Chapter 4256 The third fight, the price! superior

Believing in the four kings of the gods of the universe, they spent more than a billion years on the layout of the starry universe.

In addition, a lot of money was paid!

After being destroyed by the Dragon King, they are naturally very unwilling!

Although they can’t fight the Dragon King, they can’t fight the Jiuyuan Universe, but they will not make the Dragon King better.

After talking for a while, the four of them flew towards one place.

They have obtained detailed information through the eyeliner arranged in the starry sky and universe.

It is still the Dragon King and his party.

The four kings of gods who believe in the universe have also thoroughly figured out the strength of the dragon king and theirs!

With their strength, although they are not the opponents of the Dragon King, it is completely impossible to say that the Dragon King wants to kill them.

“Last time the Dragon King drove us away, he might use a special tracking method to chase Qianjiang Beast Emperor. This time we can’t make it the same way. We go straight and attack the horned beast king first. escape!”

“In this way, let him leave quickly, and then we will pester the dragon king for some time!”

Four kings of gods who believe in the universe are discussing and making decisions!

What happened last time can’t happen again!

This time, let the Dragon King and their plans be completely disturbed!

After a few people discussed, they moved up and speeded up a bit!

A few months later, they caught up with the Beast King from the flank position.

“Do it!”

The four kings of gods who believed in the universe glanced at each other without hesitation.

They knew that the Dragon King was in the rear.

They do it, and the Dragon Palace and Dragon King will quickly rush over.

The four of them immediately started, and the terrifying energy was covered by the Beast King!

The terrifying power made the Beast King slightly startled, with a look of jealousy and horror on his face.

The Beast Emperor can sense that he is not their opponent at all!


At the same time, when they started, they were in the rear position, Wang Xian also felt it completely.

It was sensed that the four kings of the gods were about to attack the Beast King.

This made Wang Xian’s brows furrowed, and immediately speeded up, with a cold expression in his eyes.


Chaos Godsends them sensed, their eyes condensed, and they flew over.

Ten seconds later, when Wang Xian flew past, he immediately saw that the Beast Emperor had suffered a huge attack, was resisting, and was fleeing at an accelerated speed!

“Leave the power of wind and thunder on him!”

Wang Xian’s face changed slightly, his eyes condensed, and he immediately shouted at the godsend: “Heavensend, I will summon the god-slaying branch, I will use it!”

“It’s a foster father!”

Godsend immediately responded, and the god-fighting branch instantly fell into Wang Xian’s hands.

The heavenly essence in the heavenly body is the treasure of good fortune, because the ancestor tree was nurtured at the beginning, containing the energy of the ancestor tree.

For the energy of the king, there is no rejection at all!

After all, they are all acquaintances.


The power of the wind and thunder was instilled on the god-smashing branch, and Wang Xian waved and attacked the Beast Emperor!

Fighting the branches of God can ignore the distance of space, if Wang Xian flies over, it will waste a lot of time.

So he borrowed the power of the heavenly gifted treasure!


A huge branch of nothingness appeared in the sky above the beast emperor in an instant, containing the power of terrifying wind and thunder!

Just like a thunder penalty, it landed on him!

“Oh oh oh!”

In an instant, a huge scar was left on his body, and the scorpion beast emperor let out a tragic cry.

Wang Xian breathed a sigh of relief.

If he didn’t have the strength to use his hands, if the Beast King escaped, it would be even more difficult for him to catch it and hunt it down!

“The dragon king is here!”

“He’s done it, first expel this horned beast emperor away!”

When the four kings of the gods saw it, their expressions changed slightly, and they shouted loudly!


Needless to say, the four kings of the gods, at this moment, the Beast King, seeing the appearance of Wang Xian, felt the severe pain on his body, with a look of fear on his face.

His body slowly began to curl up, followed by the emergence of a black hole, and instantly submerged into the black hole.

The four kings of gods saw this scene and did not stop any!

“court death!”

Wang Xian looked at him, shouted coldly, and attacked them directly!

“Stop this Dragon King for a few days!”

The four kings of gods showed sneers on their faces, and they stood together, ready to fight.

With their strength, dragging the Dragon King of the Dragon Palace for a few days is completely easy!

By that time, the scorpion beast king would have run away long ago!

Although the scorpion beast emperor had suffered a little injury now, these injuries were not too serious for him.

Recovery will be fast!

“Godsend Chaos, lock two!”

When Wang Xian saw that they wanted to fight against him, he sneered in his heart, waved his arm, and the five elements flew into the hands of God!

Shouted to them!

“It’s a foster father!”

“It’s the Dragon King!”

God-given Chaos screamed, and rushed directly to a king of the gods who was in control of a new level!

“You deal with those two guys, and the Dragon King of the Dragon Palace will leave it to us!”

The king of the gods in the center said to the two kings of the gods on the right, and then he looked at the king of the gods on his left!

“Our distance cannot be widened. We must keep attacking and defending together, otherwise, we will be broken one by one.”

The king of the gods continued!

“I know, we two join hands, this Dragon King Xiu wants to beat us quickly!”

The king of gods on the left said confidently!

Not long ago, they fought against the Dragon King of Dragon Palace, so they have this confidence.

The last time they were separated, they were able to hold on for so long.

This time they learned the lessons of the last time, and the two of them moved forward and retreated together, and there was no problem with this Dragon Palace Dragon King for tens of thousands of years!


They roared at the same time and rushed towards Wang Xian!

“act recklessly!”

Wang Xian saw them rushing towards him, with a cold expression on his face.

He didn’t use the body of the Void Dragon, Tai Chi Dragon Plate, and the power of the ancestor tree.

All these powers are hidden in the body!

He roared and turned into the body of a dragon, an illusory dragon claw, attacking them!

“Boom boom boom!”

In the next instant, a violent roar sounded.

Passed from Wangxian, Chaos, and Godsend respectively!

The collision begins!

The war begins!

When the two masters of the gods collided with Wang Xian, their bodies flew upside down for a certain distance.

However, their eyes shined brightly, full of fighting spirit!

“Dragon Palace Dragon King, you destroy the good deeds of our belief in the universe. We believe in the universe and will not let you succeed. Humph, there are causes and effects. This is the price you have to pay!”

A king of the gods said to Wang Xian with a cold face!

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