4120–Matt Gandhi


Located in the sky above the water source.

A space weapon, like a war weapon, slowly emerged!

Void Tower.

The weapon of war of the Void Kings in the Void Universe!

The Void Tower is the most powerful weapon in the Void Universe.

To the powerhouses of the void universe, they can get huge blessings in the power of space!

Duke Xining summoned the Void Tower, and they entered directly into the Void Tower.

The huge spatial force caused the surrounding water to stagnate.

The Void Tower bursts with terrifying energy.

As the King of the Void Royal Family, their Void Tower is second only to the Void Royal Family King!

Gong Tianmen and Gong Xining entered the Void Tower, and they stared at the direction where Wang Xian had escaped, injecting energy.


The Void Tower trembled and disappeared instantly!

The energy of the Void Tower is very powerful, and it will also be very obvious in these six universes.

However, at this time, Tianmengong and Xininggong obviously had a slaying heart for Wang Xian.

Even if you are a powerful person who is good fortune by the Tianyuan of the Six Dao Universe, you will also kill Wang Xian.

In addition, they are also betting.

The powerhouses who are betting on Liudao Universe can’t find them.

Before the Tianyuan good fortune of Liudao Universe discovered them, they had already killed Wang Xian!

They also have this confidence.

With the help of the powerful Void Tower, the distance they teleport is twice as long as they teleport themselves!

Wang Xian was flying fast ahead.

But this time, in just ten minutes, the empty text compass showed the information of the powerful in the void universe!

This surprised Wang Xian slightly.

“Huh? How come, how could they rush over so quickly this time, how is this possible?”

Wang Xian looked at this message, his face changed slightly!


In this second, he discovered that the powerhouses of the void universe were very close to them.

“They used powerful treasures!”

When Wang Xian saw it, his heart sank, his face changed a little, and he quickly transformed the dragon!

After the transformation, Wang Xian glanced at the rear, exploded with all his strength, and flew directly below the water source.

The three ghost ghost clones flew towards the surroundings respectively!

“Boom boom boom!”

At the rear, Lord Tianmen saw Wang Xian shifting direction again, he sneered, then turned around and continued chasing!

The huge void tower is like a terrifying monster, raging in the realm of the water source.

Even the strong man who dominates the pinnacle of the universe will feel his heart palpitations and horror when he sees it!

“What is that? What is that? How could it be so terrifying?”

“I don’t know, that thing looks terrifying, and the energy it emits is also very strange. Is this an intruder from other universes?”

“Absolutely, they dare to be so arrogant in our six universes!”

The Void Tower was teleporting, when he directly tore the sky and appeared in another area.

Located not far away, a group of disciples of the powerful six universes saw the Void Tower with shocked expressions on their faces.

They were talking loudly with shock and anger one by one!

It has been tens of millions of years since the birth of the most precious treasure of Tianyuan’s good fortune from Liudao Universe!

The disciples of many tribal powerhouses in Liudao Universe also knew the news.

Now that I saw this terrifying void tower, I naturally thought it was an invader from outside.

For the invaders, they are naturally full of anger.

They immediately passed the news to the tribal powerhouses and leaders!


“here we go again!”

Ten minutes later, Wang Xian’s expression sank again, and another message came from Kongwen Compass!

The strong man in the void universe still chased him at a terrifying speed.

Dark dragon transformation, after all, is not an ordinary ability, and it cannot be used unlimitedly.

Just now, it was very easy to use it once an hour.

But now it is cast once every ten minutes, which is extremely costly!

Even in the end, some recovery is needed and cannot be used!

“This Void Universe has used powerful treasures, and I must reach a tribe as soon as possible. However, according to the information in my mind, the nearest tribe here will also take half a month!”

Wang Xian’s face was a little ugly.

“Linniu, you leave first with the resources!”

He started to transmit the voice directly towards Linniu.

Now that his strength has improved, the ancestor tree has also gained a lot of improvement after absorbing the energy from him.

The soul-returning wood on the ancestor tree now has an ability.

That is, after he was beheaded, he could directly bring his body back to the Dragon Palace!

Even if Wang Xian is in another universe.

This is the power of Tianyuan’s treasures of good fortune!

But there is also a premise, that is, Wang Xian’s corpse cannot be suppressed instantly.

In other words, if Wang Xian is killed and the corpse is suppressed by energy, then this ability will be invalidated.

But even if it fails, Wang Xian’s soul can still be pulled into the ancestral tree.

It’s just that you will lose a body!

But the physical loss is very huge for Wang Xian.

At least, Dragon Palace currently has no energy, and once again recovered to his current strength.

But fortunately, Wang Xian hunted and killed a dark attribute of Tianyuan good fortune powerhouse.

This is a huge energy.

So Wang Xian ordered Linniu to take the corpse and leave first.

Linniu, shouldn’t be locked!

“It’s the boss!”

Lin Niu hesitated, gritted his teeth and nodded.

He also knows that this is currently the best choice.

It didn’t help much to stay.

Lin Niu flew out of the nest and flew quickly in the other direction!

Wang Xian continued to fly forward!

“It’s not that easy to kill me!”

He murmured in his mouth, moved his palm, and took out a communicator!

This communicator was the communicator of a strong man on the six cosmic water sources, and he obtained it.

The communicator of the six-dimensional universe is similar to that of the nine-source universe.

Through this communicator, you can talk, and even have the function of uploading pictures.

It’s not difficult when it comes to technology, and those who are strong in Tianyuan good fortune can figure it out by studying it.

It’s like the weak earth can make the Internet!

In addition, the communicator in his hand was obtained from a strong master of the universe.

He took the communicator and immediately sent out each message!

Ten minutes later, when Kongwen Compass once again sensed the powerhouse of the void universe, his body stopped there!


In less than ten seconds, a piece of void was directly torn apart in the rear position.

Space is cracked!

The surrounding sea water rushes towards the surroundings!

A huge void tower appeared in sight.

When Wang Xian saw this Void Tower, his eyes narrowed slightly.

“It turns out that the Void Tower of the Void Universe was directly used. This is a powerful weapon of war.”

Wang Xian murmured, holding the communicator, and completely recorded this scene!

In the next moment, he once again transformed into the Dark Dragon and left!

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