Chapter 4043 On The Forbidden Space

“Destroy you, full of doors!”

When Wang Xian’s words fell!

When everyone heard this sentence.

In the field, all the strong people of the Holy Land Forbidden Land and the Holy Court heard them, and they were slightly taken aback, and their faces were filled with a look of astonishment and shock!

“This?? I heard this correctly, right?”

“What did he say? Want to destroy the space forbidden ground? Hiss? This?? This king fairy, where does his courage and self-confidence come from? Isn’t this statement too mad?”

“I don’t know, is he crazy? Want to destroy the Forbidden Land in Space? Without the existence of the Forbidden Land in Tianyuan, which force would dare to say that it can destroy the Forbidden Land in Space? It is impossible to destroy the forbidden space!”

In the surrounding locations, all the strong disciples heard this sentence, opened their mouths slightly, and their faces were full of shock!

A group of strong disciples in the Forbidden Space were also slightly taken aback when they heard this sentence!

“Hahaha, the space forbidden to destroy me is full of doors, hahaha, this is the funniest joke I have heard since I was born, hahaha, are you trying to laugh at me?”

At the side position, the saint son of the previous generation of Void Forbidden Land, the god of surprise laughed wildly.

He seemed to have heard a big joke!

He was falsely shocked, the powerhouse of the forbidden space, and his predecessors were all top powerhouses.

Even his grandfather is a strong man who dominates the pinnacle of the universe.

One of the strongest in the forbidden space dominating the pinnacle!

In the entire sword and magic universe, there are only two people who dare to say that they can destroy their space forbidden area!

Only those two exist!

Others are not qualified to be comparable to the forbidden space!

Now there is someone who wants to destroy their space forbidden area?

For him, this is simply a big joke!

“Ha ha!”

Around, the rest of the strong disciples in the forbidden space also smiled coldly!

“Hehe, is what my boss said funny?”

At this moment, Lin Niu heard the words of the false alarm, the one who looked at him with one eye, sneered, and asked!

“If you want to laugh to death, then laugh to death.”

Lin Niu said, that one-eyed gaze flickered!



In the next moment, False Alarm opened his mouth and laughed wildly!

However, to everyone’s horror, his body collapsed a little while smiling!

Although he was laughing, his pupils and his face were full of horror and despair!

His body trembled violently!

“That monster is actually talking?”

“Look, False Alarm God… his body is collapsing, what happened to him?”


Lin Niu spoke suddenly, the god of false alarm suddenly laughed wildly, and his body began to collapse!

This horrible scene made everyone show a look of horror!

WoW can speak?

Without being sensed by anyone, the body of False Fright God suddenly began to collapse!

this? ?

“Look for death, kill them!”

A group of powerful people in the Forbidden Space saw this scene, their expressions changed wildly!

The powerful man who led the universe to dominate the ninth-order realm waved his arm.

The spatial realm formed just now, directly attacked the Linniu!

“Things that do not live or die!”

Lin Niu looked at it, and the scales on his body flashed with special symbols!

The symbols disappeared instantly!

In the field, all the strong disciples did not see how this symbol disappeared!

Even if the surrounding universe is the powerhouse who dominates the pinnacle realm.

Linniu’s strength is equivalent to Wang Xian before breaking through.

At that time, Wang Xian, a strong man in the realm of universe dominance, could easily kill in seconds.

Linniu can naturally kill the powerhouse of the ninth-order realm in the space attribute universe!



In an instant, the bodies of the six cosmic rulers of the eighth and ninth ranks of the space forbidden land powerhouse who shot their hands also began to collapse!

There was a look of horror on their faces, and the intense pain made them scream!

“No, no, no!”

“How can this be?”

The powerhouse leading the ninth-order realm in the Forbidden Space, stared at Linniu with amazement and inconceivable expression!

That monster, just the light flashing on its body, they sensed a violent violent, a force that made them irresistible enter their bodies!

Tearing their bodies!

this? ? ?

How can this be?

What level of existence is this monster?

“Dare to yell with my boss, today my boss said to destroy your space forbidden land, in the entire sword and magic universe, no one can protect you!”

Lin Niu stared at them and said with disdain!


The energy on his body trembled slightly, and the vitality of the six strong men in the forbidden space slowly dissipated!

Their bodies collapsed, their flesh and blood collapsed!

Wang Xian flew directly from Linniu’s body and waved his arm towards the front position!

He wants to test his current strength.

Own current means!

“Hill Dragon Chase!”

Wang Xian’s heart moved, and he used a skill!

Underworld chasing is a chasing skill!

This skill can be said to be an upgraded version of the Beginning Sacred Wing Void Finding the Enemy!

That is, after beheading a strong man, if the opponent can be resurrected, then as long as the power of wind and thunder is left on his body.

Then you can perform the Dark Dragon Pursuit!

Immediately open a void channel, and instantly come to its resurrection place!

This skill is a bit tasteless, Wang Xian has never used it!

Because if you want to chase the opponent, you must enter the opponent’s nest!

This is very dangerous for him!

But now that his strength has improved, he still has no scruples when chasing the lair in the forbidden space!

The strong in the forbidden space wants to kill himself.

And they killed Long Yinhao, since they didn’t give themselves a satisfactory answer!

Then, perish!


The six powerhouses in the forbidden space and the vitality of the false alarm quickly disappeared.

Among the three of them, Wang Xian clearly sensed that they had the means to resurrect!


He grabbed his arm towards the front, and a black hole slowly formed in the front!

The black hole is several kilometers in size, and through this black hole, you can vaguely see the situation inside.

There is the place where the strong in the Forbidden Space will be resurrected.

There is the nest of the forbidden space!

From here, Wang Xian could reach the forbidden space in an instant!

“Boss, where is the nest of the forbidden space?”

From a side position, Lin Niu looked at the black hole, and he was also shocking Wang Xian in his heart, and asked!

“Yes, the place where those strong forbidden space resurrected!”

Wang Xian said flatly!

“Boss, leave it to me, a small space forbidden. You don’t need your boss to take action, my old cow will be able to destroy them!”

Lin Niu looked at the position of the black hole and said loudly.



He roared wildly, and his body instantly turned into a few kilometers in size, and drilled into the black hole!

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