Chapter 4227 Behemoth Disaster


Wang Xian had a surprised look on his face when he heard the words of Chaos.

Tianyuan good fortune level star beasts travel far, looking for food?

“The star beasts don’t like the annihilation power of the chaotic space, but after the equivalent calamity comes, they will leave the starry universe to look for food outside.”

“They will devour all kinds of resources, as well as all kinds of creatures.”

Chaos continued to speak!

“Will all the star behemoths go out?”

Wang Xian asked curiously.

“Yes, including the behemoths of the sky below the realm of good fortune, the resources of the starry universe are too few and too little for the behemoths of the sky. Before the calamity has arrived, most of the behemoths of the sky In their deep sleep, in their opinion, when the calamity comes, it is the time for them to hunt and eat!”

Chaos said.

“A group of Tianyuan good fortune star beasts, do they act together or alone?”

Wang Xian was slightly surprised when he heard it, and asked.

“Most of them are acting alone, and there are also four star behemoths belonging to two of the same kind, and the same kind of beasts will act together.”

Chaos answered truthfully: “The strongest star behemoth has reached Dadao level, and there are three in number.”

“Three avenue-level star behemoths?”

When Wang Xian heard it, his pupils shrank slightly, and a look of shock appeared on his face.

“Yes, in the eyes of many star beasts, the amount of calamity is actually the time they hunt and eat. During this period, they will eat a lot, store food, and spend the long years after the amount of robbery.”

Chaos nodded.

When he understood these conditions, he was also a little shocked.

For the star behemoths of the starry sky universe, the calamity is not only a disaster, but the time for hunting and eating.

This shocked him.

“The starry sky behemoth hunting, naturally there are strong ones hunting the starry sky behemoth.”

Wang Xian’s eyes flickered slightly, and he said.

“Yes, the dragon king, the star beasts are all treasures, especially the star beasts of the Tianyuan good fortune level. They don’t have the treasure of resurrection. All the essence of the body is on the body, and the body has the terrifying essence of heaven and earth.”

“However, every powerful starry sky behemoth possesses powerful talents. A master of the heavenly origin of good fortune at the control level cannot kill a new starry sky behemoth. The vitality of the starry sky behemoth is all. The most terrifying existence in the universe.”

“Compared to me, four or five of the same level, it is difficult to completely kill me.”

Chaos replied.

The star behemoth is a very powerful creature.

It can be seen from their terrifying size.

A body of energy is concentrated on the body, a variety of powerful talents.

They have no wisdom, do not use other weapons and life-saving treasures.

However, each of them possesses various powerful talents.

Just like Xiaolan Xiaozhai and them, they belong to the behemoths of the starry sky.

Long ago, when Qingyue was in danger, she was close to the little blue house and they avoided the pursuit of powerful enemies.

It is too difficult to kill a star behemoth!

In addition, the breakthrough of the star behemoth is simpler than other cultivators.

If they can swallow a lot of food and a lot of energy, their strength will continue to improve.

“Not long ago, a group of star beasts entered the Nine Source Universe through the tunnel. Did they go to eat and hunt?”

Wang Xian looked at Chaos and asked.

“It should be, but the strength of that group of star behemoths should not be too strong, many powerful star beasts, they can sense whether there is a threat to them in a universe.”

“The Jiuyuan Universe is not weak. The powerful star beasts should not go to the Jiuyuan Universe to find food.”

Chaos nodded and explained.

“The eating of giant star beasts, for the weak universe, can be said to be a giant beast natural disaster. They hunt and eat, and the strong Tianyuan good fortune can also hunt them.”

Wang Xian spoke, with a thoughtful look on his face: “Presumably every time you measure the catastrophe, the star beasts that went out have fallen, right?”

“Yes, the Dragon King, every time the Tianyuan Fortune Starry Sky Giant Beast goes out to hunt and eat, there will be no return. Those who do not return will die outside. However, if there is a Starry Sky Giant beast that dies, there will be other Starry Sky Giants immediately. Make a breakthrough and reach the realm of Tianyuan’s good fortune.”

“As far as I know, there are many star beasts that can break the shackles in the star universe. The only thing missing is the quota. This number is more than twenty!”

As Chaos spoke, his face was full of solemn expression.

He has reached the edge of a breakthrough, but there is no place left.

Above him, there were not only fifteen giant beasts in the sky of heavenly origin occupying the position.

There are more than twenty competitors.

“If you kill a giant starry sky beast of the Tianyuan good fortune level, will you be able to make a breakthrough?”

Wang Xian looked at Chaos and asked.

“There is a one-in-twenty chance. Unless I know that a behemoth in the sky will die immediately, otherwise, I also have to look at luck.”

Chaos replied.

Wang Xian nodded slightly: “Are you interested in cooperating? You help me investigate the traces of the behemoths in the starry sky, and I will kill them.”

“Huh? Dragon King, do you Jiuyuan Universe do something on the starry sky universe?”

Chaos was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Wang Xian with a stunned expression on his face.

“I’m here to find someone to take action. A newcomer to the starry sky behemoth should be able to kill him. However, I don’t know the starry sky universe, and I don’t know the traces of the starry sky behemoth.”

“You provide me with information, and I will kill it. If you succeed, you can also use this opportunity to make a breakthrough. Of course, besides that, I have one more condition!”

Wang Xian said to him.

“Huh? Dragon King, just say, as long as I can accept it, everything will be fine!”

Luster appeared in Chaos eyes, and he said.

“If you succeed in breaking through, then I want you to help provide information about other star behemoths. In the billions of years of calamity, you must obey my orders!”

Wang Xian stared at him and said.

Help him break through the realm of Tianyuan’s good fortune and make him obey his own orders.

As long as it obeys his own orders, he can be able to inquire about the information of other Tianyuan good fortune star behemoths.

At that time, they can prepare for Xiaolan’s breakthrough!

Now, Xiaolan and the others have reached the pinnacle of universe dominance.

However, there is still a long way to go before the breakthrough.

However, Ruuo Wangxian could really kill a behemoth in the sky of Heavenly Origin.

Then after Xiaolan swallowed them, they should be able to touch the threshold of breakthrough.

As long as they hunt down another star behemoth, Xiaolan and the others will be able to make a breakthrough!

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