Chapter 4052 Joining Hands


At this time Liulan knows how to make a decision!

The sudden appearance of Aga Tian Demon God made them have to alleviate the situation on Wang Xian’s side!

Otherwise, when they were fighting the Aga Demon God, if Wang Xian was taking action!

Then their entire sword and magic universe is really going to be destroyed!

So at this time, she directly ordered everyone involved in this matter to dictate themselves!

“What? My lord, my lord…”

In the lower position, the elders of the Water Forbidden Land trembled violently when they heard these words.

Their faces are full of despair and horror!

Shouted to Liulan with a panic face!

His face was full of prayers.

Their hearts are full of panic!

“Don’t let me say the second time. I established the Flowing Water Forbidden Land to protect the entire universe. If the sword and the magic universe suffer heavy losses because of you, there is no need for the Flowing Water Forbidden Land to exist!”

Liulan gritted his teeth!

This matter, it is their forbidden land powerhouse that can’t handle it well!

At this time, if the entire sword and magic universe is facing the crisis of extinction because of some high-level people in the Forbidden Land of Flowing Water, and some strong people!

The whole forbidden land is a sinner!

Then what else is necessary for the forbidden land she established?

Liulan’s face was extremely cold, his eyes swept over all the strong disciples in the forbidden land of flowing water!

“Why? How could this be? How could this be?”

At the side position, Liu Shui Haolian was completely sluggish!

He looked at this scene in disbelief, couldn’t believe his ending!

He didn’t expect it, just because he brought someone to attack Long Yinhao.

It would make the entire space forbidden land perish, and it would make his grandfather, the lord of the water forbidden land, face death!

This is something he never thought of!

This shocked him!

Feel horrified!

“My lord, we are sinners, we are sinners!”

On the side, the second elder of the Water Forbidden Land heard Liulan’s words, his face was full of bitterness!

He slapped his palm towards his body, and the vitality quickly dissipated!

“Second Elder!”

In the surrounding locations, the strong man in the water forbidden ground shouted in a low voice!

The second elder of Flowing Water Forbidden Land committed suicide directly!

Everyone was shocked when they saw this scene!

However, everything that happened today shocked them too much!

The terrifying power of Wang Xian!

The sudden appearance of Agatian Demon God!

Especially the Aga Demon God, this is the mortal enemy of their sword and magic universe!

Next, I am afraid that their sword and magic universe will usher in a disaster!

Now, the death of the second elder of Flowing Water Forbidden Land is somewhat trivial!

“You have committed sins, you can’t live, you can bully others, but once others have a stronger background, then you will die. It’s fair!”

There, a strong man who dominates the pinnacle of the universe, said!

If you are strong, you can kill people without being responsible!

But if others are strong, if they dare to kill, the price to be paid will be very heavy!

This is something everyone understands!

The death of the second elder in the Forbidden Water, their orders from the strong Heavenly Origins were all compelling!

Because the opponent is very strong!

“Jie Jie Jie, hopeless sky, Liu Lan, my revenge is about to begin! Jie Jie Jie!”

At this time, in the front position, Aga Tianma was roaring unscrupulously!

He incited his own wings, a wave of violent bone spurs suspended behind him!

Attack them directly and indiscriminately!

Do it directly!

This Aga demon god did not hesitate in the slightest.

Shot is the ultimate move!

He alone is naturally not the opponent of Hopeless Sky and Liulan.

However, his purpose is not to kill Wuwangtian and Liulan.

It’s the powerhouses and creatures of the sword and magic universe.

He wants to let the sword and the magic universe, the creatures be charred, and the blood will flow into a river!

He is also confident that Liulan and Wuwangtian want to keep him, want to kill him, the possibility is very small!

When it came to Tianyuan’s good fortune, the two wanted to kill one, unless it was suppressed by strength.

Otherwise, it would be too difficult to kill a Tianyuan good fortune.

“Damn it, Agatian, this time I will kill you completely!”

Wuwangtian saw the attack of Agatian Demon God, his eyes were extremely bloody.

He raised the golden battle axe in his hand and cut it directly at him.

Jinmang covers the whole world.

Strike directly at the Agatian Demon God!

Liu Lan’s face changed slightly when she saw this scene.

With a move of his palm, a staff appeared in his hand.


With a wave of the staff toward the front, a water curtain enveloped everyone!

In the surrounding locations, all the strong disciples suddenly felt the pressure relieved!

Dressed coarsely.

At this level of battle, even if there is a trace of aftermath, they will die instantly.

The battle of Tianyuan’s good fortune was too terrifying.

“Dragon King, I hope that our affairs can be canceled. In order to express my apology, after this battle, I will give you the fragments of Tianyuan’s good fortune, a part of the book of water forbidden curse!”

Liu Lan looked at Wang Xian, waved his arm, and a book of water curse appeared in front of him.

“My words must be believed!”

She said to Wang Xian with a serious face!

“Well, as long as you give me a satisfactory answer, I won’t make a move.”

Wang Xian replied!

He looked to the front position!

Wuwangtian’s Tianyuan good fortune, Wuwangtian slashed towards the Aga Heavenly Demon God!

But the Aga demon god did not confront it head-on at all, but kept avoiding it.

Constantly release long-range attacks!

A wave of energy is raging towards here!

If it were not for the defense of flowing blue, this place would have become ruins!

Everyone here, I am afraid that only Youyu Zhou who dominates the ninth rank and the peak realm will survive!

Wuwangtian’s strength is terrifying.

The golden battle axe slashed toward the front, and Jinmang directly split the void, forming a terrifying starry sky!

“Agatian, have the courage to confront us head-on!”

Wuwangtian saw the Agatian demon constantly avoiding, and shouted with cold eyes!

“Jie Jie Jie, Hopeless Heaven, you thought I would miss you so stupid. Next, I Agatian will become the nightmare of your sword and magic universe. I will keep attacking, hunting, and sucking your sword and magic. The flesh and blood of universe creatures!”

“Jie Jie Jie, next, I want you to destroy the sword and magic universe!”

He roared and laughed wildly!

There is no chance to fight head-on with Wuwangtian at all.

I won’t let Liulan and Wuwangtian completely surround and entangle themselves!

Wuwangtian and Liulan trembled violently when they heard his words.

His face was unusually solemn and embarrassed!

Even his breathing is a bit short!

The two of them had the confidence to suppress the Aga Demon God, but they did not have the confidence to completely behead it.

Once they continue to flee, they continue to wreak havoc on their universe.

They have no way!

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