Chapter 4068 Dragon Palace’s strength

“It’s the Dragon King!”

Prime Minister Turtle nodded slightly excitedly when he heard Wang Xian’s order, and responded loudly!

In recent hundreds of millions of years, the Dragon Palace has a great advantage in the starry universe.

Even expelled the Phoenix family and the angel family.

But here in Jiuyuan Universe, he has never dared to show up and has been avoiding it all the time.

But this time, the return of the Dragon King will rewrite all this!

This return will shock the entire Jiuyuan Universe.

This also means that the Shenlong clan is back to its peak!

“Dragon King, I will immediately let all the Dragon Palace disciples return!”

Prime Minister Kame said again and immediately issued orders one by one.

At the same time, fly towards the outside and make some orders!



Before long, inside the Dragon Palace, a roar and roar sounded!

The disciples of the Dragon Palace flew towards the Dragon Field!

The dragons were flying.

One by one dragon species erupted with great power.

Wang Xian looked into the dragon field and flew over with a smile on his face.

At the side position, Lin Niu transformed into a human form, following Wang Xian’s body!

“Meet the Dragon King!”

“Meet the Dragon King!”

When Wang Xian came to the position in front of the dragon field.

In the Dragon Field, all the eight million or so disciples of the Dragon Palace arrived and worshipped respectfully!

The current number of Dragon Palace disciples is only over 8 million.

And these eight million, the lowest realm is also in the realm of Youyu Zhou Venerable!

This time, Wang Xian was going to take all his disciples to the sacred literature field.

Now, their Dragon Palace also has this strength, and they can do whatever they want in the Jiuyuan Universe!

“Get up!”

Wang Xian glanced across a group of Dragon Palace disciples, and said with a smile on his face.

Crazy dragon dragon species.

Yulong dragon species.

Arrow dragon dragon species.

Spiny dragon dragon species.

Star wood dragon species.

Thunder and fire dragon and phoenix species.

Venom horned dragon species.

Golden Dragon Guard.

Dragon witch dragon species.

The cursed dragon.

Meilong dragon species.

The devouring dragon.

Fire hammer dragon species.

Wait, there are many pinnacle dragon species in Dragon Palace.

In addition, there is also the scientist Lin Wenluo who joined the Dragon Palace!

In addition to a group of dragon species, there are also a legion of nine dragons!

Dragon Legion, gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, and darkness.

There are nine dragons with attributes, and the number of each attribute is tens of thousands.

These purebred dragons were the result of the king of the turtles who later asked the Prime Minister to take the branches of the ancestor tree to condense and refine the blood in the blood plasma field.

The number of purebred dragons in Dragon Palace reached 90,000.

This is already a very large number.

And now, the leader of the Dragon Legion is Wang Xian’s apprentice.

The Frost Dragon of the Dragon Palace, Beishuang!

In addition, the mutant dragon was born in the Dragon Palace.

Nowadays, the mutant dragons in the Dragon Palace include the Beishuang Frost Dragon and the bone dragons of Xiaoyu and Fan Qinglan.

Later, a bone dragon was born, a wind thunder dragon.

“You should know some of the current situation in the Jiuyuan Universe. Let’s go. Let’s go to the Holy Literature Field. After this time, our Dragon Palace will be active in the Jiuyuan Universe in the future!”

“No race, no force, dare not offend us!”

Wang Xian’s eyes shone with luster, and he said to the disciples.

“It’s the Dragon King!”

The disciples of the Dragon Palace responded loudly!

“lets go!”

Wang Xian moved towards them, and said lightly!


The disciples of the Dragon Palace responded loudly!


The nine wind dragons immediately flew to the front position, and a dragon chair was condensed in the rear position.

This is the first nine wind gods to follow Wang Xian.

Now he has the power to dominate the fifth-order realm in the universe.

The strength is not strong.

But in the Dragon Palace, it’s already pretty good!

Wang Xian moved to the dragon chair.

Prime Minister Turtle and Lin Niu are standing on the left and right.

Linniu turned into a middle-aged person at this moment.



Accompanied by the roar of the nine dragons, the Fengshenlong pulled the dragon chair and carried Wang Xian quickly towards the position of the Dragon Palace Teleportation Array.

All the other Dragon Palace disciples, immediately follow behind!

This time, except for Lan Qingyue’s dragon queens and Xiaolan, they didn’t come.

The other Dragon Palace disciples all followed behind.

Now, Lan Qingyue and Xiaolan are completely integrated with the starry sky and universe.

When they return to the Jiuyuan Universe again, they will be suppressed by the Jiuyuan Universe.

Guan Shuqing and the others are together with Lan Qingyue.

Located in the treasure of thunder.

There is on the edge of an infinite starry sky.

They have chaotic tokens, and there is no problem with security.


The main dragon palace is currently in a very remote place.

But in some other places in Jiuyuan Universe, there are still dragon palaces.

Teleportation is possible between dragon palaces!

They came to a dragon palace that was closer to the saint, and directly teleported over.


Came to the center of the Kaitian prehistoric continent.

After flying out of the Dragon Palace, the nine wind gods roared again, and they flew in the direction of the sage literature field!

“Lin Niu, wait a moment for you to hide your strength first. I want to see what kind of tricks the phoenix clan and angel clan’s heavenly origins want to play.”

With a wave of Wang Xian’s arm, he accelerated the flight speed of the Dragon Palace disciples.

He turned to Lin Niu beside him and ordered.

“Good Dragon King, I try my best to hide my breath. If I don’t use energy, it’s usually hard to find.”

Lin Niu nodded immediately.

After a period of precipitation, Linniu’s strength has increased a lot.

Linniu is different from ordinary Tianyuan good fortune experts who have just broken through.

His breakthrough was evolved by swallowing the heavenly origin above him.

He was originally born of Tianyuan’s good fortune flesh and blood, and later swallowed the corpse of Tianyuan’s good fortune.

The breakthrough in strength also inherited all the secret skills and combat abilities of the Aga Demon God.

His strength is much stronger than the Tianyuan good fortune who just broke through.

After all, experience is also very important.

When Lin Niu was motionless and completely hidden, unless it was a celestial good fortune, he would use energy to detect it and conduct his own investigation.

Otherwise, it can’t be detected at all!

As for Wang Xian’s own strength, the universe dominates the seventh-order realm.

This is his realm.

If Wang Xian is not hiding, Tianyuan Good Fortune will be able to detect it!


Wang Xian nodded and looked to the front position.

This position is not very far from the realm of the saint’s line.

Under Wang Xian’s acceleration, their speed was terrifying.

Even, it only takes more than ten hours to reach the Holy Literature Field!

When Wang Xian led a group of disciples in the Dragon Palace to rush over.

Located at the sacred literature field, a group of strong disciples are already preparing to enter the Chaos Tree through the teleportation array!

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