Chapter 4192 Going To The Universe Of Sword And Magic Again


After Wang Xian arrived in the universe of swords and magic, his body moved, and his body instantly sank into the body of the Void Dragon.

“The universe dominates the ninth-order realm. It’s not bad to break through to this realm for so long!”

Wang Xian sensed the strength of the Void Dragon, with a satisfied expression on his face.

The universe dominates the ninth order, very close to the peak!

In the case of three more corpses of Tianyuan good fortune experts, it should be a big problem to break through.

At this moment, Wang Xian is in the forbidden place of flowing water.

Cultivating in a closed room in a closed room.

Wang Xian opened his eyes, his mind moved, and he swept around.

“The Dragon King is here.”

Soon, Liu Lan’s figure appeared, looked at Wang Xian, and asked with a smile on his face.

“Well, come here to have a look, Shunbian, thank you Liulan for your last help.”

Wang Xian said with a smile at Liulan.

He was talking about the Queen of Floating Water.

“It’s just a matter of effort.”

Liu Lan smiled and looked at Wang Xian with some flickering eyes: “Dragon King, your strength is stronger again. This time, I can’t see through.”

“Good luck, got some chances!”

Wang Xian said with a smile.

“By the way, Dragon King, there are some things I don’t know whether to say, about our sword and the magic universe.”

Liu Lan looked at Wang Xian and suddenly spoke.


Seeing his expression, Wang Xian raised his brow slightly and motioned her to continue.

“Not long ago, I sensed that at the edge of our sword and magic universe, there was a huge eye peeking at our sword and magic universe. That huge eye gave me a feeling of heart palpitations, and I didn’t rush to look at it.”

“I communicated with Senior Wuwangtian, and Senior Wuwangtian also sensed it. He said that someone was looking at our universe and plotting bad things, but the master of that eye is stronger than us.”

“I don’t know if it is the strong man in the mad demon universe where Aga Tian Demon God is located.”

Liu Lan said!

Her words surprised Wang Xian slightly.

“Have huge eyes, peering into the sword and magic universe?”

Wang Xian narrowed his eyes slightly.


Liu Lan said, her brows frowned, her face full of sorrow: “I have been talking about this matter with Senior Wuwangtian for a long time, but in the entire sword and magic universe, only the two of us can communicate, but our strength , It’s just the beginning of Tianyuan’s good fortune.”

“Our sword and magic universe has always been plagued by disasters. Every time the calamity comes, it becomes a massacre. This time, because of the Dragon King you are here, I can tell you!”

“We suspect that there are powerhouses in other universes that have begun plotting our sword and magic universe. Hey, our sword and magic universe have ten attributes. Generally speaking, ten strong heavenly origins can be born, but as of now Location, there are only two.”

“No, I don’t know two. In fact, our sword and magic universe have already produced five strong people of Tianyuan good fortune, and the other three are strong people of other universes. They used our sword and magic universe to become Tianyuan good fortune. .”

“Even so, our sword and magic universe still has five places, which makes other universes covet the places and resources of our universe.”

“This time the calamity is coming, I don’t know if you, Dragon King… can you help us one or two!”

She said, looking at Wang Xian.

“The space attribute has not been occupied, right?”

When Wang Xian heard her, he frowned slightly and asked.


Liu Lan shook his head: “If the Dragon King wants to let his clone break through and advance, we have no opinion.”

“Before measuring the calamity, I will let my body of the Void Dragon break into the heavenly origin. If no accident happens on my side, my body will be with you.”

“In addition, if there is no war in Jiuyuan Universe, I can come over, and even bring people over.”

Wang Xian said.

“Huh? Thank you Dragon King.”

Liu Lan was slightly startled when she heard it, and looked at Wang Xian: “Dragon King, are you sure that you can make your clone break into the realm of good fortune in Tianyuan?”

“Yes, this time I have obtained a lot of treasures in other universes, and I am sure to make my body of the Void Dragon break into the realm of Heavenly Origin.”

Wang Xian nodded and said confidently.

Among the three corpses of him, one was the body of a strong master.

The realm of Tianyuan’s good fortune is very difficult to break through.

However, Wangxian possesses the bodies of three powerful people with good fortune from Tianyuan.

Under my heart, the probability is more than 70%.

Moreover, Wang Xian thinks that his comprehension is still very powerful.

“Dragon King, you are really amazing!”

Liu Lan opened his mouth and his face was full of wonder!

It is a little scary to make one’s own clone break into the realm of Tianyuan’s good fortune!

“Sword and Magic Universe, how many Tianyuan good fortune powerhouses are there?”

Wang Xian asked Liulan.

“Dragon King, there are five types: wood attribute, wind attribute, thunder attribute, space attribute, and light attribute. The rest of the attribute quotas are all occupied!”

Liu Lan replied!

Wang Xian nodded, these attribute quotas, if the powerhouse of the Dragon Palace had a chance, they could break through the sword and magic universe.

As for Liulan Wuwangtian, will they intentionally.

Strength is respected.

In their opinion, the best outcome now may be that their universe is not being watched by other powerhouses after the arrival of the calamity.

The Sword and Magic Universe now has five places, but for them, it is a huge danger.

And even if they disagree, how can they resist?

“I have time recently to take a trip to the chaotic space around your universe to see what kind of cosmic power is staring at you.”

Wang Xian hesitated for a moment, then continued!

If the sword and the magic universe were really attacked while measuring the calamity, Wang Xian would help.

Not only because of Long Yin Yin and the others, but also for the future layout.

Wang Xian also wanted to get more of the places for the strong Tianyuan good fortune.

Dragon Palace Shenlong has nine attributes.

If Dragon Palace is adding more powerhouses of Tianyuan fortune, then Dragon Palace can be regarded as a real rise!

In addition, go to see in the chaos, if a strong man who has first entered the realm of good fortune in Tianyuan lays out a sword and magic universe, Wang Xian doesn’t mind taking a shot to see if he can kill it!

The corpse of a strong Tianyuan good fortune is too valuable.

The four corpses left by Wang Xian to the Dragon Palace disciples are enough to increase Dragon Palace’s forty powerhouses who dominate the pinnacle of the universe.

This is a huge improvement for Dragon Palace.

“Let’s take a look around. With your current strength, in the chaos, you are not afraid of encountering powerful enemies that can crush you. What’s more, there are so many fleeing treasures in your own hands!”

Wang Xian thought about it in his heart and decided to take a look.

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