Chapter 4151 Famous Biography


“Huh? Venerable Universe’s strength in the fifth-order realm?”

Tianci stood on the ring of Qianlong Young Phoenix, and after reporting his strength, he was located in a position around him. All the disciples heard it and looked at him with astonishment.

The arena of Qianlong, Young and Phoenix, on this arena, all of them are under 200 million years old.

At this age, in the arena, most of the strength is just stepping into the realm of the universe.

At a glance, there are very few people in the third-order realm of Venerable Universe!

Not to mention the fifth-order realm of Venerable Universe.

This is in the entire arena, not even one at present.

“Muli Tribe, the strength of Venerable Universe in Tier 5 is so strong, he is definitely the top three in our group!”

“Almost, how did this guy cultivate? How can his realm be so high, the most important thing is that he is not from the Dead Tribe and the Profound Earth Tribe.”

“Wow, this realm is much higher than us, right?”

Some teenagers glanced at the outstanding gift, with envy and respect on their faces.

In their arena of Qianlong, Young and Phoenix, all of them are the top teenagers in the Six Dao Universes.

They come from various tribes.

Each one is one of the best in their own tribe.

But now some have been hit by godsend!

“Well, yes, it is really good to be able to possess such strength after more than 90 million years of cultivation!”

In the center of the ring of the Qianlong Young Phoenix Group, an old man is suspended in the sky.

He glanced across the gift of heaven, nodded, and praised without hesitation!

“Huh? What? He hasn’t cultivated for 100 million years?”

“Isn’t it, only half my age, so strong?”

“His, horrible!”

In the surrounding locations, everyone was slightly surprised when they heard the old man’s words.

“Unexpectedly, I thought that in the same generation, I was invincible. I didn’t expect this brother to be so strong, hahaha, that’s interesting!”

At this time, at the uppermost seat, a young man flew over.

Beside the teenager, there are hundreds more.

The boy in the center is three meters tall and full of explosive muscles!

It looks very thick.

He looked at Godsend and said with a big smile!

“Invincible of the same generation? Are you Tujiang Copper from the Xuantu tribe? Your strength is good, but you are not my opponent!”


A group of juveniles from the Xuantu tribe flew over, located at the attributes of the dead, and a group of juveniles also fell on the ring.

The young man headed lightly swept Tujiang Copper and Godsend.

“Neither of you will be my opponent!”

He said confidently and proudly!

Located at the position of his neck, there hung a human head shining with black light. The black light reflected on his pale face, making it look weird.

“You two have small bodies like this, I will slap you with one slap!”

Tu Jiangtong looked at the young man who was flying over, split his mouth and shook his head disdainfully!

Godsend glanced over them, and when they heard what they said, a smile appeared on their faces!

“Two Cosmos Venerables in the fifth-level realm, if they join hands, they can barely compare with me!”

As soon as he moved his palm, the water condensed in front of him, and a sharp sword appeared in his hand.

Godsend spoke lightly.

It seems to be saying something very easy!

As soon as his words fell, Tujiang Tong and the young man from the Tribe of the Dead were slightly taken aback, their eyes focused on him.

“Haha, I thought I was confident enough, but I didn’t expect you to be more confident and arrogant than me!”

Tujiang Copper stared at Godsend, haha ​​smiled!

He narrowed his eyes slightly, walked straight to Tianci, looked at him up and down, and slowly stretched out his huge palm.

“Very good, get to know!”

Tujiang Copper walked over, stretched out his hand, and said lightly toward Godsend.

Godsend smiled and stretched out his hand to shake it with him!


In the surrounding position, all the young people’s eyes focused on him.

This is obviously an open fight.

A pair of huge palms and a pair of small hands are held together.


Immediately afterwards, everyone felt that a wave of energy began to brew in their palms.

Some of the weak, couldn’t help taking a step back!

Godsend and Tujiang Tong looked at each other with a smile.

The two people’s body shapes are a bit inconsistent!

But soon, the smile on Tujiang Tong’s face began to disappear.


Five seconds later, he quickly pulled out his arm, the huge arm trembling constantly there!

He stared at Godsend, his face changed constantly!

“very nice!”

Tianci looked at him, smiled, and said something.

“Yes, yes, really, it seems that I want to beat you, and I need to show all my hole cards!”

Tu Jiangtong’s face changed slightly, and he said solemnly toward Godsend!

“Looking forward to the duel!”

Tianci also smiled at him.

“Haha, great, looking forward to it!”

“That’s interesting. It seems that this time the first place in our group should be separated from the two of us and this little white face!”

Tujiang Copper laughed and said, very bold!


The young man from the tribe of the dead turned black when he heard Tu Jiangtong’s address and cursed directly!

Tujiang Copper heard it and didn’t care.

“That man named Muli Tianci is so handsome. Facing the two Tianjiaos of the Profound Earth Tribe and the Dead Tribe, he did not lose the wind at all, and even gained the upper hand.”

“It’s really handsome. I didn’t expect him to be able to compete with Tujiang Tong and the others. It’s really amazing.”

Some teenagers looked at the three of them and talked quietly.

Some girls looked at Mu Li Tianci, even staring in their eyes.

“It’s a bit high-profile.”

From the position below, Mu Liyin’er had been looking at Tianci. Seeing this scene, she frowned slightly and said!

“Hehe, people are not frivolous and vain young people!”

When Wang Xian heard it, he smiled faintly, but didn’t care at all.

This is the temperament that a teenager should have.

Modest, confident and proud!

“A genius boy, naturally I want to show up a little bit!”

Mu Liyin’er’s father also said with a smile, his face full of joy.

“Yin’er, you should also go to the arena to learn from each other, the calamity is about to come, and then you have to improve your strength!”

Mu Liyin’er’s father said to her: “Let’s see if we can get a good result.”

“I’ll try, but I’m afraid it’s a bit difficult. There are too many strong players.”

Mu Liyin’er said.

There are many Tianjiao powerhouses in other arenas.

From the Tianjiao group, the strong ones have already reached the pinnacle of the Universe Venerable.

She is much worse.

However, you can also try.

Next, the Six Ways Conference officially began.

The strong disciples of the four groups have also begun to compete for a thousand places!

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