Chapter 4035 Murderer

“It has been resurrected now, in our Longyin Forbidden Land.”

Long Yinyin said towards Wang Xian with red eyes!

“Go, it’s good to be resurrected, let’s go!”

Wang Xian nodded and said to her!


Long Yinyin nodded, his face full of worry: “Although Yin Hao can be resurrected, he has already cultivated to this level after all. In the future, even if he has enough resources, he wants to return to the seventh-order state of the universe. , It will take hundreds of millions of years!”

“This will have a huge impact on his future!”

“It’s okay, don’t worry!”

Wang Xian comforted him and looked at her: “Yin Yin, do you know how Yin Hao fell?”

“Father, he didn’t tell me, he said he would wait until I came back.”

Long Yinyin replied!

When Wang Xian heard it, his eyes flickered slightly.

It seemed that Long Yinhao’s death was not easy!

If they died in the hands of Warcraft, Long Yinyin’s father would have nothing to hide.

Wang Xian took Long Yinyin to fly quickly, came to the position of the teleportation array, and teleported!

Tianyuan City is still far away from Longyin Forbidden Land!

It took more than ten days before they arrived in the Dragon Yin Forbidden Area!

They immediately flew towards Tianfeng!


Before reaching the doorway, Long Yinyin shouted loudly!

“Yin Yin, Xiaoxian is here too, come here!”

Inside, Long Yinyin’s father’s voice came.

Wang Xian and the others entered inside and found that many people were already sitting and standing.

They are all strong in Longyin Forbidden Land.

Including, the ancestor of Long Yin Yin, the founder of Long Yin Forbidden Land!

“Father, grandpa, ancestor, what’s the situation with Yin Hao now?”

Long Yinyin quickly asked!

“Yin Hao doesn’t have any major problems, that is, all his cultivation bases have disappeared and he needs to be repaired.”

Long Yinyin’s father sighed and replied!

“Uncle, how did Yin Hao die?”

Wang Xian stood by and asked directly.

His words changed Long Yinyin’s father’s face slightly.

Around, the ancestors of Longyin Forbidden Land also slowly became embarrassed.

“According to Yin Hao, he was directly killed by a sneak attack. He didn’t see the person who shot it. But before he died of life, he saw a few faces. There is a contemporary saint in the water forbidden land, and the one in the water forbidden land. The strong man who dominates the eighth-order realm, the imaginary saint child who has the space forbidden land, and several strong people who have the space forbidden land.”

“The one who attacked him should be the strong man in the forbidden space, because before he died, he sensed the fluctuation of the space attribute!”

Long Yinyin’s grandfather, the second elder spoke slowly, and at the end, he sighed helplessly!

“This…why did they kill Yinhao? Yinhao didn’t offend them? How could they do this, grandpa, did not mean to fight against any strong disciples in the forbidden water forbidden to fight? After Yinhao, we have to sue them and tell the strong men of Wuwang Forbidden Land and Flowing Water Forbidden Land!”

When Long Yinyin heard it, his face showed an angry look and said loudly!

“It can be sued, but how can they believe it without evidence? Especially, among them are the Son of the Forbidden Land of Flowing Water, the Son of the Forbidden Land of the Space, and the strong.”

“Flowing water forbidden land, space forbidden land, if we don’t have evidence and they give us a false name, our Longyin Forbidden Land will not be able to bear it, and if it is possible…hey!”

The second elder shook his head and said weakly.

Their Longyin Forbidden Land has been extremely beautiful in recent hundreds of millions of years.

There is a powerful king fairy son, and two saint sons and daughters with immense potential!

However, the real situation of Longyin Forbidden Land, the powerhouse of their Longyin Forbidden Land knows.

Saint Wang Xian, after all, is an outsider, his identity is mysterious and even they don’t even know about their Dragon Yin Forbidden Land.

Therefore, they still rely on Long Yin Yin and Long Yin Hao.

Fortunately, Long Yinyin and Long Yinhao are also very competitive.

Especially Long Yinhao, he reached the seventh-order realm of the universe’s dominance at a young age, and the realm of dominating the peak in the future can be expected.

But now it suddenly fell halfway.

Their Longyin Forbidden Land is more uncomfortable than anyone!

Forbidden land for flowing water and forbidden space!

In the absence of evidence, even if Long Yinhao saw them before he died, what could he do?

They dare not say anything!

This is the sorrow of the weak!

“The Son of the Forbidden Space and their strong, the Son of the Forbidden Water and their strong.”

When Wang Xian heard them, his eyes flickered.

The Saint Wangxian in the Water Forbidden Land knew that he had not obtained the body of the strong water attribute in the magic pillar in the ruins of the universe.

At that time, his eyes were full of anger, unwillingness and jealousy, and Wang Xian felt it all.

It’s just that he didn’t pay attention to it at the time.

Is it revenge for Long Yinhao now?

It may be more than that!

Wang Xian thought of the Saintess of Flowing Moon, among which may also involve the Saintess of Flowing Moon!

“Grandpa, can we go see Yin Hao now?”

Long Yinyin bit his lip and said to the second elders!

“It’s inside!”

The second elder pointed to the position inside and spoke.

Long Yinyin nodded and walked straight into it.

Wang Xian immediately followed!

The two entered the position inside.

Located in the deepest part, in a pool, Long Yinhao was sitting there.

It’s just that he is extremely weak at this time!

Even the realm of the god emperor has not been reached!

“younger brother!”

Long Yin Yin saw his younger brother and felt his breath, his face changed, and he shouted!

“Sister, Brother Wang Xian, you are here!”

Long Yinhao opened his eyes, and when he saw Wang Xian and Long Yin Yin, a smile appeared on his face, and he shouted!

“You… are you okay!”

Long Yinyin looked at him distressedly and opened his mouth.

“Sister, what can I do, but it’s just a death once, isn’t this resurrected again? However, I am afraid it will take some time to recover to the peak next!”

Long Yinhao squeezed a smile on his face and said!

Long Yinyin looked at his smile and didn’t know what to say for a while!

“It’s okay, just practice hard, this hatred will be repaid!”

Wang Xian turned towards Long Yinhao and said lightly!

“Brother Wang Xian, if you can cultivate to the realm of Tianyuan’s good fortune, no, as long as you cultivate to the pinnacle of the universe dominates, with your strong strength, you can be invincible below the realm of Tianyuan’s good fortune, then you will be able to help me out. Hahaha, I will rely on you in the future!”

When Long Yinhao heard Wang Xian’s words, he immediately laughed and said!

His mentality is pretty good.

Although 400 million years have passed, it still hasn’t changed much!

“Okay, soon!”

When Wang Xian heard what he said, he also smiled.

Soon, in more than a month, his ontology will arrive!

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