Chapter 4247 One person guards one universe! superior

“Well, with this treasure, it will be easier to act!”

Wang Xian squinted his eyes slightly, her eyes gleaming.

He stared at the distribution map of the invader universe. Seven strong heavenly origins were distributed in seven locations.

The most central position is the existence of two control levels.

Wang Xian stared in thought, and finally locked the position on the right!

“Lord Dragon King, how do we act next, our mountain universe, will go all out!”

The four strong heavenly origins of the mountain universe looked at Wang Xian and asked.

“I will immediately take action against the intruder on the right. You are here to monitor the two powerhouses of Tianyuan’s good fortune level on the right. If they have any intentions, please notify me immediately!”

Wang Xian looked at them and said!

“Good Dragon King!”

The four strong heavenly origins in the mountain cosmos nodded immediately.

They also understood that Wang Xian wanted to conduct a raid.

It is very terrible for a powerhouse at the avenue level to make a breakthrough!

Moreover, not letting them follow is also worried that things will be revealed!

“Dragon King, this is the communicator of our mountain universe. If something changes, we will notify you immediately!”

They gave Wang Xian a communicator!

Wang Xian nodded, and flew towards the right with a movement.

Soon, Wang Xian disappeared in the perception of the four strong heavenly elements in the mountain universe!

However, their gazes immediately looked in the bronze mirror of Jiantian.

In the bronze mirror of seeing the sky, they waved their arms and they could clearly see Wang Xian’s figure!

“I hope that the dragon king who suddenly appeared can help us defend against foreign enemies!”

“The Dragon King seems to be quite upright, at least he didn’t take advantage of the fire and didn’t ask us to give him resources in advance.”

“It should be, he doesn’t have to calculate us.”

The four strong heavenly origins of the mountain universe said softly.

The dragon king is very powerful, and he can conquer the entire mountain universe with his own power!

Moreover, the existence of this level, if it is truly unscrupulous for resources.

Then he can get more resources.

The four of them looked at the scene in the bronze mirror to see the sky, praying for Wang Xian to succeed!


Wang Xian flew forward, and when he approached the position surrounded by the evil sequence camp, he concealed his figure again!

What Wang Xian is going to do now is hunting!

He wants to hunt down the strong Tianyuan fortune in the evil sequence camp as quickly as possible.

It is best to hunt a few more.

This time Wang Xian locked the position on the right.

Because in this position, there are three newcomers to the Tianyuan good fortune powerhouse.

With Wang Xian’s current strength, it is still very easy to kill a newcomer-level Tianyuan good fortune powerhouse!

Especially in the case of a sneak attack!

He must destroy it in at least three seconds!

Otherwise, his support may be coming!

Wang Xian concealed his figure and moved forward.

On the right, the three newcomers who entered the Heavenly Origin were strong, and he came to the far right position first.

Put a ghost ghost clone there!

Immediately after he came to the center of the powerful person who had entered the Tianyuan fortune, he placed the second ghost ghost clone there.

After that, he came to the third strong man who had entered the Tianyuan fortune.

After setting up everything, Wang Xian’s eyes shone with luster.

He stared at the newcomer Tianyuan good fortune powerhouse closest to the center.

According to Jiantian Bronze Mirror’s investigation, the strong Tianyuan good fortune here is the weakest one!

That is, it hasn’t been long since the breakthrough!

“Kill this first!”

He secretly said in his heart, slowly approaching the past a little bit!

Here, there is a huge army of evil sequence camps.

There are a hundred thousand powerful people who dominate the realm scattered around.

There are still five to six hundred thousand venerable existences.

Located in the most central location, there is a huge war machine!

This is an ancient tree, full of darkness, with a large number of bat-like creatures hanging on it.

The whole ancient tree is unusually large, and the branches on it are black.

The old tree swayed its branches from time to time.

It can be clearly seen that this is a living creature!

Located above the ancient trees, there is a huge palace.

The strong man who first entered the heavenly origin was in this palace!

Wang Xian was able to sense the location of the strong Tianyuan good fortune.

“It’s better to kill it in a second!”

Wang Xian approached a certain distance and took a deep breath.

It must not be delayed for too long.

Otherwise, the strong heavenly origins from other places can quickly teleport over.

At that time, it will be a little tricky!


Wang Xian stared at the front, adjusting his state to the peak.

He moved instantly.

All the energy in the body is urged!

In an instant, Wang Xian came to a position not far in front of the palace.

The sudden immense energy caused the strong Tianyuan good fortune in the palace to open his eyes!

His face changed a lot!


But at this time, Wang Xian has teleported to the top of the palace!

He stuck out an extremely powerful dragon claw and grabbed it towards the bottom!

Dragon claws directly cover the entire palace!

On both sides, the Tai Chi dragon plate, the Five Elements Great Mo, the body of the Void Dragon, surrounded and left in an instant!

The strongest force, also attacked away!

With a pair of dragon eyes, Wang Xian stared at the strong Tianyuan good fortune inside.


The terrifying ocean of energy clears away!

The strong Tianyuan good fortune in the palace did not react at all, and was covered by energy!

Around, the old trees that were affected, and a large number of disciples from the evil sequence camp around, were instantly annihilated in the ocean of energy!

The gap is too big!

“Do not!”

The strong Tianyuan good fortune made a scream!

His body collapsed instantly!

However, at the moment of collapse, his shadow suddenly moved and fled towards the distance!

The shadow gradually solidified and turned into a body.

Powerful instant resurrection treasure!

Wang Xian saw this scene without the slightest surprise on his face.

Many Tianyuan good fortune powerhouses have powerful life-saving cards.

A trump card that is immune to death!

“Zhengrong Longjiao!”

Wang Xian snorted, and the dragon’s horns bloomed with luster.

The devastating energy was once again covered.

Instantly fell on his body!

At the same time, the body of the Void Dragon exudes a powerful space blockade!

“Existence at the avenue level?”

The strong Tianyuan good fortune who had just been resurrected through the treasure, felt that death was coming again, and roared in horror!

This one attack after another can destroy him, absolutely not the control level can do.

It will take a long time for a powerful person in control of the level to reach the new level!

Only at the avenue level can it be so terrifying!

With a desperate look on his face, his mind moved, and some treasures on his body were passed out through some secret method.

Immediately afterwards, he just waited to die!

He knew that he couldn’t support it for long.

Can not support the support of other strong people!

Now, to minimize the loss!

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