Chapter 4100 Six Universes

“Liu Lan, trouble you.”

In the Sword and Magic Universe, in the Holy Land of Flowing Water, Wang Xian brought the Queen of Floating Water over and said to her with a smile on his face.

“The Dragon King is polite, it’s just a small matter.”

Liulan shook his head.

For Wang Xian brought a disciple who dominates the pinnacle realm of the water attribute universe, instead of rejecting it, she was willing to do so.

They had already learned about Wang Xian’s current strength, and coupled with a subordinate of Tianyuan’s good fortune level, their strength was comparable to that of the entire sword and magic universe.

Being good with the King Immortal now will be of great benefit to the immortal calamity.

In addition, Liulan and Wuwangtian had some discussions, and they planned to make some transactions with them to exchange swords and peace in the magic universe after the calamity arrived in the future.

“Okay, then I will put this disciple here, I have something to leave!”

Wang Xian arched his hands towards Liulan.

Liulan smiled and nodded.

After Wang Xian left the Sword and Magic Universe, he entered the Chaos directly after arriving at the Jiuyuan Universe.

Immediately following, he and Lin Niu flew in the same direction.

The Emperor of Fallen Shadow gave them a coordinate.

This coordinate can remind Wang Xian of a clear direction.

Years and months are not counted in the chaos, millions of years and thousands of years pass quickly.

Wang Xian and the others didn’t make any exploration in the middle, so they didn’t delay any time.

Twenty million years later, Wang Xian and the others were getting closer and closer to the coordinate position.

“It’s almost here!”

Wang Xian sensed it and reminded Lin Niu: “We have to be more careful. According to the Shadow Demon Emperor, this matter has been exposed, and there will be other strong heavenly origins around.”

“It’s the Dragon King!”

Lin Niu nodded.

The universe is in the chaos, if the strong Tianyuan good fortune wanders in the chaos, they can also encounter other universes.

However, under normal circumstances, a strong Tianyuan good fortune will not break into an unfamiliar universe.

Every universe has rules to protect.

Entering inside is purely an act of seeking death.

However, if this universe had the birth of the heavenly treasure, it would be different!

Wang Xian doesn’t know much about the rules in the chaos, so it’s better to be careful!

Wang Xian and Lin Niu slowed down and were alert to the surrounding situation.

When they flew for a few hours again, they suddenly felt terrifying energy coming from the front position.

“Boom boom boom boom!”

“Boom boom boom boom!”

Immediately afterwards, the roaring sound was endless.

The faces of Wang Xian and Lin Niu were surprised.

“Boss, there seems to be a powerful person of the Tianyuan good fortune level fighting!”

Lin Niu said.

“It seems to be, let’s go around.”

Wang Xian said, deviating from the position of the battlefield.

Continuing to fly towards the front, soon the two figures who were in battle clearly appeared in Wang Xian’s line of sight.

These are two extremely large figures, one is like an octopus, with countless tentacles.

There are sharp thorns in the tentacles, just like a war monster.

At this time, the metallic Tianyuan good fortune is strong.

The other is Tianyuan’s good fortune like a dinosaur, which is also metallic.

They were full of golden light, and they fought extremely fiercely.

“Both of them are new to Tianyuan’s good fortune level, I don’t know what hatred there is!”

Lin Niu looked at it and said.

The two Tianyuan good fortune powerhouses fought together, and they were still talking loudly.

Wang Xian only heard a few words, but they didn’t know.

“There are a lot of strong heavenly origins in the surrounding locations.”

Wang Xian scanned the surroundings, and under his influence, there were at least three or four Tian Yuan good fortune around him.

They are all around, not knowing what they think.

“Don’t worry about them, we just go inside.”

Wang Xian glanced and said!

At present, everything is based on the most precious treasure of Tianyuan, and Wang Xian is not very interested in other things.

The two powerhouses in front of them obviously have some grievances.

“It’s the Dragon King!”

Lin Niu nodded, and the two flew straight towards the universe ahead.

“Two more have entered. This should be the twenty-eighth, right? We still know this, and there should be a few others that we don’t know!”

“Tsk tusk, really crazy, I don’t know how many will die this time!”

“At most, some clones will die, some wear and tear, and those who don’t have a hole card, don’t dare to enter it.”

“It seems that there was an avenue level entering inside, and it was attacked by the rules of the universe, and it was killed directly, but this old monster at the avenue level can’t easily fall!”

When Wang Xian flew towards the inside.

Located in the surrounding position, two Tianyuan good fortune were talking.

Looking at their figures with gleaming eyes!

“In these six universes, it will become more and more exciting.”

The two sighed slightly!


At the same time, Wang Xian and Lin Niu entered the six universes.

A powerful suppressing force surged toward their bodies.

Wang Xian entered here without using Tianyuan Jade Horn.

According to the emperor’s reminder, it is best not to use such treasures when entering inside.

The rules of the universe are far more terrifying than the strong heavenly origins in this universe.

When they enter inside, they only need to pay attention to the strong Tianyuan good fortune inside.

Once encountered, you can quickly escape!

A strong Tianyuan good fortune enters another universe, and his strength will be suppressed at the point where the universe dominates the pinnacle.

As for the specific strength that can burst out, it depends on their respective strengths.

After Wang Xian and the others entered, the oppressive power of the universe came immediately!

They immediately hid their breath.

If you don’t conceal your breath, you will be sensed by the strong heavenly origins in this universe.

With his aura hidden, Wang Xian sensed his own strength.

The universe dominates the pinnacle.

At the level of Tianyuan good fortune, entering another universe, and suppressing strength, can also burst out the strength of the universe dominating the pinnacle.

“Next, we have to be careful, don’t let the strong Tianyuan good fortune in this universe find out, once found, run away directly!”

Wang Xian reminded Linniu!

Because they have accepted the suppression of this universe, Wang Xian and the others can explode with all their strength.

Of course, because of the suppression, the strength that bursts out will also be very weak.

But if you flee for a short time, it shouldn’t be a big problem.

Lin Niu nodded.

Wang Xian looked at this brand-new universe, at the six universes.

“This universe has only the five elements and another kind of energy breath. This kind of energy is very special.”

Wang Xian muttered in his mouth feeling the energy in this universe.

Here, there is a brand new attribute, a brand new energy.

He felt this energy for the first time, and he didn’t know what effect it would have!

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