.

Among them, those with resurrection treasures are even at most one percent!


It’s too tragic!

This time their loss to the void universe is too tragic!

The body of the Void King trembled slightly, and his breathing was a bit short!

It has been a long, long time, they haven’t lost so much in the void universe!

“The Dragon King of Dragon Palace!”

He gritted his teeth bitterly and shouted in a low voice.

However, there is some helplessness!

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