Chapter 4183 Crazy Hunting Tian Yuan Fortune

I sacrifice the vast earth with my blood!

This is a powerful ability of Tusha City, and it needs to pay some no small price to form an extremely powerful defense with its own blood.

The blood sacrifices to the pale earth, and the earth psychics.

Form a special land space domain.

In this space domain, it can interfere with all escape abilities and skills.

Just like the teleportation of space attributes, in my world, the distance of teleportation cannot exceed the limit of this world.

Of course, this ability of Tusha City is not invincible, this kind of restraint can only be maintained for a short time.

But even for a short time, in his opinion, it is enough!

The loess in the sky forms a special pattern.

There is a blood-red vein in the loess.

The entire dungeon was shrouded by this trick.

All the strong Tianyuan good fortune are all shrouded in it.


Encyclopedia Ephesians, who were preparing to flee, and a group of powerful heavenly origins, when they took out their treasures.

The treasure is temporarily invalid.

This changed their expressions slightly.

The expressions of those who are preparing to flee from Tianyuan’s good fortune are also slightly changed.

“Damn the six universes, do it, resist this Dragon King, with our strength, we can completely resist it for a while!”

Baike Fusheng sensed that he was locked, and sensed that the strange earth attribute energy around him prevented them from fleeing, his face was extremely gloomy.

He roared loudly at the surrounding six strong Tianyuan good fortune!

“Oops, now you can’t escape if you want to escape in a short time!”

The six Tianyuan good fortune experts around Baikefusheng saw this scene change wildly. They gritted their teeth as they watched the attacking Wang Xian.


Watching this scene, Wang Xian’s eyes bloomed with lustre.

The powerhouses of the Six Dao Universes have some useful trump cards.

Although it can only trap these strong men for more than ten seconds, this is enough!

He fixed his gaze on the seven powerful people of Baike Fusheng, and the dragon tail continued to sweep!



Encyclopedia Evangelion’s seven strong heavenly origins roared wildly, and immediately burst out a powerful and incomparable attack.

The war broke out completely!

In the surrounding locations, dozens of strong Tianyuan good fortune saw them trapped by Tusha City, frowning slightly.

Seeing the three celestial good fortune powerhouses in Liudao Universe who had been killed, their expressions were a little ugly.

Duke Xining of the Void Universe was even more black.

Hurriedly resisted the twelve ancestor witches’ attack.

“Boom boom boom!”

Located on the side of Wang Xian, when Wang Xian slew towards Baike Fusheng and their seven powerful heavenly origins.

The surrounding Tianyuan strong fortune naturally wouldn’t participate in it, and hurriedly avoided.

They immediately resisted.

With a roaring sound, the seven strong heavenly origins were under the tail of Wang Xian’s dragon, and their bodies flew out quickly.

The faces of the seven strong Tianyuan good fortune were a little gloomy.

“For more than ten seconds, the blockade of that guy in Liudao Universe can only last for more than ten seconds.”

A strong Tianyuan good fortune said with a calm face and loudly.

“A dozen seconds is not a big problem, everyone, don’t keep your hands!”

Another strong Tianyuan good fortune roared loudly!


Wang Xian stared at them, roared, and flew directly towards them.

His huge body is entrenched towards them, wanting to restrain them all!

Nine source dragon domain display.


The energy of nine attributes fills the entire space!

Entirely enveloping the seven powerful heavenly origins of Evangelion and the others.

The shock of energy poured into their bodies.

“Open it!”

Baike Fusheng roared, and a ball appeared in his palm, opening it directly.

The divine power of light enveloped them all.

The other six strong Tianyuan good fortune also defended with all their strength.

“Can you stop it?”

Wang Xian’s dragon body surrounded them in the center. He poked the dragon’s claws and grabbed them directly toward the lower position.

At the same time, the five-element big mill above him directly turned into a five-element dragon.

The Tai Chi Dragon Pan that surrounds the body is also transformed into a Yin-Yang Shenlong!

They all attacked at the lower Encyclopedia Ephesian Saint and their seven strong Tianyuan good fortune!


Wang Xian’s dragon claws blasted on their defenses. To Wang Xian’s surprise, the layers of defense were broken by him, and the last layer of defense still blocked him.

However, just resisting his attack is useless!



The dragon horns of the Five Elements Dragon directly hit the last line of defense.

This caused the faces of the seven powerful Heavenly Essences of Evangelion and their seven strong people to change wildly.

“No, the treasure in his hand can even ignore the suppression of the six universes.”

Baike Fusheng roared with horror!

“Gan, I will resist, and the next resistance will depend on you!”

An extremely painful expression appeared on the face of a strong Tianyuan good fortune.

With a wave of his arm, a strip of cloth directly met the attack of the Five Elements Dasha!


The dragon horn impacted on this cloth strip, but was resisted by the cloth strip full of strange patterns.

Immediately afterwards, the cloth strips slowly began to collapse, falling towards the bottom!


However, before they were happy, before they could continue their defense, the Yin-Yang Shenlong attack that the Tai Chi dragon pan turned into had arrived.

“How come there are?”

When the Yin-Yang Shenlong’s attack power comparable to the Tianyuan Fortune Powerhouse attacked them, the faces of the Tianyuan Fortune Powerhouse showed a trace of despair.

Generally speaking, when the Six Dao Universes are suppressed, ten suppressed powerhouses can resist an unsuppressed Tianyuan good fortune powerhouse.

Seven of them faced Wang Xian and one was at a disadvantage.

Coupled with the five elements, if they use their hole cards, they may be able to support more than ten seconds.

But now there was a third existence comparable to Tianyuan’s good fortune.

How do they fight!


The power of yin and yang rotates, wiping out all the energy, and heading towards them to cover!


Before the named Tianyuan good fortune powerhouse did not respond, energy swept through their bodies, instantly depriving them of vitality!


The body of one of the strong Tianyuan good fortune was cracked like a porcelain, leaving a false corpse!

And his body appeared on the side of the boundless land of Tusha City Blood Sacrifice.

His forehead was full of cold sweat, and he swept towards Wang Xian with horror!


Wang Xian waved his arm and put away the six corpses.

In the next instant, his gaze condensed, and he locked onto the two strong heavenly origins of the Void Universe!

“Kill them!”

Wang Xian yelled at the twelve ancestor witches and they attacked directly.

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