Chapter 4258 The third fight, the price! Down

“Water forbidden curse, life shock!”

The master-level king of the gods who was attacked by the body of the void dragon, after seeing his companions flee.

When I want to escape immediately.

Wang Xian’s attack has arrived!

When he hadn’t taken out the escape treasure, he felt the flesh and blood in his body, and all the vitality was trembling violently.

A symbol condensed by horrible water energy entered his body!

He felt that his body was about to collapse!

“Ah, baptism of faith!”

He roared in pain, and the clothes on his body bloomed with a bright light of faith.

Pieces of special faith particles flooded into his body!

The baptism of faith cleans out the shock of the life shock of the water curse!

“Some means!”

Wang Xian raised his brow slightly when he saw that he had broken his attack.

The body of the Void Dragon instantly submerged into his body, blessing the energy in his body.

The Tai Chi dragon plate also suspended around him, fusing on his dragon scales!

“Dragon Domain!”

Wang Xian’s body shook, and the surrounding scene changed instantly!

A nine-color dragon domain shrouded the king of gods in it.


When the Nine-Colored Rays appeared, a golden dragon appeared in front of him and attacked him!


“Damn the goddess.”

The king who believes in the gods of the universe saw this scene with a look of horror. He couldn’t help but cursed his escaped companion, and his heart was very frightened!

As soon as Sheng Tianyang left, now he faces the Dragon King of Dragon Palace alone!

And the strength of the Dragon King of Dragon Palace made him feel desperate!

The gap is too big!

At this level, the possibility of running away is extremely slim!

“The Holy Spring of Faith!”

He roared and raised his fist. The whole fist seemed to be turned into a holy fountain, and the continuous power of faith was attacking the golden dragon!


Under his attack, the Golden Dragon slowly began to dissipate.


But at the moment when the Golden Dragon disappeared, a blue dragon followed and attacked him!

Every blow is comparable to the blow of an avenue-level powerhouse!


This time, the king of the gods who believed in the universe could not resist, and directly vomited blood!

After the Qinglong attack ended, a water dragon appeared and attacked directly towards his body.

The terrifying power made him disappear quickly!

He took out a treasure with difficulty, and his badly injured body recovered more than half of it.

But he is not allowed to flee, the fire dragon appears!

“No, no, no!”

Believing in the universe, the king of the gods showed a look of despair.

The gap is too big!

Especially when Wang Xian did his best.

In the case of direct use of a strong field.

Not a level of battle.

Now Wang Xian, without relying on the power of the body, only the power of the ancestor tree blessing, the body of the void dragon, and the power of the Tai Chi dragon disk can be tied with him.

Plus the Wangxian body?

It’s maddening!

“How can you improve so fast?”

When the fire dragon’s attack was over, the king of the gods who believed in the universe was almost devoid of vitality. He stared at Wang Xian dying and asked in disbelief.

It is too difficult and too difficult for a strong person at the Tianyuan good fortune level to improve.

But the Dragon King of the Dragon Palace, in less than 200 million years, has risen so terribly.

It just made him tremble.

He has no doubt that the strength of the Dragon King of the Dragon Palace is much stronger than the strongest person in the universe they believe in!

Among the avenue levels, there is also an upper-middle existence.

I am not injustice to die!

But the dead are not reconciled!

The guy Shengtianyang ran so fast that he couldn’t escape at all!

The treasure of escape was killed if it couldn’t be taken out at all!



Wang Xian did not answer his nonsense, did not give him any breathing time!

He flew over and waved his dragon claw, ending his life!

After the beheading, Wang Xian did not hesitate to put his body away.

The Dragon Domain disappeared in an instant, and he looked to the side position.

“How can this be?”

When the dragon domain disappeared, at the side position, the king of the gods at the control level who fought fiercely with the godsend, had already fleeed while fighting!

When Sheng Tianyang roared in fear, he had a bad premonition in his heart.

Especially when he saw Sheng Tianyang escape through the treasure of escape, he made a decisive decision and wanted to escape.

However, he was not willing to use the treasure on his body to escape.

In his opinion, although Sheng Tianyang has escaped, the Dragon King is now going to kill his other control-level companion.

When his town killed him, it was enough for him to escape.

But he miscalculated. He didn’t expect that his own companion, the king of the gods at the control level, would be beheaded in such a short period of time!

How is this possible, how strong is the Dragon King?

He was horrified, without the slightest hesitation, instantly took out the treasure of escape!


In the position ahead, Tianci, who had been fighting with him, saw this scene, his eyes condensed.

The branch in his hand turned into a horrible sharp wooden sword, and he cut it directly at him to prevent him from escaping!

“Damn it!”

The king of the gods who controlled the level saw this scene, his face was extremely embarrassed.

However, he did not resist the heaven-sent attack, and still took out the treasure of escape and injected energy.


The wooden sword carrying the most treasured power of Tianyuan’s good fortune slashed towards his body from top to bottom, splitting his body into two parts!

However, a section of his body was grabbed by a pair of arms and disappeared immediately!

Only the other half of the body was left, and he fell slowly!


Seeing this scene, Tianci raised his brows slightly.

Wang Xian saw a slight smile on his face.

This powerful Tianyuan good fortune at the control level escaped.

However, it paid the price of half a body!

This half of the body is also a huge treasure for other Tianyuan strong people.

In particular, his body contains a huge power of faith, which is of great benefit to God-given cultivation!

It’s also a good harvest!

In Chaos, the king of the gods who had first entered the rank of Tianyuan’s good fortune had already escaped through the treasure.

After seeing Sheng Tianyang escape, he ran away without hesitation.

After all, he is the weakest, more timid and stable.

At this point, the four kings of gods who believed in the universe left half of their bodies!

“Foster father, you killed the king of the gods?”

Seeing that the battle was over in a short period of time, Tianci looked at Wang Xian and asked fiercely.

“Kill one!”

Wang Xian smiled and nodded!

“The Dragon King is mighty, you really are invincible, Dragon King!”

Chaos shook slightly aside.

The powerful belief in the gods of the universe was cut by the Dragon King and fled.

The dragon king now is too scary!

If you want to kill him, you can easily kill it!

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