Chapter 4139 Kill Tianyuan Again! superior


The bright bell rang, and a huge divine bell enveloped the entire space.

Linniu and the others are completely enveloped in it.

The Holy Father stared at the Lin Niu with hot and cold eyes, and a terrifying breath burst out from his body.

A strong fighting spirit filled the surroundings.

He stared at it tightly.

He was ready to carry out a fight, a life-and-death fight of the same level, the kind of endless death.

Under normal circumstances, fights at the same level rarely endure endlessly.

But now, for the sake of a treasure of heavenly origin, he has to die endlessly, otherwise, he will not be reconciled.

Even if this body fell, he would try it.

“If you want to fight with me, then I have to see who is living and dying today, he is not yours.”

Lin Niu stared at the holy father, his eyes were also full of cold expression!

The opponent wants to fight him, wanting to obtain the heavenly good fortune treasure.

But Linniu did not run away directly.

Escape is the next choice.

The news of the godsend had been learned by him, and now he could not escape.

But to behead it.

Although it can be resurrected after killing it, it still has to be exposed.

However, if they kill him, they will have some buffer and can make some preparations in advance.

The most important thing is that Lin Niu knew that Wang Xian had already rushed over here.

The opponent’s strength is about the same as him, but once Wang Xian arrives, they will be able to destroy this brightly attributed Tianyuan strong fortune!

“Then make a quick decision and see who will die today!”

“The treasure of Tianyuan’s good fortune, I am bound to get it!”

The holy father stared at Lin Niu with all his face, completely violent!

Must fight to kill the opponent quickly.

Otherwise, if it takes a long time, it may be discovered by other powerful people, or by the powerful people in this universe.

“My words, the light bursts, the white night surging, the death of the light, the dedication of the light!”

With a move of the Holy Father’s hand, the staff in his hand showed sharp spikes.

A terrifying might broke out all over.

In an instant, he broke out four powerful attack methods.

Even the last means of attack is completely consuming one’s own background.

He raised the staff full of sharp thorns in his hand, and headed towards the Lin Niu!

“Godsend, get down.”

Lin Niu saw the opponent directly explode with all his strength, his face was also full of solemn expression.

A burst of energy enveloped the heavenly body, and Lin Niu’s body began to explode again.

It quickly reached a size of several kilometers.

A breath of demon god rushed, and powerful death energy burst out from the unicorn of Lin Niu, and he greeted the Holy Father directly!


A terrifying collision sounded, and terrifying energy impacted the surroundings.

Tianci lay on Linniu’s body, protected by energy, with a look of horror on his face.

He did not expect that Linniu’s strength would be so terrifying, nor did he expect that the opponent’s strength would be so terrifying!

The war broke out!

However, when the fighting here completely broke out.

Located in the Muli tribe, when Wang Xian received this message, his eyes narrowed slightly.

With a movement of his body, he hurried towards the place where Linniu and the others were at a terrifying speed.

He didn’t expect that Godsend would be discovered by a strong Tianyuan good fortune.

Moreover, it was discovered in this way.

In Wang Xian’s eyes, the heavenly origin of good fortune in the heavenly body had a very strong concealment ability.

Only when the strong Tianyuan good fortune is close to the godsend by a distance of tens of meters, can it be sensed.

A distance of tens of meters, this distance can be said to be very close!

Such a strong person would generally not be so close to him!

But now, a strong Tianyuan good fortune actually wanted to obliterate them all.

Linniu had to make a move!

“The time of discovery is a bit early!”

Wang Xian frowned secretly in his heart.

Right now, only Youyu Zhou dominates the Tier 3 realm. Although Tianyuan’s Fortune Treasure has been growing, it has not yet reached its maturity stage.

Not even close to the connection.

According to Wang Xian’s estimation, it may take a hundred or two billion for Tianci to reach the realm of Tianyuan’s good fortune.

When Tianci grew to the realm of Tianyuan’s good fortune, the treasure of Tianyuan’s good fortune in his body should have also reached the maturity stage.

The reason for the rapid growth is also related to the ancestor tree in Wang Xian’s body.

When Godsend was a child, the ancestor tree has been instilling energy into it.

Although one branch was taken down, it at least shortened his body’s growth cycle of the Tianyuan Good Fortune Treasure by 100 million years.

“Forget it, it won’t work, take the godsend to the Chaos Tree.”

Wang Xian secretly said in his heart, and a cold expression slowly appeared in his eyes.

That light-attribute Tianyuan strong fortune even wanted to take away the gift of heaven.


He gave a cold snort and quickly shuttled under the water.

The whirlpool area is an area where elemental beasts are concentrated in a water source.

There is the realm and heaven of elemental beasts.

It is also a place for them to practice!

It’s not close to the Muli tribe!

Even if Wang Xian reached the nearest tribe through the teleportation array in the Muli tribe, and then flew at full strength, it would take a day!

However, Lin Niu was able to persevere in a day’s battle with that strong Tianyuan good fortune!

Even if it is a desperate fight, it takes five or six days, or even a dozen days, for a strong Tianyuan good fortune at the same level to be able to divide the victory or defeat.

Unless both parties are desperate, it is possible to separate life and death in one day!

But obviously, Linniu won’t fight it recklessly!

Time passed by every minute and every second.

Located in the whirlpool sea area, Lin Niu and the light-attributed Tianyuan strong fortune were constantly fighting.

“Resist, how long can you resist? Hahaha, let me see how long you can support!”

In the center of the battlefield shrouded by the divine bell, Lin Niu fought against the holy father.

At the very beginning, the bright-attribute Tianyuan strong fortune was completely desperate to replace his injuries with injuries, and wanted to end the battle as soon as possible.

After Lin Niu fought with him for several injuries, he calmed down and defended!

This made the strong Tianyuan good fortune show an expression of excitement, thinking that Lin Niu was not his opponent, and he did not dare to fight his life and death.

There was a fiery glow in his eyes, and one after another terror attack!


Lin Niu gave a cold snort, did not answer, and continued to resist his attacks.

There are some scars on his body, and these scars are not light.

In the same way, the opposing person with the light attribute Tianyuan good fortune had wounds on his body under such madness.

The wound was only lighter than him.

If the real life and death fight, the possibility of Linniu’s death is still very great!

The opponent’s strength, and the treasures and methods in his hand, are better than him.

However, he had no need to fight with it.

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