Chapter 4197 Burning Fruit



The roar of the six universes resounded over the entire grassland!

An ancient god tree rooted in the void, revealing a powerful edge.

It is swaying branches.

Tianci stood under the ancient sacred tree, his body stepped on the branches of the ancient sacred tree.

Around the location, endless wood attribute energy converged towards here.

The energy in the godsend body is increasing frantically.

Similarly, the ancient sacred tree behind him is also growing rapidly.

This ancient sacred tree will reach its maturity stage with the help of this cosmic power and the energy absorbed by a heaven-sent breakthrough.

The vast sacred tree stands tall in the heavens and the earth as if it had been in the past.

The virtual shadow is projected into a real object.

In the lower position, all the strong disciples felt this power, and their faces were full of awe.

Some wood-attribute cultivators even knelt on the ground, closing their eyes to absorb the wood-attributed energy between heaven and earth.

Wang Xian watched this scene quietly, quietly feeling the process of God-given breakthrough.

The powerhouses in the Dragon Palace also watched quietly.


Not long after, the ancient sacred tree behind the godsend suddenly trembled.

The whole tree began to grow.

Two brand-new branches appeared on the top of the sacred tree, one on the left and the other on the right.

One of these two branches circled the city and the other was full of sharp thorns!

Wang Xian looked at the two newly grown branches, his eyes flickering slightly.

Immediately afterwards, in the center of the tree, at the position of the main stem, one fruit began to grow.

Eight fruits appeared, and two of them matured quickly!

“It’s reaching maturity!”

Wang Xian muttered as he watched the changes in the heavenly origin of the most treasured sacred tree.

With a move of his palm, Zhanxian Gourd, which had been on the ancestral tree, flew towards the sacred tree behind the godsend.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Xian looked at some branches on the ancestral tree.

The endless wood branches, the soul-returning wood branches, the sycamore branches, the permanent branches, the Nere branches, and a black flower on the other side, one by one, they hit the ancient sacred tree behind the gods.

Each branch exudes a powerful and majestic power and luster.

Each one seems to be a rare and extraordinary existence in time.

In the old days, the infinite phoenix tree and the Nile tree belonged to the branches of the venerable.

But because of the ancestral tree, they have evolved to dominate the realm.

And Soul Returning Wood and Immortal Slashing Gourd, originally belonged to the realm of dominance, are now at their peak.

The Calabash Gourd was obtained by Wang Xian before, and it was extremely powerful.

After his pregnancy, slashing the fairy sword in the fairy gourd can instantly kill the powerhouse of the universe dominating the pinnacle realm.

But this kind of treasure is no longer useful to him.

Given to the gods, it is also because the ancient sacred tree in the godsend belongs to the most attacking type of heavenly origin.

As long as it is conceived and rooted in the sacred tree, the power of this slashing gourd is only weaker than the last two branches that grow from the sacred tree.

The rest of the branches are not necessarily powerful.

As for the return to soul wood, it is purely to increase some special means and background.

Many sacred trees and branches flew past.

The ancient sacred tree directly protruded a branch, accepted it, and landed it on his body.

The Heavenly Origin Treasure in the Tianci body is very familiar with the ancestor tree in Wang Xian’s body.

Its body also has the breath of an ancestor tree.

The ancestor tree tends to be auxiliary, and the Lord bred!

The ancient god tree master in the godsend body attacked!


With the maturity of the ancient god tree, the energy in the godsend body has also been greatly improved.

His body gradually turned to Tianyuan Good Fortune!

With a roar, the shackles were broken.

Tianci standing under the ancient god tree opened his eyes and smiled on his face!

He looked at Wang Xian’s position.


The ancient sacred tree behind it swayed its branches, and the eight fruits on the trunk, one of the only two mature, flew towards Wang Xian!

“The fruit bred from the treasure of Tianyuan’s good fortune, this…”

In the surrounding locations, the undead stared at this fruit with fiery eyes, breathing a little bit shortly!

This is a priceless treasure!

This kind of fruit definitely has a terrifying effect!

But they dare not take it!

Wang Xian stretched out his hand, grabbed the fruit, and felt it.

“Burning the fruit, after swallowing it, a wood-attribute energy will burst out of the body to form a forest. The forest will cover a certain area around it. Within this range, only by destroying all the trees can the person who consumes the burning fruit be killed. ”

“Within this range, if you get injured, you can consume the trees in the forest and heal the injury!”

Wang Xian felt the message of burning fruit at this moment, and muttered in his mouth.

Just from some information, I can’t feel how strong this burning fruit is.

But as a sacred tree of heavenly origin, it can only bear eight fruits in its lifetime.

Its power must be very terrifying!

The aggressive ancient god tree is different from the ancestor tree.

The ancestor tree can bear dozens of Tianyuan good fortune level fruits!

“Foster father, mom, I broke through!”

Tianci felt the energy in his body, and said with a smile at Wang Xian.

As soon as he moved, he flew over immediately!

“Congratulations to Muli’s godsend nephew for breaking through the realm of good fortune in Tianyuan!”

Undead Golden Leopard Tusha City, they immediately congratulated loudly!

“Congratulations, Godsend Master Muli, for breaking through the realm of good fortune in Tianyuan!”

“I’m waiting to see Lord Muli Godsend!”

In the lower position, all the strong disciples immediately knelt on the ground, congratulated loudly, and worshiped!

“Well, I am gifted by Mu Li, the six universe creatures, who will protect our people of the universe creatures!”

Godsend’s eyes condensed, he swept over all the strong disciples, and said solemnly!

This is the responsibility of a strong Tianyuan good fortune!

He is also a strong Tianyuan good fortune, and he should do it!

“I’m waiting to worship Lord Muli Godsend as my faith, and fight with Lord Muli Godsend and protect our homeland!”

Below, all the strong disciples looked a little fiery, and shouted loudly in their hearts!

This is the identification of all creatures with their own universe.

This is their unity of belief in the future before the arrival of the calamity!

“Haha, we have added a top-level tianyuan fortune powerhouse in our Six Dao Universes. This is the great fortune of our Six Dao Universes. Tell all the tribes to celebrate together!”

Tushacheng laughed and announced loudly!

“It’s an adult!”

Below, a disciple immediately responded!

“Go, this time we have to celebrate!”

The Golden Leopard opened his mouth and said with a smile.

The breakthrough given by heaven is also a good thing for them.

When the calamity comes, their pressure will be much less.

If they can protect their own universe, they can also go to other universes to find resources and opportunities.

This is the law within the calamity.

The weak eat the strong.

The weak protect their universe, the strong go out to plunder!

Very cruel!

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