Chapter 4032 Breakthrough!

Wang Xian didn’t want to make any mistakes at critical moments!

There is no accident!

Even if the body of the Void Dragon is attacked, he can bear it!


Gou to ontology breakthrough!

At that time, in the entire sword and magic universe, no one will be able to use him in any way!

This attack did not make Wang Xian too angry!

The provocation of a few ants would not make him angry!

When both bodies of Wang Xian began to retreat, time passed the fastest!

And the sword and magic universe, a group of forbidden land holy places and holy courtyards, are still starting to clean up the Abyss of Warcraft in an orderly manner!

Long Yinyin and Long Yinhao, from time to time sent some messages to Wangxian, telling him some experience!

While practicing in retreat, Wang Xian also made some replies.

Tens of millions of years are fleeting!

And on this day, Wang Xian received a message from Long Yinyin and Long Yinhao at the same time!


When he saw this information, his eyes narrowed slightly!

In the Abyss of Warcraft, a group of strong men in the Forbidden Land and Holy Land were suddenly attacked by a large number of Warcraft!

In these tens of millions of years, the powerhouses of the Holy Land Sanctuary and the Forbidden Land have reached the sixth floor of the cleanup of the Abyss of Monsters!

A large number of monsters were destroyed by them!

But when he entered the seventh floor, he suffered a terrorist attack!

The casualties are extremely heavy!

Thousands of cosmic masters above rank 5 have been killed!

According to the information of Long Yinyin and Long Yinhao, some monsters carried out a sneak attack on them, and there was still an organized sneak attack!

The sudden attack made all the strong people unresponsive!

The casualties are tragic!

And, on the seventh floor of the Abyss of Warcraft, an organized army of Warcraft appeared!

Now, all the Holy Land Forbidden Lands and the Holy Court have cancelled the actions of various teams, but formed a whole army!

They also asked Wang Xian where he was now, and if he had time to meet or something!

Wang Xian ignored the next question, and his face was thinking!

The abnormal change in the Abyss of Warcraft may be related to the Aga Heaven Demon God.

The Aga Heavenly Demon God, as an existence that was once created by Tian Yuan, possesses powerful wisdom.

Even once invaded the interior of the sword and magic universe.

Now coming here again, naturally you can easily organize a sneak attack on Warcraft!

I just don’t know the current strength of the Aga Heavenly Demon God!

How far is it from the good fortune of Tianyuan!

“I hope this guy breaks through slowly. When he breaks through, he should be able to kill it, and then let Linniu swallow it!”

Wang Xian muttered!

After replying to Long Yinyin and Long Yinhao, Wang Xian continued to practice!

One hundred million years passed quickly!

The realm of Wangxian Void Dragon’s body has also been improved, and he has come to the sixth-order realm of the dominance of the universe!

In the past 100 million years, all kinds of news came from the Abyss of Warcraft.

Now a lot of holy places and forbidden places and holy courts, after the formation of the legion, one after another victory!

Kill a large number of monsters!

Moreover, in this battle, a lot of holy places and forbidden places and holy courtyards have undergone tremendous tempering!

This also made all the Holy Land Forbidden Land and the Holy Court not anxious.

Use Warcraft as a sharpening stone.

Don’t rush to destroy them all!

After Wang Xian got the news, his eyes flickered slightly.

He didn’t know whether it was the Aga Tian Demon God deliberately doing it, or what!

In short, he didn’t care!

Time passed, and one hundred million years passed again!

The strength of Wangxian Void Dragon’s body has come to the seventh-order realm of the universe’s dominance.

When he came to this realm, his ascension speed became extremely slow.

The body is devouring energy and preparing for a breakthrough!

Without the blessing of the body, the speed of breakthrough has been reduced a lot!

According to Wang Xian’s estimation, it would take at least three to four billion years for him to rise to the eighth stage of the universe’s dominance!

At this time, he had to forget it quickly!

After all, the place where Wang Xian retreats for cultivation is not a treasure place!

And sometimes practicing in retreat does not necessarily have to go to experience and practice quickly!

Long Yinyin and Long Yinhao have been fighting and practicing with them, and the speed of improvement is very fast!

Time is passing fast!

Another two hundred million years have passed, and in these two hundred million years, all the Holy Land Forbidden Land and the Holy Court have completely used the Abyss of Warcraft as a trial site!

Two hundred million years ago, there were not a large number of strong men who died, but they gave birth to a large number of strong men.

In the later time, Wu Wushu even issued an order with Liushuijian, not to kill all the monsters!

Used as a training venue for a group of strong disciples!

This has indeed given countless strong disciples experience and promotion!

When Wang Xian looked at this information, he always felt very weird!

This Aga demon must be planning something!

I just don’t know, what are you planning!

“It’s going to break through!”

And in these hundreds of millions of years, at the edge of the sword and magic universe!

Wang Xian has been cultivating at the edge for hundreds of millions of years!

On this day, when Wang Xian converted the energy in his body into dragon energy.

Wang Xian opened his eyes instantly, full of excitement and enthusiasm!


Immediately afterwards, an immense might spread out from his body!


In the sky above, a huge dragon body appeared out of thin air!

Wang Xian’s body has reached hundreds of thousands of kilometers in size at this moment.

Comparable to a star behemoth!

In a breath, the world changes color!

The situation stirs!

The chaos on the side, inside that chaos, under the power of Wang Xian, was constantly shaking, as if a big earthquake had occurred!

“Ding, congratulations to the host’s level upgrade and breakthrough to the seventh-order realm of the universe’s dominance.”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for the breakthrough, the Nine Source Dragon Realm is strengthened.”

At this moment, the sound of the system sounded!


Finally broke!

Consume all the resources of Linniu!

It took more than 400 million years for Wang Xian to fill the last five percent of his energy!

Finally, a breakthrough!

Feeling the explosive energy from his body, Wang Xian’s body moved slowly!



The body moved slightly, and there were cracks in the surrounding void!

Even the universe can’t bear his power!



Wang Xian’s eyes burst with excitement and sheen!

“I don’t know if I can match Tianyuan’s good fortune now, but the Aga Demon God, the Aga Demon God I saw at the beginning, even if he casts the shadow of the Demon God, I can directly kill it!”

At this moment, Wang Xian said confidently!

As for the real good fortune of Tianyuan, he needs to touch it personally to know if he can compete with it!

The blessing of nine energies, the fusion of nine energies, the operation of nine energies!

This is the horror of Jiuyuan Shenlong!

He is now only the universe dominating the seventh-order realm!

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