Chapter 4046 Space Treasure Bottle, Tian Yuan Good Fortune Comes Out! superior


The Lord of the Forbidden Land in the Forbidden Space saw Lin Niu attacking him!

His heart was shaken, and he roared loudly!


Must escape!

Otherwise, I will die here!

They have a forbidden space and a treasure bottle that can save their lives!

But when they enter the space aquarium, they will use the forbidden space only when they are in desperation.

It is only used when facing a terrifying enemy like Tianyuan Good Fortune!

Moreover, this space treasure bottle has great drawbacks!

Once inside, they will not be able to sense the situation outside.

Moreover, once the bottle is obtained by the enemy, they have to wait for death!

But this treasure bottle has a powerful point, that is, as long as they enter it, even if it is Tianyuan’s good fortune, it will be difficult to break!

Until the desperate situation, they will never enter the forbidden space to hide in it.

However, they also made some arrangements for this treasure bottle!

As long as they enter the treasure bottle, the treasure bottle will be instantly teleported to an extremely remote and hidden place!

At that time, they can quickly come out of the aquarium and escape!

Of course, this has certain risks.

“All the strong disciples of the forbidden space, enter quickly, here we come to resist!”

The space forbidden ancestor, screamed loudly!

The three ancestors waved the sword of space in their hands, and the power of the terrifying space cut through the long void.

Cut to Linniu!

Lin Niu was full of lustre, did not hide at all, still attacked towards the Lord of the Forbidden Space.

His speed is terrifying!

Under powerful energy interference and fluctuations, the Lord of the Forbidden Space cannot teleport and escape at all!

Can’t teleport, facing Linniu, his speed is much slower!

“Sword of Amaterasu!”

The Lord of the Space Forbidden Land roared wildly, and the giant sword in his hand was suspended in front of him, forming a terrifying defense!

“Boom boom boom!”

But at this time, Lin Niu rushed over!

The giant sword was directly knocked into the air and landed on the body of the Lord of the Forbidden Space!


The Lord of the Forbidden Space vomited a lot of blood, and his face was instantly pale!

Most of his body dissipated directly under this collision.

Under the energy movement, it condenses again!

Linniu’s strength is simply not something they can contend.

Although they are very strong and powerful with spatial attributes, Lin Niu, after all, was born from the bloody limbs of Tianyuan’s good fortune.

Once it got in touch with Tianyuan good fortune, it would not be comparable to them!


The Lord of the Space Forbidden Land was severely injured by Lin Niu in one blow, but this time.

The attack of the other three ancestors in the forbidden space also fell on the body of Lin Niu.

Let the body have a meal!


Using this short time, the Lord of the Space Forbidden Land quickly teleported and escaped!


Lin Niu let out a low roar, and the violent energy swept toward the surroundings!

“No, no, no!”

Some space forbidden strongmen who had not had time to escape, let out a desperate roar!

The three ancestors in the forbidden space struggled to resist the Linniu’s attack. When they moved, they teleported to the space bottle in an instant!

They did not hesitate to enter the inside of the treasure bottle directly!

From Linniu’s arrival, within a short ten minutes, the entire space was forbidden, and a large number of buildings became ruins.

All the strong disciples escaped into the treasure bottle!

However, the surrounding locations still left the corpses of hundreds of thousands of disciples of the space forbidden area powerhouse.

The number of strong disciples in the Forbidden Space is very small, and all together are no more than a million!

In a short period of time, at least one-third died!

It’s not a battle of magnitude at all.

They can’t compete with Linniu at all!


Linniu saw them fleeing in an instant, and his heart was moved.

He opened his mouth and sprayed a violent energy flame directly at one place!

“Boom boom boom!”

The energy swept away, and all the buildings instantly turned into nothingness!

Even the ground has disappeared!

Located in the lower position, a treasure bottle is in the central position intact!

On the top of the aquarium, the power of space flickers!

“Huh? Do you want to escape?”

At the same time, it is located on the eighth floor of the Abyss of Warcraft.

Upstairs in the courtyard, Wang Xian raised his eyebrows slightly as he watched the battle at the black hole!

The powerhouses in the Forbidden Space didn’t resist much, so they wanted to flee?

Even the Tai Chi Dragon Disk and the Five Elements Damo have not yet begun to attack.

They will just run away!

Wang Xian thought that this space forbidden land would have a strong hole card!

Now it seems that it is nothing more than that!

It was a wise choice to escape, but Wang Xian could not let them leave!

Wang Xian murmured, and with a wave of his arm, the fragments of the star field instantly plunged into the black hole and came to the sky above the forbidden space!

“Star Blockade!”

With a wave of Wang Xian’s arm, a burst of energy entered into the fragments of the star field.

Star Blockade is on!

At that time, when this star field fragment was in the hands of the powerful believers in the universe, Wang Xian was blocked by them with the star field, and it was blocked for a long, long time!

Tianyuan good fortune fragments, the star field blockade instantly enveloped a field!

And in the center of the forbidden space, the space bottle trembled and slowly began to disappear!


In the next moment, the space bottle disappeared, and a long-term teleport was carried out!

However, the space bottle was enveloped by an invisible powerful energy within the second of transmission.

The transmission of Lingzhi failed.

It was not teleported to a fixed location, it was just teleported to the edge of the star field shrouded in fragments.

This place is shrouded by the fragments of the star field!

Also within Wang Xian’s induction!

Now, he is fully able to control the power of the entire star field fragment!

With a move of his mind, he can sense the location of the treasure bottle and control it!

“This…this…the entire space forbidden area is not the opponent of that monster at all, and it is about to start to flee!”

“Hi, the three ancestors of the Forbidden Space, the Lord of the Forbidden Space, and the four powerhouses who dominate the pinnacle of the universe, are not the opponents of that monster. How strong is this monster? Now the entire Forbidden Space is fleeing. !”

“Just now, the space forbidden area killed hundreds of thousands of strong disciples in an instant with the protection of a large array. If the fighting continues, the entire space forbidden area will be destroyed!”

“The strength of this monster is too terrifying. The battle broke out for only ten minutes, and the entire space forbidden area collapsed and was about to flee. It’s too strong!”

“This is unbelievable, the powerhouse with the space attribute universe dominating the pinnacle realm, how does it feel that there is such a big gap with that monster?”

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