Chapter 4049 Wangxian’s trial!

“This… Our Lord Tianyuan Good Fortune, who is in the Water Forbidden Land, has something to do with this powerful man from other universes, the Dragon King, or something?”

“This terrifying King Immortal Saint, his predecessor, actually instructed our Lord Tianyuan Good Fortune to break through? There is such a coincidence? Then, next, how should we solve this matter, our Lord of the Forbidden Land?”

“Who could have imagined that Lord Tianyuan Good Fortune, who is in the Forbidden Land of Flowing Water, has a very good relationship with this King Immortal!”

The conversation between the strong Tianyuan good fortune in the water forbidden land and Wang Xian made the faces of all the strong disciples around them extremely shocked!

this? ?

this? ? ?

There is still a trace of origin!

Then their Lord Tianyuan Good Fortune, who is forbidden by the flow of water, would solve this matter in this way?

How will this situation be resolved?

Everyone was shocked!

No one thought that things would have developed to this point!


At this moment, the surrounding space trembled slightly, and a figure blooming with golden light slowly appeared on the side!

The golden light dissipated, and a burly figure stood there!

This is an old man, an old man holding a huge axe in his hand!

The old man exudes endless majesty!

The terrifying edge, without concealing it!

When the old man appeared, everyone around him, all strong men holding metallic swords, fell to the ground uncontrollably.

It seems to be under great pressure!

Some strong metal feel that they are extremely small!

This old man seems to be in control of their lives, in control of their power of life and death!

“Meeting Master Tianyuan Good Fortune!”

“Meeting Master Tianyuan Good Fortune!”

A group of disciples of the strong without arrogance, seeing the appearance of the old man, quickly knelt on the ground again, and worshipped loudly!

The rest of the Holy Land Forbidden Land and the strong disciples of the Holy Court also knelt down and shouted loudly!

Sword and Magic Universe, two strong men of Tianyuan’s good fortune, all have arrived!

Wang Xian looked at this old man, his eyes flickered slightly!

“Liu Lan, what’s the matter?”

The old man looked at the Tianyuan good fortune in the water forbidden land, and asked!

“I haven’t asked, this strong man from Jiuyuan Universe is the heir of the Shenlong clan.”

Liu Lan shook his head, introduced a sentence to the old man, and then looked at Wang Xian: “I don’t know what the dragon king is called, why do you want to destroy the Forbidden Space?”

“My name is Wang Xian!”

Wang Xian responded faintly, looking at the two strong heavenly origins of Sword and Magic Universe, and continued: “As for why you want to destroy the forbidden space, just ask your disciple strong!”

“Jiuyuan Universe, Shenlong Clan!”

The old man in the realm of good fortune of Tianyuan of Wuwu Forbidden Land murmured in his mouth, shining with luster, and looked at the powerful men of Wuwu Forbidden Land!


A strong man who dominates the pinnacle screamed respectfully, and then began to report by sound transmission!

Where the Flowing Water Forbidden Land, the Great Elder of the Flowing Water Forbidden Land also hurriedly reported!

Don’t dare to hide anything!

I dare not tell any lies!

“The King of Immortal Dragon King, the Forbidden Space is the powerhouse of our sword and magic universe, and a powerful force in our universe. The calamity is about to come, and there can be other solutions!”

After hearing this, the unreasonable Tianyuan Good Fortune frowned slightly, looked at Wang Xian, and said!

The power of Wang Xian’s blow just now.

He already felt it.

He had already felt the nine attribute energies contained in Wang Xian’s body.

Although it has not reached the realm of Tianyuan’s good fortune, its terrifying combat effectiveness is no longer weaker than them!

In the face of this level of power, he did not dare to be strong.

Nor can it be strong!

“I am not a strong man in your sword and magic universe.”

Wang Xian responded indifferently when he heard what he said.

“How is the Dragon King going to solve it!”

Liu Lan looked at Wang Xian and asked too!

“The space forbidden area will perish on its own. In addition, in addition to the space forbidden area, there are also your flowing water forbidden land. You, as the powerhouse of the Tianyuan good fortune level, as the strongest person in the flowing water forbidden area, also hope that you will give me a complete solution! ”

Wang Xian looked at Liulan, without giving in the slightest!

He said that there must be a satisfactory solution to his own affairs and Long Yinhao’s affairs!

If they don’t give themselves a solution, then they will have to pay some price!

“whats the matter?”

The water energy around Liulan dissipated, revealing his face.

The face of a woman!

She also frowned slightly at the moment, looking at Wang Xian.

If it is not a last resort, they do not want to be an enemy of Wang Xian!

Because once they really fight, in the center of their sword and magic universe.

They cannot afford this consequence!

Especially, before the calamity is about to come.

If a terrible battle really breaks out, it can almost be announced that the amount of calamity will come, and their sword and magic universe will completely disappear!

Will be captured!

Therefore, whether it is the heavenly good fortune of the flowing water forbidden land, or the heavenly good fortune of the unruly forbidden land, it suppresses a trace of dissatisfaction in the heart!

“You gave the order for the disciples in the universe to forbid fighting each other hundreds of millions of years ago, but I have a little brother, um, your disciple of the sword and magic universe was attacked and killed by your disciple in the water forbidden land!”

“In addition, today, you, the Lord of the Forbidden Land of Flowing Waters, directly protect his grandson. When this thing does not happen, I need an explanation.”

Wang Xian replied toward Liulan!

Liu Lan frowned when he heard Wang Xian’s words, and a cold expression flashed in his eyes!

He looked at the strong disciples in the water forbidden land below!

“My lord, this matter…”

The two elders of the Great Elder in the Water Forbidden Land heard Wang Xian’s words.

Seeing Liu Lan with an angry look on her face, she quickly knelt on the ground again, wanting to explain!

“No need to explain, just tell me everything!”

Liulan’s voice calmly said to them!

“Yes, it’s an adult!”

The great elders of the Water Forbidden Land, they heard the words of their Heavenly Origin Good Fortune powerhouse, they did not dare to conceal the slightest, and they said all the things once and for all!

“Hmph, even our orders don’t stop, I think Xiaohe really became the master of the forbidden land, and he has forgotten who he is!”

Liu Lan let out a cold snort on her face when she heard the result of the incident!

His words made everyone around him tremble.

In their universe, the Lords of the Forbidden Land who dare to say that, are probably only the two in front of them!

“Abolish his position as the lord of the forbidden land and put him in a water-flowing cage until the calamity comes!”

Liulan continued coldly!

Her voice fell, no one around dared to speak, one by one bowed their heads.

Everyone felt the surrounding atmosphere, extremely depressed.

As if the sky had fallen!

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