Chapter 4165 Continue to fight, expose! superior


The broken voice sounded in the ring!

The body of Liao Feiyu, who was a giant, froze completely.

The earth hammer in his hand slowly began to collapse in everyone’s sight!

Complete collapse!

At this moment, he sensed the collapse of the earth hammer, watching this powerful blood weapon belonging to their Liao family collapse, and the whole person was completely blindfolded!

Yes, this time, completely stunned!

This earth hammer is one of the top weapons of their Liao family.

Now it is ruined.

It was ruined in the hands of a kid who was only in the pinnacle of Venerable Youyu Zhou!


At the seat of the upper seat, Liao Feiyu’s grandfather’s face was instantly pale, and he couldn’t help but vomit out a mouthful of blood.

He stared at the position of the ring with blood red eyes, and his body trembled violently!

“Damn it, the Hammer of Silver Earth was destroyed, it was destroyed!”

Liao Feiyu’s grandfather’s eyes were a little blood red, and his face instantly showed a hideous look.

He roared, and a terrifying might erupted from his body!

The Hammer of Silver Earth is the only treasure of their Liao family.

It is one of the heritage treasures of their Xuantu tribe.

It was destroyed now, which caused them to lose too much!

“How is this possible? How could the Silver Earth Hammer be defeated in such a way? What treasure is in the young man’s hand?”

“His, the treasure of the bloodline inheritance was destroyed, this??”

At this moment, a well-known expert stood up from the Xuantu tribe above, his face changed drastically, and he watched this scene in shock.

The ability of a young man to possess the strength of the realm of cosmic venerables has already shocked them!

The weapon in the hand of this young man actually destroyed the bloodline weapon of their Profound Earth tribe.

this? ?

“Do not!”

Liao Feiyu looked at the completely collapsed Silver Earth Hammer, his eyes were also blood-red and roared wildly!

“When you bullied my mother, have you ever thought about this scene, are you ready to die?”

Tianci stared at them, his face was full of coldness and sorrow, his expression did not fluctuate too much!

He continued to walk towards Liao Feiyu, his eyes fixed on him tightly.

Liao Feiyu saw Tianci continue to approach. This time, he couldn’t help taking two steps backwards, his face was full of horror.

He doesn’t want to die!

Around, the disciples of the strong men of all the tribes looked at them in shock.


Tianci suddenly speeded up, and a stream of water fell on the sharp sword in his hand on the Book of Water Forbidden Curse.

A terrifying energy is formed on the sharp sword.

The next moment, cut towards Liao Feiyu!


In the upper seat, Liao Feiyu’s father watched this scene, his expression constantly changing there.

He gritted his teeth, roared, and flew directly to the arena, staring at Godsend, with a trace of killing intent flashing in his eyes.

With a wave of his arm, a piece of earth and sand, instantly moved towards the burial of Godsend.

Liao Feiyu’s father participated in the competition in the Tianban group.

Although it did not make it to the top ten, it is still in the top thirty.

The power of the universe to dominate the fourth-order realm.

His blow was fatal to the disciples in the pinnacle realm of Venerable Universe.

There is almost no possibility of escape!

Liao Feiyu’s father suddenly intervened, making everyone around him unresponsive.

God-given mother and grandfather, and the elders of the Muli tribe, were also bewildered when they saw this sudden change.

Some powerhouses who dominate the ninth-level peak realm of the universe frowned slightly when Liao Feiyu’s father suddenly shot.

Some strong men looked at the Xuantu tribe and saw that the strong men of the Xuantu tribe had no plans to stop them, and shook their heads.

The Xuantu tribe, as one of the two top tribes in the Six Dao Universe, other tribes dare not intervene in their affairs at all.

In the scene before him, it was obvious that the Xuantu tribe was disregarding the rules and wanted to kill Muli Tianci.

Wang Xian looked at this scene and shook his head.

With a wave of his arm, a water sword came to the front of the earth and sand instantly, counteracting the attack of the earth and sand!

“Is this the Xuantu tribe? If it’s not an opponent, it will use force to suppress people. Tsk tsk, if the universe dominates the realm, this is to be directly killed.”

Wang Xian stared, his face was full of mockery.

For this scene before him, he was not surprised.

Since the rise of the earth, Wang Xian has encountered too many such things all the way.

The powerful force above, completely shamelessly broke the rules and directly shot and killed the weak challenger in their view.

“Hehe, I, Muli Tianci, has seen the so-called big tribe today. The small ones can’t beat them, so they come to the old and want to kill me directly. Is this the style of your Xuantu tribe?”

“This is your Xuantu tribe?”

Seeing this scene, Tianci also showed a trace of cold sweat on his face. Fortunately, the foster father took action just now.

Otherwise, unless you lift the ban in your body, otherwise, you will definitely die!

“Destroying the treasure of our Xuantu tribe, damn it!”

“Insult our Xuantu tribe, damn it!”

Liao Feiyu’s father saw that his attack was blocked, his eyes condensed, and his face was embarrassed and shouted!

“Your disciples of the Xuantu tribe fought with me in the arena, but the weapon was destroyed and they said I deserved to die. Is your Xuantu tribe so shameless? A top-notch tribe even said such shameless words. Shameless!”

Seeing Liao Feiyu’s father’s murderous expression, Tianci couldn’t help but roar!

“This Xuantu tribe is so shameless, it is too shameless for the small ring to fight, but the old one came up, and wanted to kill the godsend that Muli was shot. Isn’t it too shameless?”

Liao Feiyu’s father’s action also shocked the faces of the disciples of the powerful tribes around him.

A young man couldn’t help but said.

“To shut up!”

However, a middle-aged person beside him immediately yelled at him harshly.

The weak eat the strong.

The Xuantu tribe is not something they can discuss at all.

All the rules are made by the strong.

The history books of history are also written by the strong.

The weak are the losers after all.

As long as the strong are shameless, the weak have no way at all.

Just like this time.

“Shut up, my Profound Earth Tribe is not something you can point to, let’s say that the whole body will not be left!”

When Liao Feiyu’s father heard Godsend’s words, his body was violent, and he said with a murderous expression on his face!

Tianci looked at him so strong, breathing slightly.

The other party didn’t reason with him at all, and didn’t talk any reason.

I want to dominate people with power!

“This adult from the Xuantu tribe, our family is very young and ignorant. I will apologize for him and the Xuantu tribe. I’m sorry, I’m sorry!”

In the rear position, God-given grandpa’s face changed drastically.

He hurriedly flew towards the ring, grabbed the arm of Godsend, and kept apologizing to Liao Feiyu’s father!

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