4272 Born-18 Nov 1974

Wang Xian flew all the way in the direction of Void Dynasty!

Before long, a huge palace appeared in sight!

In the surrounding locations, there are also a large number of strong disciples coming in and out!

These are all royal disciples of the Void Dynasty!

The entire void dynasty palace is extremely large, he stands in the most central position of the void universe, as if overlooking the entire universe!

Wang Xian looked at the palace of the Void Dynasty with a shocked expression on his face.

The scale and power of this void dynasty far surpassed ten dragon palaces!

The energy vortex of space condenses in the sky!

The entire void dynasty, as if not from this space, but in a deeper space!

On both sides of the entrance to the dynasty palace, there are rows of soldiers!

The uniform armor of these soldiers all dominates the existence of the realm.

Sweeping past tens of thousands of people at a glance, there is no one below the realm of dominance!

Located at the gate of the dynasty palace, a flag is flying!

A banner made of powerful treasures stands in the sky, swinging regularly.

There is a sense of horror on it.

Wang Xian had no doubt that if a strong Tianyuan good fortune broke through directly, he would be suppressed by this banner.

This is not the power of the flag itself, but the power of the entire dynasty palace.

The entire dynasty palace was built on a large number of planets, containing the energy of the planet!

This energy, condensed together and transmitted to the banner, can burst out a vast power!

Wang Xian looked from a distance, with a shocked expression on his face.

At least this method is not available in Dragon Palace!

He looked at the entire void dynasty palace with gleaming eyes.

“It’s really a powerful force, I feel that even if there is no strong Tianyuan good fortune in it, even if a strong Tianyuan good fortune at the control level steps into it, it can be resisted!”

Wang Xian murmured.

This void dynasty palace is far more powerful than what the eyes can see!

According to the feeling of his body of the Void Dragon, this Void Dynasty Palace is in another level of space!

In this space, there are all kinds of complicated spaces!

Ordinary newcomers who break into Tianyuan’s good fortune will immediately get lost in it and suffer a terrible attack!

Even if it is a control level break in, you will be trapped!

The Void Universe, their use of the power of space, has reached a terrifying realm!

“It’s really profound. If the Void King sits here, the entire palace will be even more terrifying!”

Wang Xian spoke.

Thinking of the heavenly treasure of the Void King.

A space attribute Tianyuan good fortune offensive treasure!

If Wang Xian adds all his hole cards and fights with the Void King, he will have an extra combat power that has reached the level of the good fortune of Tian Yuan!

This gap is very small.

“It might be difficult for me to sneak in!”

Wang Xian secretly said in his heart, concealing his figure, and flew towards the palace of the void dynasty.

When he arrived at the entrance, the surrounding void universe couldn’t sense his existence at all.

Looking at the invisible energy ahead, Wang Xian walked straight into it!


When he just entered inside, the banner of the Void Dynasty that was not far away trembled slightly.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Xian sensed a powerful force of space and moved toward him!

The movement here immediately attracted the attention of the surrounding soldiers!

“Be careful, there are intruders!”

A strong man who dominated the pinnacle realm condensed his eyes, and immediately looked towards the direction locked by the power of space, his eyes were full of murderous aura!

All the other soldiers, holding weapons, stare!


Wang Xian felt the power coming towards him, and his eyes were cold!

This force is indeed strong, but it is not enough to hurt him.

His gaze condensed, and a light burst out from the dragon’s eyes, directly slashing towards the banner of the Void Dynasty!


Under the powerful force, the banner of the Void Dynasty was directly cut off!

At the same time, Wang Xian revealed his figure, his eyes scanned the surrounding void universe’s strong disciple, his eyes were full of killing intent.

“The Void Universe broke into my Nine Source Universe, killing countless disciples, coming and going without being indecent. Today, this Dragon King is here to kill!”

Wang Xian swept his gaze towards the strong disciple of the Void Universe on both sides, and waved his arm!


A burst of energy directly beheaded more than 10,000 powerhouses on both sides of the dominating realm.

Their bodies were directly collected by Wang Xian!

Following closely, Wang Xian stepped towards the palace of the Void Dynasty!


Just stepping inside, Wang Xian felt the surrounding scene change, as if he had entered another space!

This space is endless, and the palace building just now has completely disappeared.


Wang Xian gave a low voice.


He roared and immediately turned into the body of a dragon, the surrounding space collapsed, and the palace of the Void Dynasty appeared in sight!

At the same time, Wang Xian’s huge body of the dragon was exposed above the palace of the Void Dynasty!

The huge divine dragon that suddenly appeared, immediately attracted the attention of the legions in the entire void universe palace!

A famous expert saw Wang Xian appear, his face changed drastically!

“There is an enemy invasion, all the strong, resist foreign enemies!”

A strong man who dominates the peak realm immediately flew to the sky above and shouted loudly.

The voice spread throughout the palace!

“Quick battle!”

Wang Xian’s eyes condensed, and the dragon’s eyes scanned the surroundings.

His body is extremely violent and powerful!


Wang Xian roared wildly, opened the dragon’s mouth, a breath of dragon, pouring straight forward!

All buildings, all defenses, under Wang Xian’s attack, instantly collapsed!

On his body, the Five Elements Great Mo, Tai Chi Dragon Disk and the body of the Void Dragon, rushed directly forward.

They targeted a strong disciple of the Void Universe, ready to massacre!

This time, the Void Kings slaughtered a large number of strong disciples of the Nine Source Universe.

Wang Xian wants them to pay the price.

Pay a tragic price!

The dragon’s eyes swept across, and he sensed in front of the palace, more than 200,000 disciples of the Void Universe powerhouse in the dominating realm were gathering quickly!

He swayed his huge body and flew past instantly!

Although the palace of the Void Dynasty is huge, but Wang Xian wants to fly from one side to the other in only ten seconds!

Before the army of the Void Dynasty had assembled, the Dragon King had already arrived above them!

“No, it’s a powerhouse of the Tianyuan Good Fortune level, and the defense of our Void Dynasty Palace is useless to him, the opponent’s strength is very terrifying!”

A powerful man from the Void Dynasty royal family saw Wang Xian flying over instantly, and shouted with horror on his face!

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