Chapter 4149

“This is a dungeon!”

Drive from the water source to the dungeon of Tuyuan, and transit through the teleportation array in the middle.

Four years later, the Muli tribe team came to the underground city.

Everyone in the Muli tribe stood in a huge teleportation square, looking around.

“This underground city looks so majestic. Any building is tens of thousands of meters high. There are some strange birds and beasts flying above it, so magnificent!”

Standing on the square of the teleportation array, Tianci looked at the surroundings with a shocked expression on his face.

“The Xuantu tribe is called the first tribe, which gives people a shocking feeling.”

Mu Liyin’er also scanned the surroundings with blinking eyes, with a hint of amazement on her face.

Mu Liyin’er’s knowledge is no more than Godsend.

She also came to the Xuantu tribe for the first time!

“The Xuantu tribe is extremely powerful. Look at the birds and beasts flying in the sky. They are powerful elemental beasts. The Xuantu tribe has raised several powerful elemental beast races. A powerful ground combat corps, powerful and invincible.”

From the side, Mu Liyin’er’s father introduced to Godsend with a smile on his face.

Now Tianci is regarded as a treasure of the Muli tribe, as his grandfather, at this time, he has no opinion on the birth of Tianci at all.

There is even a feeling of knowing but not blessing!

Tianci nodded when he heard it, and looked around curiously.

In the surrounding locations, there are many strong disciples from various races.

The strength of the Muli tribe is not bad, but there is still a huge gap from the top tribe.

This time not only the tribes from the six treasure lands, but also the tribes in the periphery.

However, compared to the tribes in the six treasure lands, other tribes are also much weaker.

“Let’s go, this time at the Six Dao Conference, the Xuantu tribe has prepared a place to live for all the tribes. Let’s go first.”

In the front position, an elder of the Muli tribe swept to everyone and said!

Afterwards, a group of people followed the elder and flew towards a part of the dungeon.

The entire dungeon is huge, and the buildings made of soil exude a heavy atmosphere.

In some buildings, there are also powerful battle fortresses, which is not easy at first sight!

Keep flying towards the inside.

Soon, in the center, there was a basin.

A huge basin.

In the center of the basin, there is a huge arena.

Around the arena, there is a small arena.

And around these basins, there are earth holes.

The dirt caves are densely packed and countless, and there are still people coming in and out of them.

“This time the six-track competition is held here. Around this basin, there is an underground palace.”

“We live in dirt caves.”

The elder of the Muli tribe spoke.

At this time, a strong man from the Xuantu tribe flew over and led them towards a dirt cave!

Although it is a dirt cave, it looks very majestic.

Exuding a heavy atmosphere, as well as the earthy yellow luster of the earth hole, it gives people a luxurious feeling.

Entering into the interior of the earth cave, it is extremely luxurious and has a huge living room.

Deep down, there are luxurious rooms.

There are tens of thousands of rooms in a dirt cave.

Every room is extremely spacious!

“Everyone of the Muli tribe, you will live here for the next time. This is the most central and safest place in our Tucheng. In our Tucheng, it is forbidden to have any internal fighting, especially fighting. ”

“Once a fight occurs, it has nothing to do with right or wrong, and it is directly killed. If there are grievances, you can go to the ring to resolve it. In the ring, you can live or die!”

The strong man from the Xuantu tribe reminded everyone in the Muli tribe.

“Okay, thank you for this little brother.”

The elder of the Muli tribe smiled and nodded.

In the dungeon, they naturally did not dare to have any presumptuous.

After all, the Xuantu tribe has a strong presence in Tianyuan.

“Well, not far from the six-track arena, there is a street where you can trade any items, and you can also have some fun and entertainment. At present, the six-track competition has a hundred years to start. You can stroll around. .”

The middle-aged strong man from the Xuantu tribe continued with a smile!

The elders of the Muli tribe nodded.

“Everyone find a room, you can go around, remember, don’t cause trouble here.”

The people of the Xuantu tribe left, and the elder of the Muli tribe said to everyone.

“Foster father, mother, we will go out to play later.”

Tianci immediately said to Wang Xian and Mu Liyin’er with excitement on their faces.

It was the first time I went out, and Godsend was very excited.

“no problem!”

Wang Xian nodded, and Mu Liyin’er on the side also responded with a smile.

Soon, a few people walked out of the cave and flew towards the outside.

“There are so many people, so lively!”

Along with Wang Xian and the others, there are other people from the Muli tribe, and a group of people are strolling here.

Wang Xian scanned the surroundings.

There are many powerful people in Tucheng, and Wang Xian quietly sensed, but he didn’t sense the aura of a powerful person in Tianyuan’s good fortune.

“The powerful Tianyuan creations in other universes should not dare to come here.”

Wang Xian secretly said in his heart.

After all, this is Tucheng, the main city of a tribe of strong heavenly origins.

Moreover, after the start of the six-track competition, the strong Tianyuan good fortune is likely to come.

For them, it can be said to be very dangerous.

Moreover, the Xuantu tribe should have made some preparations for those who are strong in Tianyuan’s good fortune.

Although the strong Tianyuan good fortune is very strong, in the six realms of the universe, the ten or so cosmos dominate the peak realm, almost able to kill one Tianyuan good fortune.

After all, Tianyuan good fortune will be suppressed here.

Of course, the strong Tianyuan good fortune all have hole cards, and the possibility of killing them is too small.

Wang Xian possesses the treasure in the heavenly body to hide, unless the strong Tianyuan good fortune is several hundred meters away from him, otherwise, he will not be found.

Next, a crowd of people wandered around in Tucheng!

There are more and more strong disciples in Tucheng, and the strong disciples of various tribes are also coming one by one.

Wang Xian strolled with Godsend Mu Liyin’er and the others every day, but it was also very leisurely.

“Boom boom boom!”

One day a hundred years later, the roar of an earthquake resounded from the ring of the six-track competition.

“Godsend, it’s about to start, let’s go quickly!”

The voice sounded, and Mu Liyin’er’s voice came from outside.

“I’m coming!”

Godsend came out of the room, and everyone immediately walked out!

Located in the surrounding location, inside the huge cavern of the basin, a disciple of the famous expert walked out.

In addition, there are a large number of strong disciples flying over quickly from the surrounding locations.

The six-track contest has begun!

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