Chapter 4123 The universe is roaring, the treasure of Tianyuan’s good fortune is released

Three terrifying coffins slowly stood between heaven and earth.

Each coffin is tens of thousands of kilometers in size, standing between heaven and earth, as if to bury the entire world!

The three coffins blocked all the roads of the Void Tower!

In the rear position, that figure stared at the Void Tower with blood red eyes.

“Huh? What kind of powerful move is this? This move makes me feel a little palpitating, Duke Xining, don’t get entangled, just consume the treasure and leave here!”

Lord Tianmen saw the three coffins that appeared in an instant, his eyes condensed slightly, and he said with some anxiety in his heart!


Duke Xining also nodded heavily, and with a movement of his palm, a spatial scroll appeared in his hand.

With a move of his palm, he stuck the space scroll on the Void Tower!

The entire Void Tower began to become illusory!


However, at this moment, in the central location, a coffin suddenly trembled.

The entire space trembled suddenly.

An energy familiar to God Tianmen and Duke Xining gushed out of the coffin.

Immediately afterwards, the entire space was completely imprisoned.

“Space, silence!”


A sound that made people feel terrifying suddenly came from inside the coffin.

The Void Tower, which was originally teleporting, trembled violently.

Teleport failed!

“What’s the situation? How is this possible?”

“What is this? The space is dead, the powerful forbidden technique of our Void Royal Family!”

Inside the Void Tower, Lord Tianmen and Lord Xining suddenly changed their faces, staring at the gradually opening coffin with incredible expressions!

From within that coffin, a powerful spatial force came out!

The surrounding space is completely solidified.

The entire Void Tower was completely imprisoned!

Space is dead!

This is a powerful forbidden technique created by the Holy King of the Void Royal Family.

Melt your body consciousness into the surrounding void and block everything!

The cost of this trick is very large, and it can even be said to be a bad one. If the opponent breaks through, you will suffer heavy losses!

Now, why does this forbidden technique and this space energy suddenly appear?

This makes them feel a little weird!

Feeling a little surprised!


At this time, the central coffin was completely opened.

Inside the coffin, a figure appeared in their sight!

“The General of the Crusaders!”

When they saw the figure in the coffin, both Tianmengong and Xininggong exclaimed at the same time.

Void Universe Void Royal Family Defeating General!

At the time of the last calamity, the only one who completely fell into the void universe celestial fortune powerhouse.

How could a strong man who has completely died suddenly appear here?

The figure in the coffin slowly opened his eyes, revealing a blood-red light.

His body exudes the power of space and silence.

The temperament is completely different from what they remembered!



At this time, the other two huge coffins on the left and right sides opened slowly!

Two burly figures also appeared in their sight!

“The dead Tianyuan good fortune.”

Lord Tianmen looked at this scene, his face changed drastically!

The dead Tianyuan good fortune.

Yes, the strong Tianyuan good fortune in the coffin are all Tianyuan good fortune that has completely fallen.

And now, he was even called out.

The most important thing is that the three dead Tianyuan good fortune powerhouses still possess the strength of Tianyuan good fortune.

Also possesses the secret method of his lifetime!

Duke Xining also took a deep breath.

“The power of the Sixth Way of the Universe, the attributes of the dead, the power of the dead, and the special energy in the universe have always been relatively powerful, but this kind of power…”

Xining’s face was a bit embarrassed!

They haven’t dealt with the powerful Tianyuan good fortune in the Six Dao Universe.

I don’t know that Liudao Universe, a strong man of heavenly origin, is so terrifying!

It was actually able to summon the dead strong.

This is a bit scary!

Somewhat powerful.

If they are in chaos, they may be able to leave easily, or even suppress it

But here, they are in big trouble!

If these three special corpses can fight all the time, it is equivalent to facing the attack of four strong Tianyuan good fortune!

With their suppressed power, they can avoid one, avoid two, but three or four, they are not sure!

“This six-dimensional universe is not as simple as we imagined!”

Tianmengong’s face was not good-looking, their bodies moved, and they felt the energy around them solidified incomparably.

The power of the space in the body is being squeezed by the power of the surrounding space!

“Tianmengong, now we can only ask for more blessings.”

Duke Xining stared at him and said!

With a move of his palm, the Void Tower disappeared directly into his body!

Tianmengong nodded with embarrassment.

Next, they are going to flee desperately. As for whether they can escape, it depends on their luck!

The two took a deep breath!

Start using the trump cards and treasures in your hand!


Wang Xian didn’t know that the arrival of the six cosmic powerhouses made him escape.

But at this moment, although he escaped this catastrophe.

But the whole body has also reached the brink of death!

In his body, the vitality is extremely weak, and it can be said that any living creature can kill him.

He was suspended on the surface of the water source, being swept by the waves.

He has completely fallen into a coma. According to this state, Wang Xian will die soon!

It won’t be long before he will be resurrected in the Dragon Palace!

“Attention young lady, there seems to be someone over there!”

Time passed slowly, and a few hours later, a group of two people hovered on the water and flew quickly toward the front.

At this moment, the woman on the right suddenly spoke, and stood in front of the woman next to her!

The woman next to her has a bulging belly, which is obviously pregnant!

“Well, I saw it, it seems to be hurt.”

The pregnant woman looked around and said.

“Miss, this kind of person’s identity is unknown, let’s just leave it alone!”

The maid on the right spoke!

“It’s okay, if you bump into it, just go and have a look. If you can help, please help. It’s a good thing for Bo’er.”

The woman hesitated, touched her stomach, and said!


The maid frowned slightly.

At this time, the body in front was slowly approaching under the wind and waves!

“All right.”

The maid nodded: “Miss, let me see!”

The maid flew over and checked her body, her brows furrowed, and a wave of wood-attribute energy poured into her body.

“Miss, this man is seriously injured and almost dying. He is in a coma now and it is not so easy to recover!”

The maid said to the woman!

“Bring it back, it’s very close to the tribe.”

The woman said.

“Miss, you are too kind.”

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