Chapter 4215 Destroy Phoenix, Dragon Power 2

“not good!”

“Oops, Dragon Palace and their strength are too strong, he wants to destroy our Phoenix family!”

“What to do, what to do? Other Tianyuan good luck masters, will they help us out?”

In Phoenix Mountain, all the disciples of the strong men of the Phoenix clan turned pale when they saw this scene.

There was a deep look of horror on their faces.

What should we do now?

They looked at their Emperor of Phoenix.

Look at a group of strong Tianyuan good fortune.

“The Emperor of the Phoenix, if you have nothing to say about the Shenlong clan, then die!”

Wang Xian stared at the Phoenix Emperor, and said with a cold face!

Hearing his words, the Emperor of Phoenix instantly became vigilant, his body slowly transformed into the form of a phoenix, and the entire body of phoenix wings exploded.

He did not answer Wang Xian’s words.

Because the demise of the Shenlong clan was his dishonesty and had a lot to do with his plan.

Once he tells a lie, all the powerful heavenly origins around him will be able to tell the difference.


In just one second, Wang Xian moved.

The body of the Five Elements Damo, Taiji Dragon Disk, and Void Dragon all moved at the same time.

In an instant, Wang Xian burst out terrifying energy.

When this energy exploded, the eyes of the Falling Demon King condensed, and a burst of energy directly enveloped all the strong disciples of the Demon Clan and the Skeleton Clan next to the Demon Clan!

“What a terrifying power!”

Hetian saint felt this energy, his face changed drastically, and he quickly enveloped the saint’s line and the strong disciple of the god tiger clan with energy.

The Elf Queen and the others also changed their faces, and their energy enveloped their disciples.

“Dragon King, I’m fighting with you!”

The Emperor of Phoenix saw Wang Xian moving towards him, knowing that today would not be able to pass, he roared in anger.

However, instead of attacking Wang Xian, he turned around and fled directly.

He knew that he was definitely not Wang Xian’s opponent.

However, from Wang Xian’s point of view, his speed was too slow.

His strength does not even reach the control level!

The gap between them is at the level of the seven weakest Heavenly Origins.

Differs greatly!

“Choo Choo Choo!”

The Emperor of Phoenix roared wildly, and the flames of Nirvana bloomed all over his body.


The distance between Wang Xian and the Phoenix Emperor is very close, the body of the Void Dragon came to him almost instantly, and the terrifying space blade slashed directly towards the Phoenix Emperor!

Wang Xian’s body also came to the front of the Phoenix Emperor in an instant, and the nine-color dragon claws split the space in front of him, annihilating everything around him, including the space.

Full of deadly energy, it fell on the body of the Phoenix Emperor.

“Choo Choo Choo!”

The Phoenix Emperor felt the attack, and his body trembled violently.

However, he could not resist at all!

The energy enveloped it, and the vitality quickly disappeared.

A ray of Nirvana fire, directly fly out!

At the center of the fire of Nirvana, there is a phoenix look like it!


The fire of Nirvana ignores Wang Xian’s attack, flies directly out, grows big in the wind, and directly transforms into the body of the emperor of phoenix!

His body began to be illusory, and he wanted to fly long distances.

“Swish swish!”

“Five elements Yin and Yang wind and thunder blockade!”

When Wang Xian saw this scene, his whole body burst into light.

The nine rays of light condensed into a line, covering the surrounding space.

Under this space, all the energy is frozen!

It seems that even time has frozen.

The escaping Phoenix Emperor saw that his face was filled with despair.

The gap is too big.

Even if he burst out with a powerful hole card, he still can’t dodge it!


There was a dragon chant in Wang Xian’s mouth, and the dragon claw attacked again towards the Phoenix Emperor.


Under the Phoenix Emperor, a sacred parasol tree suddenly rose from the ground and faced the dragon claw.


The dragon claws that were enough to kill the Phoenix Emperor fell on the sacred phoenix tree, and the sacred tree collapsed.

But the Emperor of Phoenix escaped this fatal blow!

“Dragon King, stop, can you let go of my Phoenix family?”

The Emperor of Phoenix saw Wang Xian’s unmatched power, and saw the position aside, the Shadow Falling Demon Emperor did not stop them at all, and they were completely desperate at this moment!

He stared at Wang Xian and roared with embarrassment.

“Yes, if you die, I will let you Phoenix tribe. You can think about it, take your own life and save your order to the entire Phoenix tribe!”

Wang Xian looked at him and said directly!

It’s not impossible to let go of the other strong disciples of the Phoenix clan.

The premise is that he wants the life of the Phoenix Emperor.

This life is not his life, but his original life.

Beheaded, the kind that is completely perished.

The Emperor of Phoenix, as a veteran of Tianyuan’s good fortune, has an absolutely profound background.

Even if Wang Xian copied the entire Phoenix family’s home and killed him now, he would definitely be able to resurrect.

In other places, there are definitely resurrection treasures he has hidden.

Even some resurrection treasures, he may be hidden in the chaos.

It is very difficult to truly kill a strong man of good fortune from Tianyuan!

“Dragon King Dragon Palace, are there any other conditions?”

When the Phoenix Emperor heard this condition, his expression changed drastically.

He calmly stared at Wang Xian.

“Unless you die completely, otherwise, all the disciples of your Phoenix clan will have to die, and there will be no Phoenix clan in the Nine Source Universe in the future. Choose.”

Wang Xian said faintly, the corners of his mouth cocked slightly!

“Wishful thinking, Dragon King, you can’t kill me, as long as I’m still alive, as long as I’m alive for one day, you don’t want to live well in the Dragon Palace, I will let you die just like the former Shenlong clan.”

The Emperor of Phoenix roared crazy!

Let him die?

He doesn’t want to die!

Even at the expense of the entire Phoenix family.

He can’t die!

“Hehe, really selfish guy, then die, let your entire Phoenix clan be buried with you!”

A cold expression appeared on Wang Xian’s face, and his figure moved directly towards the Phoenix Emperor to attack again!

“Hahaha, this is your emperor, the heavenly origin of your Phoenix family, for your own life, let all of you die, then you go to die!”

From the side, Lin Niu’s face showed a mocking look.

With a movement of his body, the terrifying ocean of blood-red energy attacked all the strong disciples of the Phoenix clan!

“Fengqinglou, why bother, you had to bear the entire Phoenix family for your own decision.”

Looking at all this, the Fallen Demon Emperor also shook his head and said.

“Dragon King, I will never die with your Dragon Palace. My disciple is dead, and your disciple will also die in the future, hahaha!”

The Emperor of Phoenix didn’t respond to the words of the Emperor of Fallen Demon, he roared frantically.

Just now, he suffered another fatal blow from Wang Xian, but he was instantly resurrected with special revenge.

But at this time, he also completely knew his end.

At this moment, he is full of hatred!

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