Chapter 4086 The Five Elements Great Mill Breakthrough (1)

“Successful, even so easily succeeded!”

The twelve ancestor witches saw Wang Xian so easily entering the battlefield of the two elemental gods, their faces were surprised.

They thought that Wang Xian would use some methods, which would consume some time.

But I didn’t expect it to succeed so easily!

“The battle of the elements is not too rare in the entire chaos. We have explored the chaos for more than 20 billion years, and we have seen it more than a dozen times. If we also have this ability, then cultivate three or four Tianyuan good fortune. Easily.”

An ancestral witch saw Wang Xian entering inside, and said with a slight sigh.

“Yeah, let alone three or four, five or six are possible, especially the battle we saw ten billion years ago. That is the god of elements at the avenue level. If you can get the fragments, the benefits will be great. too big.”

The Ancestral Witch with pale pupils sighed!

They looked at the Wang Xian ahead, slightly envied.

Although their twelve ancestor witches are very strong, because of their physical characteristics, and because their bodies have all been transformed, they cannot approach the God of Elements.

In other words, even if it wasn’t the battlefield of the elemental god, he couldn’t get close to any elemental god.

Their bodies possess complex bloodlines, special physiques, and various attributes.

Yes, each of the Twelve Ancestral Witches controls multiple attributes.

Their method of control is somewhat similar to that of Linniu.

Can’t do fusion at all!

Because the twelve ancestor witches contain a variety of physiques, bloodlines, and attributes, which also created them, it is too difficult and too difficult to break through to the realm of heavenly origin!

It is so difficult that there is no possibility of a breakthrough!

So they have blazed a new trail and have the strength they are today.

Together, their strength is also very strong in Jiuyuan Universe!

“However, the Dragon King’s journey to the heavenly origin will be the same as ours. It is extremely difficult. Wanting to break through to the heavenly origin with nine attributes is no easier than our breakthrough!”

The Ancestral Witch in the center said!

The other eleven ancestors nodded in agreement.

For someone like Wang Xian who possesses nine attributes and wants to break through, it seems difficult for them to reach the sky like ordinary people.

It is also impossible.

In the universe, the two attributes of the strong are fused together to break through to the realm of heavenly origin.

But they have not seen or heard of the breakthrough of the five attributes.

Like the Five Elements Dragon King and the Yin Yang Dragon King before the Shenlong clan, it is so dazzling.

They are the strongest below the Tianyuan good fortune, and even if their twelve ancestor witches do not form a one-on-one formation, they are not necessarily opponents.

But in the end, he failed to break through to the realm of Tianyuan’s good fortune, and he fell!

The more attributes, the harder it is to break through!

The more mixed the physique, the more mixed the blood, and it is also difficult to break through!

“It seems that we can cooperate with this dragon king in the future. If we know where the elemental god is fighting, we can inform the dragon king and trade with it. In addition, if the dragon king obtains these elemental fragments, the dragon palace’s strength will be greatly improved. For the promotion of Dragon Palace, we must pay more attention to it.

The ancestral witch with a snake-headed human head spoke.

The other ancestors also nodded.

Dragon Palace now possesses two Tianyuan good fortune-level combat power.

In the future, there will be elemental fragments that will improve the disciples, and the strength of the Dragon Palace will not be weak!

There is no need, if it is not a last resort, it is better not to be an enemy of Dragon Palace!

“Swish swish!”

At this time, Wang Xian had collected the fragments around the two gods of elements.

There are four in total, two water attributes and two dark attributes!

After Wang Xian put it away, he didn’t immediately hand it over to the Twelve Ancestor Witch.

Their final transaction will only be completed after the 12th Ancestor Witch attracts this elemental god to the Nine Source Universe and becomes a blessed land!

At that time, Wang Xian will give them the elemental fragments of the dark attribute!

The battle between the two elemental gods is very fierce.

However, Wang Xian had already seen it and stood there easily.

Just resist the aftermath of the battle!

His mind is all focused on the nest!

In the brood, the Five Elements Great Mill is absorbing elemental fragments.

Unowned element fragments, the origin of fire, the origin of gold!

This kind of energy is the most powerful energy in the universe, as the five elements are grinding, the Vulcan Dragon and Golden Dragon are madly absorbing it.

Energy absorption, operation of the five elements, mutual conversion!

These energies were not able to raise all the five divine dragons to the realm of Tianyuan’s good fortune.

Instead, all the five dragons got a huge improvement. .

This ascension, under the operation of the Five Elements, can bloom the power of Tianyuan’s good fortune.

In essence, the Great Mill of the Five Elements has not reached the level of Tianyuan’s good fortune treasure.

But like Wang Xian, because of the five attributes, they can leapfrog one another.

Possess the power to first enter the good fortune of Tianyuan.

“However, although the absorption speed of these five elements is very fast, it will take at least hundreds of millions of years to complete the improvement!”

Wang Xian muttered while looking at the situation of the five elements in the mother’s nest.

But 100 million years is not very long.

In the following time, Wang Xian could be considered stable.

In the battlefield of the two elemental gods, obtain elemental fragments one by one.

One million years later, there will no longer be any element fragments falling on the battlefield of the gods of fire and metallic elements.

In this million years, Wang Xian obtained two more element fragments.

The twelve ancestor witches began to separate their battles with formations.

Then drag them and drive towards Jiuyuan Universe!

The battle between the dark attribute and the water attribute elemental god continues!

Thousands of years of time are fleeting, and the battle between the dark attribute and the water attribute elemental god will no longer drop the elemental god!

In this time of more than ten million years, he obtained fourteen element fragments.

Seven yuan for each attribute!

This is another huge gain for Wang Xian!

During this period, the elemental god fragments of fire and metal properties have been dragged by the twelve ancestor witch to the Nine Source Universe, forming two big caves and blessings.

However, nowadays, because of the tree of chaos, no one is practicing in the two great caves.

The gods of the two elements also settled there.

There is no need to resist the attrition of the power of chaos, the god of elements generally does not move!

They are spreading powerful energy around them. If the fire attribute and metallic cultivators practice here, they will get huge benefits.

This is like cultivating beside a strong Tianyuan good fortune!

As for the fire attribute and metallicity, the fire attribute was taken away by the wizards.

Metallicity belongs to the Dragon Palace, and the next elemental god of water and darkness.

The water attribute belongs to the Dragon Palace, and the dark attribute belongs to the wizard family!

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