Chapter 4126 Decision


Under Wang Xian’s induction, this newly born baby who ran towards him was the treasure of Tianyuan’s good fortune!

There is absolutely nothing wrong!

Wang Xian definitely did not feel wrong!

This made him feel a little overwhelmed.

This is strange.

How can this be?

How could a child be the treasure of Tianyuan’s good fortune?

Under his stunned and shocked gaze, the child ran up to him and hugged him directly.

Wang Xian lowered his head and looked at him.

The child raised his head and looked at him.

After hesitating, Wang Xian slowly picked him up.

An extremely strong wood attribute energy gushes out of the child’s body.

At this time, Wang Xian sensed that the ancestor tree trembled slightly in his body.

Wood attribute energy is absorbed by the ancestor tree.

Immediately afterwards, the ancestor tree seemed to stick out a branch and attached it to the child.

A burst of energy is also transmitted into the child’s body!



The child seemed to feel very comfortable and laughed there.

Feeling this situation, Wang Xian’s face changed slightly.

He held the little boy in his palm, and a burst of energy entered his body, checking his situation.

Under Wang Xian’s induction, he sensed that there was a bud in the child’s body.

Green shoots!

It grows suddenly in the body.

Although very small, it contains extremely pure wood attribute energy.

This energy is full of toughness and sharpness.

The energy of the ancestor tree is completely different.

This is not a supplementary treasure of Tianyuan’s good fortune.

It’s offensive!

“It is a newly born treasure of Tianyuan’s good fortune, 100% of which is that this treasure of Tianyuan’s good fortune has grown in the body of a child and is connected to the child’s life!”

“Now, I can take away the treasure of this heavenly origin!”

Wang Xianxin decided.

Now, he can take away the treasure of Tianyuan’s good fortune 100%!

However, if you want to take away the treasure of Tianyuan’s good fortune, it is estimated that this little boy will die instantly.

The life of this child is connected with the treasure of Tianyuan’s good fortune.

very strange.

This situation is very strange!

“This son, you woke up. I didn’t expect Godsend to be so close to you.”

Mu Liyin’er looked over and said to Wang Xian with a smile on her face!

“You saved me?”

Wang Xian looked at them and asked.

“It was our young lady who rescued you and brought you here. If it weren’t for our young lady, you might be dead. Our young lady said, saving you would be regarded as a kindness for our young master!”

The maid beside Mu Liyin’er spoke to Wang Xian!

“Thank you young lady for her life-saving grace!”

Wang Xian looked at Mu Liyin’er, thanked her, and felt a little change in his heart!

He was already thinking about how to get the treasure of Tianyuan’s good fortune, but the woman saved himself.

The most terrible thing is that it is to accumulate good for your children?

this? ?

The child in front of him has the treasure of Tianyuan’s good fortune in his body.

To say that Wang Xian would not take it away, in the eyes of others, he definitely had a brain problem.

Even if the treasure of Tianyuan’s good fortune is taken away, this child will die.

But for their level of existence, the life of a child is simply incomparable with the life of Tianyuan’s Great Fortune Treasure.

Not to mention a child, it is 100 million, and 99% of the strong Tianyuan good fortune will make a move.

Can cultivate to such a realm, which one is not the existence of massacre, country and clan?

Which hand is not contaminated with the blood of thousands of creatures?

What kind of existence is the treasure of Tianyuan’s good fortune?

“En avenged his revenge!”

Wang Xian felt a little helpless, he did not expect that such a multiple-choice question would appear in front of him!

Others save him to accumulate good for the child, but not to let him kill her child.

“No thanks, we are also doing it at our fingertips!”

Mu Liyin’er shook her head: “You are seriously injured, take a good rest, wait for the rest, and do other things!”

“Thank you for your concern!”

Wang Xian nodded, and squatted down to put the little boy down: “Go find your mother!”



But the little boy was not obedient, still holding him with both hands and not letting go!

This made him slightly speechless.

From a side position, Mu Liyin’er saw this scene and shook her head and walked over: “Come on, come and be with my mother!”

Mu Liyin’er stretched out her hand, wanting to take away the godsend.


But the next second, Tianci cried directly, holding Wang Xian unwilling to leave.

When Wang Xian saw this scene, his heart moved, causing the ancestor tree to hide.

The reason Tianci got close to him and wanted to be close to him was because Wang Xian had an ancestor tree in his body.

The two wood-attribute Tianyuan Good Fortune Treasures are both in the growing stage.

With the transformation of that energy just now, Wang Xian could clearly feel the subtle changes in the ancestor tree.

This change is a good thing for the ancestors.

The attraction of the ancestral tree made Godsend instinctively want to get close to him.

“Well, godsend, don’t cry, don’t cry!”

Mu Liyin’er hugged the godsend and began to comfort her!

“I’ll go to the room to practice and recover from my injury, so I won’t bother you. When Miss Muli is free, I’m thanking you!”

Wang Xian looked at him, bowed his hand towards them, and walked into the room.


Mu Liyin’er nodded and continued to coax Godsend.

“This little godsend can really make a lot of noise, come, let grandma hug!”

The woman behind came over and comforted her.

Several people coaxed the child.

Wang Xian glanced, and his expression changed slightly when he entered the room.

After a few minutes of silence, he shook his head helplessly.

“Forget it, if there is no good way, then forget it. After he grows up, the ancestor can get something useful from it, even a branch.”

In the end, Wang Xian decided to let go.

He has his own principles, and if someone provokes himself, he will pay back ten times.

But now that the other party helped himself, Wang Xian couldn’t do the matter of enending revenge.

Although the temptation of Tianyuan’s Great Fortune Treasure is too great, his own bottom line cannot be touched.

And just now, after the brief end of the gift of heaven, he also discovered that the ancestor tree and the heavenly essence of good fortune in his body can also get benefits.

It’s just that the Heavenly Origin Good Fortune Treasure in his body has just been born, and the effect is not very obvious.

“Stay here for the next time.”

Wang Xian decided in his heart and felt the situation outside. He closed his eyes and began to recover from his injury.


Some days later, Wang Xian’s door was suddenly opened.

This made his gaze condensed slightly, and he looked towards the doorway.

Immediately after, he saw a brain poking in, looking at him with big eyes.

Wang Xian smiled when he saw it.

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