Chapter 4095 Harvest!

Dragon Palace Dragon King and they were able to slay a chaotic beast alone.

This already means that the strength of the Dragon Palace Dragon King is stronger than that of the Phoenix Emperor!

This is definitely not good news for the Phoenix family.

It is even a potential crisis.

Because the grievances between the Phoenix clan and the Dragon Palace were not completely resolved.

They are not like the angels, the grievances between the angels and the Dragon Palace, as long as the angels don’t pursue them and lower their heads, the Dragon Palace will not pursue them.

But their Phoenix clan is related to things with the Shenlong clan.

Therefore, the grievances between the Phoenix clan and the Dragon Palace, I am afraid that there will be an end in the end.

And this end will be a big battle.

The stronger the Dragon Palace Dragon King and the others, the more dangerous the Phoenix clan!

“Fortunately, I didn’t completely tear my face with the Dragon King of Dragon Palace, completely insoluble!”

Not far away, the King of Bright Angels of the Angel family saw this scene, and his heart was a little bit shocked.

Fortunately, Yulong Palace did not come to the scene of endless death!

In the past, if you suffered a little loss, let’s eat a little loss!

Although it was said that a strong man who ruled the pinnacle of the universe was killed by the Dragon King, he was later resurrected!

Compared to offending such a powerful force.

That loss is nothing!

The King of Dark Angels beside him nodded in agreement.

Now even if they are the Emperor of Angels here, seeing this scene, I feel fortunate in my heart.

They know that the realm of Tianyuan’s good fortune is also divided.

It is also because they know that they will be amazed and shocked!

The powers of the other peak races also flickered slightly!

“Oh oh oh!”

When the disciples of the Jiuyuan Universe powerhouse were discussing, the elf queen also began to show her power, directly instructing the companion elf to bless her attack.

Under continuous arrow shooting, completely wipe out the last Chaos Worm!

The Elf Queen waved her arm and put away the body of the Chaos Worm Beast!

“A small reward is no respect!”

The Twelve Ancestral Witch saw the Elf Queen destroy the last Chaos Worm, and with a wave of his arm, the flesh and blood of the two worms flew to the fairy queen and the Elf Queen.

This can be regarded as a reward for the fairy queen and the elf queen to besiege the Chaos Worm, and inform them of the news!

Remuneration is a piece of flesh and blood, not much, and not much.

For Wang Xian and the elf queen, they don’t think it is any less.

Without the twelve ancestor witches coming over, they would not be able to kill these three chaotic worms!

“Small things, luck this time, three chaotic beasts flew to the door of the house.”

The elf queen said in a good mood!

“Hehe, indeed, we searched in the chaos, but did not find any precious treasures. This is also luck, especially the Dragon King. Your luck is really good!”

The ancestral witch with a human head and snake body smiled and said!

“Hehe, my luck is indeed good.”

Wang Xian smiled and nodded.

“Cooperate again. Happy cooperation. If you can cooperate next time, Dragon King can inform us. Our speed is very fast.”

The ancestor witch in the center continued to politely approach Wang Xian!

“Okay, no problem!”

Wang Xian nodded.

“Oh? It seems that the Dragon King has cooperated with your wizard clan once? Did you get any good treasures?”

The Elf Queen raised her eyebrows: “The corpse of the Chaos Worm is not very useful to our Elves. If you have wood-attribute treasures, you can make a deal!”

“We obtained only fragments of some elemental gods, without wood attributes.”

The 12th Ancestor Witch shook his head and replied!


The Elf Queen smiled, and then flew to the side: “If you find a wood-attribute treasure and want to exchange the body of the Chaos Worm, I am very happy here.”

Seeing the fairy queen leaving, Wang Xian nodded towards the 12th Ancestral Witch, and flew towards the Dragon Palace!

This time he obtained the corpse of a Chaos Worm Beast, which he intends to use to train the disciples of the Dragon Palace!

Cultivate a group of disciples who dominate the pinnacle of the universe!

In the surrounding locations, the powerhouses and disciples of Jiuyuan Universe saw Wang Xian and them flying to their respective races, and they looked over with a little envy.

This time, the receipts of wizards, elves and dragon palaces are simply too big!

“Prime Minister Turtle, select twenty disciples with soil attributes and let them come over.”

Wang Xian ordered to Prime Minister Turtle.

Use the resources in your hand to train the top combat disciples of the Dragon Palace.

“It’s the Dragon King!”

Prime Minister Turtle responded immediately.

In the next period of time, Wang Xian did not leave the Chaos Tree, but pointed to the disciples of Dragon Palace to practice.

A few hundred years later, a strong Tianyuan good fortune named Jiuyuan Universe came here one by one.

The strong Tianyuan good fortune of the Xuanwu clan came over and asked Wang Xianjiao not to trade the corpse of the Chaos Worm Beast, but Wang Xian refused!

The corpse of the Chaos Worm Beast is a rare treasure when used in the cultivation of disciples.

There are disciples with soil attributes in the Dragon Palace, so naturally they will not be traded!

And after the arrival of a famous Tianyuan good fortune powerhouse, Wang Xian and their strength also shocked the hearts of many Tianyuan good fortune powerhouses!

Being able to destroy a chaotic worm beast, this represents the strength of the Dragon King Linniu and the others, comparable to the powerful masters of Tianyuan’s good fortune at the control level.

In the entire Nine Source Universe, the control-level Tianyuan good fortune, only the Twelve Ancestor Witches of the Ming Clan, the Elf Clan, the Xuanwu Clan, and the Wizard Clan have the control-level combat power.

The rest are all newcomers.

This also means that the strength of Dragon Palace is stronger than them.

In addition, the Dragon Palace has two strong Tianyuan good fortune, this kind of mobility is not comparable to other pinnacle races!

When the Phoenix Emperor of the Phoenix clan received this news, his face was extremely embarrassed!

“It seems that my Phoenix clan must cultivate a strong Tianyuan good fortune, otherwise, the Dragon King of the Dragon Palace…”

In the Phoenix clan, the Emperor of Phoenix sat there, his expression constantly changing.

A flash of coldness flashed in his eyes, and then he looked at the water attribute disciple of the Phoenix clan.

“There are fifteen water attribute disciples with the potential to break through. My Phoenix family has six. This is a very high probability, and one of them must be promoted to the realm of Tianyuan’s good fortune.”


The Phoenix Emperor kept talking.

There was a look of confidence on his face!

When the heavenly origin of the Shenlong clan fell, he made some arrangements and made some preparations!

Otherwise, the Phoenix family wouldn’t have so many strong men with water attributes dominating the pinnacle realm.

Especially the King of Water Phoenix.

He felt that the chance of the King of Water Phoenix breaking through was very great!

As long as the King of Water Phoenix breaks through, the Phoenix family will also have two Heavenly Origins.

At that time, you will also not be afraid of the Dragon Palace.

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