Chapter 4017 One-to-Four, Beheaded (1)



The eight hunters who dominated the Tier 6 universe suddenly rushed over, and the entire team showed a look of horror!

They did not hesitate, and immediately issued the order to escape!

Wang Xian raised his brow slightly when he saw this scene.

The eight hunter demons who dominate the sixth-order realm are not incapable of dealing with them.

But he didn’t want to fight it!

Only eight have come now, in case there are more.

Then it is not what they can fight against!

Wang Xian can easily escape, but they may not be able to!

Thinking in his heart, Wang Xian moved his body and immediately flew towards the distance with the crowd!


Wangxian Wuman Saint Child Liuyue Saintess, their energy enveloped everyone, taking everyone to speed up the flight!



The eight hunter demons let out a violent roar when they saw them fleeing!

Their speed has suddenly increased a lot!

Also, they are separated from the left and right, and I want to surround them from both sides!

“They are fast!”

Wuman Shengzi saw this scene and heard the roar coming from behind, his face changed slightly!

“Speed ​​up and throw them away. If we can’t get away, we will be in trouble!”

Saint Liuyue said with a solemn face!

Their faces are a bit ugly!


But at this moment, in the rear position, a hunter demon let out a loud roar!

This roar was scattered around!

It seems to be calling!

“Oops, this hunter monster is currently being summoned. The next level of monsters can order the upper level of monsters. They want to summon the monsters to stop us!”

The Void Saint Son of the Forbidden Space saw this scene, his face changed slightly, and said loudly!

His current realm is to dominate the fourth-order realm. If he is locked by a monster that dominates the sixth-order realm, even if he is a spatial attribute, the speed of escape is very fast, and there is still a risk!


Wuman Shengzi, they also stared at them, and shouted in a low voice!

His two-meter giant sword is now a kilometer in size!

Everyone is standing on his giant sword!

The power of the flowing water of the Saintess of Flowing Moon is constantly increasing the speed of the giant sword!

Similarly, the power of Wang Xian’s space is also blessed on it.

According to their speed, there shouldn’t be much problem to escape!

In the rear position, the gap between the hunter monsters and them is getting bigger and bigger!

“It should be all right!”

After fleeing for about ten minutes, Saint Liuyue glanced back, and couldn’t see the hunter demon beast behind!

She breathed a sigh of relief!

If they are entangled by these eight monsters, they will be very troublesome.

Even if they can escape, the whole team will lose a lot!

“It should be fine. It was really dangerous just now. We better not provoke this kind of hunter monster!”

“Didn’t all of our seniors go to the fourth floor to clean up? Then there are seniors who go to the fourth floor, it should be better!”

The holy sons and holy women spoke with lingering fears!


However, when their voices just fell, they were in the front position, and there was a roaring sound!

The sudden roar caused all of them to be taken aback!

Wang Xian stood on the sharp sword of the son of Wuman, and was also slightly taken aback, his eyes flew forward!

Located in the front position, hundreds of hunter demons stared at them, with violent killing intent in their eyes!

Of these hundreds of hunter demons, twenty of them dominate the fifth-order realm!

The rest are also dominating Tier 2 and above!

“Huh? Why did you meet such a strong hunter demons again?”

Everyone raised their brows slightly when they saw this scene!

“Wuman Shengzi, they rushed over!”

Hundreds of hunter demons, exuding violent power, attacked towards them!

“Is this? This group of hunter demons went directly into a violent state. If they are not good, they will be dealt with immediately, and then leave here!”

Saintess Liuyue saw a group of hunter demons before they fought, and immediately furious, her eyes condensed slightly!

Wang Xian looked at this hunter demon, his eyes were also shining!

These hunter demons are slightly different from the group they just encountered!

Just now they took the initiative to look for and then hunt!

And this hunter demons, seems to be specially attacking them!

And, before rushing over, the whole body directly furious!

The violent hunter demon, the combat power instantly increased by 50%!

In their opinion, this is a bit surprised!

WoW does not mean to be violent at will.

They are violent, at the cost of vitality and potential!

Under normal circumstances, only when they are in danger and injured, they will be violent!

This kind of violent directness before rushing over made them a little uneasy!

“Swish swish!”

Wang Xian did not hesitate at all, and a sword of space was suspended in the sky in an instant.

As the swords of space flickered, the sword graves began to gather!


Wuman Shengzi’s eyes condensed, the giant sword returned to his hand, instantaneously covered by thunder, and directly rushed forward!

A group of saint sons and saints who practiced swordsmanship followed closely behind!

The Saintess of Flowing Moon also immediately cast a powerful magic!



In the front position, the hunter demons seemed to be brave and fearless, and their eyes were staring at Wang Xian and the others.

The raging energy around formed a terrifying storm!

Even if it is Wangxian Wuman Shengzi, their strength is relatively strong, they still rushed fearlessly!

“Moon Sword Formation!”

Wang Xian looked at the hunter demon without the slightest fluctuation in his eyes!

At the upper position, the sword tombs are condensed and completed, and they are connected to form a sword formation!

The one-month lightsaber disk appeared in the sky above, shining brightly.

“Swish swish!”

Immediately afterwards, countless sharp swords moved towards the cover of a crowd of hunter demons!


In the foremost position, more than twenty hunter demons who dominate the fifth-order realm felt threatened, and they waved their arms.

A series of terrifying sharp blades moved towards Wang Xian and the others.

Fully covered half of the sky!

“Boom boom boom!”


There was a terrifying clash, except for the attacks of Saint Wang Xian Wuman Shengzi and Liuyue Saint Maiden through their attacks.

The rest of the attacks were all blocked by them!

However, this is enough!

Wang Xian and their attacks immediately fell on the hunter demons who only ruled the fifth-order realm!

The terrifying destructive power makes its vitality disappear quickly!

In an instant, more than twenty monsters that dominated the fifth-order realm were beheaded by them.


However, when they killed more than 20 monsters that dominated the fifth-order realm, they were located on the left and right sides.

The eight hunter demons rushed over at a terrifying speed!


Seeing the sixth-order hunter demon who rushed over quickly, everyone’s expressions changed wildly!

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