Chapter 4134 Ancestral Tree Breakthrough

This time, Wang Xian thought that the Tai Chi Dragon Disk might be able to break through for thousands of years.

Unfortunately, there was no breakthrough.

This made him very helpless.

In the next time, he will normally not retreat.

“By the way, I heard that the tribe is going to establish a team of Muli tribe elites, and each age group will select a group of them to train with all their strength. Have you given any notice from your college?”

Mu Liyin’er asked Godsend.

“Mom, the college has notified me, I will enter the Intermediate Academy immediately, and when I arrive at the Intermediate Academy, I can have resources far beyond those of others.”

Godsend nodded.

“Next, Godsend you must practice hard and strive to become the top powerhouse in our six realms universe.”

Mu Liyin’er said to him.

The matter of measuring the calamity, the creatures in the six realms of the universe are now aware of it.

Now, all tribes are already preparing for the calamity.

Concentrate resources and cultivate the strong.

Just to be able to have more hope of survival when the calamity comes.

“Don’t worry, mom, I will.”

Tianci nodded, and then suddenly asked: “By the way, my grandfather, hasn’t seen him for a long time, has he retired too?”

“No, your grandfather is following the other powerhouses in the tribe, begging to find invaders to kill other universes.”

Mu Liyin’er said to him.

“Invaders from other universes? Why do other universes invade us?”

Tianci asked curiously.

“This mother doesn’t know much. I heard from your grandfather that it’s because our universe gave birth to powerful treasures. Powerful men from other universes came and wanted to snatch treasures. The three adults in our universe are also looking for them. Holding that treasure.”

“Speaking of which, when Godsends you were born, our universe was enveloped by a cosmos and purple air. According to rumors, that day, that powerful treasure was born.”

Mu Liyin’er said to him with a smile.


For the first time, Tianci heard her mother say this to herself.

He was stunned for a moment, and looked at Wang Xian aside with a stunned expression on his face.

Wang Xian smiled and said nothing.

“Foster father, do you know something?”

He couldn’t help but spread the voice towards Wang Xian.

“Now you don’t need to know, just live a good life!”

Wang Xian did not answer him.

Tianci saw that Wang Xian didn’t answer, and there was no way.

But in his mind, there are some guesses!

After eating a meal, Wang Xian and the others went to a venue where they could learn from each other.

Afterwards, the three returned home.

Time is passing fast again, one hundred thousand years, one million years, ten million years!


On this day, Wang Xian, who was recovering from his injuries, suddenly felt majestic vitality coming from his body.

An impact force of wood attribute poured into his body.

This energy quickly healed the injuries in his body.

The injury, which originally took 80 to 90 million years to recover, is recovering at a terrifying speed.

“what’s the situation?”

Wang Xian was taken aback by the sudden situation, and his eyes widened.

He felt the rapid recovery from his injuries.

This energy that healed his injuries originated from the ancestor tree.

He focused his eyes on the top of the ancestral tree.

When he sensed the ancestor tree, his face showed joy!

The ancestor tree at the moment has towering branches and leaves.

Fruits are growing on it.

There are rejuvenating fetal fruit, inexhaustible wooden fetal fruit, and regular fetal fruit.

There is also the fruit of Nerei.

Many fruits are growing.

Each branch contains all kinds of energy.

In addition, there is a striking branch on the main trunk of the ancestral tree.

On top of this branch, there are also more than a dozen branches.

These branches possess a powerful force.

On the entire ancestral tree, it is very bright and eye-catching.

Even the dense surrounding branches and fruits cannot cover the sharpness of this branch.

This did not surprise Wang Xian. What shocked him most was that on the top branches of the ancestral tree, there were fruits starting to condense.

There are more than twenty fruits in the heart.

Each fruit has the size of a palm.

However, these fruits were obviously just grown and not mature.

“The ancestor tree has passed the growth period and reached the maturity period?”

Wang Xian saw the fruit of the ancestor tree actually bear fruit, and his face was extremely surprised.

Once the ancestor tree bears fruit and the fruit is mature, it means that the ancestor tree will completely enter the mature period.

Entered the peak period.

The power of Tianyuan’s treasure of good fortune will also be able to be fully displayed!

“Now, the power of the ancestor tree has somewhat appeared!”

Wang Xian’s eyes shone with luster.

Yes, at this moment, he has been able to sense some changes.

The biggest change is the injury.

At present, Wang Xian’s recovery ability will reach a terrifying point!

Now, if he was injured as badly as the last time, he didn’t need any treasures.

It does not take hundreds of millions of years.

As long as he recovers, he will be able to recover in tens of thousands of years.

This resilience is absolutely terrifying!

You know, the last time Wang Xian’s injury was very serious.

Now, Wang Xian’s vitality, if it had been at the control level before, attacked him ten times with all his strength, and Wang Xian could completely wipe him out without defense.

Now, at least 20 attacks are required!

The powerful resilience made him recover quickly after a huge attack!

The current Wang Xian relied on this resilience to fight against the two powerful men who had just entered the Tianyuan fortune, without the slightest problem.

Because Wang Xian is now able to exchange injuries for injuries in battle.

The two powerful men who had just entered the good fortune of Tianyuan couldn’t kill him at all.

Even if you fight desperately with Wang Xian, it’s hard to say who lives and who will die!

All this is under the condition that Wang Xian does not use the Five Elements Great Mould.

If you use the Five Elements Great Mill, let alone!

“Awesome is really amazing. The ancestor tree is about to enter the maturity stage, and he has gained so many benefits. When the ancestral tree has completely entered the maturity stage, isn’t it comparable to the control level?”

“The ancestor tree is only an auxiliary nature of the heavenly origin of good fortune, what about the offensive type of heavenly good fortune that bestowed upon him that day? Is it possible to fight against two masters of Tianyuan’s good fortune just after reaching the heavenly good fortune?”

“If that were the case, it would be horrible!”

Wang Xian was amazed in his heart, this possibility is very great.

Even if it is impossible to fight against two control levels, but against one control level, plus one or two newcomers, the problem should not be big!

“It’s also a good thing to recover from my injury. At least if a special situation occurs, I can cope with it. Next is to cultivate the growth of the gods. I really look forward to the growth of the heavenly good fortune in his body!”

Wang Xian secretly said in his heart!

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