Chapter 4250 Huming Mountain Breakthrough Blood Naga Universe Retreat

“Break through!”

Listening to Hu Mingshan’s words, Wang Xian smiled!

Hu Mingshan bowed to Wang Yun on his knees.

Like the floating queen at the time, she bowed respectfully.

Afterwards, he stood up and floated to a position in the sky.


His body shook, and the surrounding energy surged towards him!

The world changes color, the breakthrough begins!

In the mountains and cosmos, the four strong heavenly origins looked at this scene and sighed in their hearts.

Their quota in the mountain universe will be missing by one in the future.

This is the foundation of the mountain universe.

However, compared to the current situation, it is already the best!

Even if the request for help from the Justice Sequence Alliance arrives, the situation will not be better than it is now!

Dragon King and them, as long as one quota.

For the Justice Sequence Alliance, two are needed!

Overall, this is the most ideal situation!

“Boom boom boom!”

“Boom boom boom!”

The roar sounded, setting off a huge vibration.

“What’s happening here?”

“Heaven and earth converge, is this? Is this a breakthrough in our mountain universe?”

“It’s the center of our mountain universe, where the four saints are. Could it be that our mountain universe has given birth to a strong man of heavenly origin?”

“The birth of a strong Tianyuan good fortune, can it alleviate the situation in front of you? Can the group of invaders be driven out?”

“It’s difficult, the invaders of the evil sequence camp are too terrifying. Even if there is one more powerful celestial element in our mountain universe, it is difficult for them to be their opponent!”

In the surrounding locations, countless disciples of the strong in the mountainous universe saw that there were strong breakthroughs here, and they all discussed in shock.

“Disciples don’t come near. Today, in the universe of Wushanling, with the help of the strong, the crisis has been half resolved.”

A strong tianyuan fortune in the mountain cosmos said!

His words made the strong disciples of the entire mountain universe boil.

Wang Xian ignored the shock of the disciples of Shanling Universe Powerhouse.

He quietly watched Hu Mingshan break through!

However, it is located around the center of the mountain universe.

The five strong heavenly origins of the Blood Naga Universe gathered there, their faces extremely embarrassed.

Two strong Tianyuan good fortune were attacked and killed.

Now in a state of resurrection and cultivation.

Now there are only five strong Tianyuan good fortune.

The five powerhouses of them looked at the center of the mountain and cosmos, and looked at the mighty power, their expressions were constantly changing.

They naturally knew that this was someone who broke through to the realm of good fortune in Tianyuan!

This also means that the mountain universe currently has six strong heavenly origins.

The most terrifying thing is that one of them has the strength of the Dao level.

“We are no longer their opponents!”

A strong celestial element in Blood Naga Universe said in a deep voice.

They have been here for so long, but they didn’t expect to have a avenue-level existence.

This makes their entire universe fall short!

This makes them feel very helpless!

“Retreat, there is that great avenue-level powerhouse, they can’t win!”

“Moreover, if the opponent counterattacks us, our disciples will suffer heavy casualties!”

The strong heavenly origins of the Blood Naga Universe also made a decisive decision.

If the opponent counterattacks, they are not opponents at all.

They were able to escape, but their disciples would probably be killed and injured.


They immediately issued the order, ready to withdraw from the mountain universe immediately.


It didn’t take long for Humingshan to break through!

He took a deep breath, his face filled with excitement.

Turning into a human form, Hu Mingshan once again bowed to Wang Xian!

Wang Xian smiled and nodded!

“Dragon King, according to the situation we saw in the bronze mirror of the sky, they have already begun to retreat in the Blood Naga Universe!”

At this time, the four strong heavenly origins in the mountain cosmos on the side also sensed the situation of the Blood Naga Cosmos Legion.

They also said with some excitement.

“That’s good, I will sit here for another ten years, and I will leave in ten years. Then, if the blood Naga universe comes to attack you, you can notify me!”

“I have treasures here, so I can rush over right away!”

Wang Xian said to them!

“Thank you Dragon King, Dragon King invited us to the palace we prepared for you. We will prepare all the resources for you in a few hours!”

The heavenly good fortune powerhouses of the mountain universe happily said!

Although paid a lot of price.

But if they can get acquainted with a powerful person at the level of Dragon King, maybe they can survive this amount of calamity!


Wang Xian nodded and looked at Hu Mingshan: “After ten years, we will go back again!”

“All the disciples obey you, Lord Dragon King!”

Humingshan’s respectable answer!

Wang Xian nodded, and followed the powerhouses of the mountain universe to a hall!

The highest mountain in the entire mountain universe, the most luxurious hall!

A few hours later, the four strong heavenly origins of the mountain universe took all the resources.

“Dragon King, this is our resource, please have a look!”

The four strong Tianyuan good fortune handed over the resources respectfully and said!

Wang Xian nodded, and after receiving the resource to check it, he nodded in satisfaction.

“By the way, do you know where to exchange resources!”

Wang Xian looked at them and asked.

Although the Mountain Range Universe is not very strong, they are in the power of the Justice Sequence Alliance, and they should have some understanding in this regard!

“Resource trading? Dragon King, you can exchange resources in our Justice Sequence Alliance. Our Justice Sequence Alliance has a communicator with various information about various universes on it.”

“For example, transactions, help, some exchanges, etc., etc., etc.!”

The strong Tianyuan good fortune of the Mountain Universe replied truthfully: “If the Dragon King wants to trade, it is also possible. The transaction of the Justice Sequence Alliance is open, as long as it is not a member of the Evil Sequence Alliance!”

“I come from the neutral sequence camp.”

Wang Xian nodded slightly.

“Dragon King, we have a contact communicator here, but this communicator needs to be verified in order to prevent the acquisition of the evil sequence camp, so we have no way to give it to you.”

“If the Dragon King wants to trade in the Justice Sequence Alliance, he has to go to the Justice Universe to obtain it. Many of the strong in the neutral sequence camp also trade here in our Justice Sequence camp.”

“Of course, I heard that you can also trade in the evil sequence camp.”

The powerhouses of the mountain universe said to Wang Xian.

The evil sequence camp and the justice sequence camp all share information.

They will conduct various transactions, which will help improve their strength.

But Jiuyuan Universe is a neutral camp, so there is no such way of contact.

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