Chapter 4082 Element Fragment

“Boom boom boom!”

“Boom boom boom!”

The dazzling battle is going on.

The roaring sound obscures the sky!

When Wang Xian saw this scene, his face also showed a look of wonder!

“For this level of battle, even if I enter it, it is estimated that I will be killed. Fortunately, these elemental gods have no wisdom.”

Lin Niu said with a sigh!

The battle between the elements is really terrifying!

No wisdom, but an abnormal burst.

They have no life, no wisdom, and it is an instinctive confrontation.

The result of a battle between the two elements may all perish, or one party may be swallowed.

Will not retreat, and don’t know to be afraid.

If there are no special circumstances, it will not end.

Wang Xian nodded and watched carefully.

The battle continued. At the beginning, it was the confrontation between Flame and Jinmang.

With their confrontation, the golden light and the flame were constantly dissipated.

The area covered by their flames and golden glow is also rapidly shrinking.

With the passage of time, their respective fields are getting smaller and smaller.

Immediately afterwards, at the center of the flame, the white flame flower rushed forward.

A bright golden pillar in the center of the golden light also began to collide with the white flame flower.

Substantial collisions between elements.

“Boom boom boom!”


The collision begins, the battle begins!

At this time, Wang Xian has been watching the battle here for tens of thousands of years!

They did not leave, but watched the battle to see if they could gain something!

The battle between the element bodies is still extremely rough.

Collision, collision abruptly!

During the collision, sparks and metallic debris splashed around.


At this time, Wang Xian stared at the sparks and metal fragments.

There was a glimmer of light in his eyes!

Those sparks and metal fragments, after flying out, slowly flew back to their bodies.

There is also a very small amount of energy that is flooded in the surrounding locations.

“Fragment of the element?”

Wang Xian’s heart moved with hesitation on his face!

“Boom boom boom!”

“Boom boom boom!”

The collision continued, and every time it collided, some fragments were scattered away!

The strength of these two elemental gods is very terrifying.

At least, if Wang Xian fights with them himself, he should be the one who died!

It can be said to be comparable to the existence of the control level.

“These fragments are huge treasures.”

Wang Xian was a little hot in his heart.

The fragments of the two elemental gods are equivalent to the flesh and blood that fell from Tianyuan’s good fortune!

Absolute treasure!

You know, Lin Niu was only one of the limbs of the Aga Tian Demon God.

“Let’s take a look and see if you can get those pieces!”

Wang Xian’s heart was fiery.

Flames burst out of his body, and he couldn’t help flying towards it!

He flew into the back of the flower of flame, ready to pass from behind the flower of flame!


But this time, when Wang Xian entered behind the Flame Flower, an accident happened!

Located in the front position, the golden pillar that had fought with the flame flower directly attacked Wang Xian!

From the surrounding locations, Jin Mang attacked him one after another!

Although the flower of flame collided with it, the golden pillar seemed to have spotted Wang Xian. Completely ignore the attack of the Flame Flower!

There is no defense in the battle between the elements.

So even if the golden pillar does not resist, the flower of flame still hurts the enemy a thousand and eight hundred!

“What’s happening here?”

Wang Xian’s expression changed.

His body shook and immediately transformed into the body of a metallic dragon!

The entire dragon body also burst out with golden light!

But when he transformed into the body of a metallic dragon, the surrounding flames immediately attacked him!

When Wang Xian saw this scene, his face changed slightly.

With a move, he flew directly towards the distance, leaving their fighting range!

When Wang Xian flew out quickly, the two elemental gods continued to fight together!


“No, you can’t get inside at all. Once inside, you will be attacked!”

Wang Xian opened his mouth and frowned.

Without entering it, he would not be able to obtain the elemental fragments inside.

“If you enter the fire attribute, you will be attacked by the god of metallic elements. If you become metallic, you will be attacked by the flame flower. If you transform yourself into other attributes, you will probably be attacked by them!”

Wang Xian secretly said in his heart, thinking constantly.

He watched the war that continued to erupt, and his mind kept running.

No wonder, the Elf Queen was not too surprised when she learned that Wang Xian had encountered the God of Elements!

This elemental god, although a huge treasure, can’t be controlled!

What is the use of a treasure that cannot be controlled?

Even if they are fighting a battle, there will be fragments that will escape, but they will not be able to enter it at all.

Even if you are strong, you can suppress the gods of the two elements.

But when you enter it, you will also be attacked by the two elemental gods.

And this pure elemental god, the original energy, once attacked, his body will not drop fragments, but will melt.

This also means that the fragments of the God of Elements cannot be obtained artificially.

There is only the collision between the God of Elements and the God of Elements, a pure energy collision, without any other energy, blood, and physique.

Only then can they drop fragments from their bodies instead of being ablated by energy.

Wang Xian thought in his heart, hesitated again and again, and his mind moved.


He once again flew toward the battlefield of the two elemental gods.

But this time, he flew from the center of the two battlefields!

His dragon body also began to change.

Half the flame dragon, half the metallic dragon!

Moreover, this flame and metallic light continuously interweave and merge!

Located on and under him, there is a special Tai Chi pattern.

It is a Tai Chi pattern formed with two attributes of metallicity and fire attribute!

These two Tai Chi patterns are fused together, and the metallicity and fire attributes are constantly entwined and transformed!

This time, when he once again entered the battlefield of the two elemental gods.

The bodies of the two elemental gods paused slightly, and then continued to fight together.

It seems that he did not sense the arrival of Wang Xian.

It’s not that it’s not sensed.

But for the elemental god who has no wisdom, no consciousness and only instinct, Wang Xian is like a bug!

I was fire at the last moment, and metallic at the next moment!

Under various circumstances, for the instinctive elemental god, there will be downtime!

After appearing many times, the two elemental gods ignored Wang Xian and continued to fight together!


A look of excitement appeared in Wang Xian’s eyes!

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