Chapter 4014 Hunting

“The third floor is here!”

Going through the second floor to the third floor, the scene is still the same as the first floor and second floor!

Trees of various colors grow.

Exudes a coquettish light!


When Wang Xian and the others just arrived on the third floor, the roaring voice came!

The crowd immediately looked towards the roar and saw a monster that looked like a giant butterfly.

This monster is full of colors, covering its oozing fleshy bumps.

The size is a kilometer, exuding a frightening atmosphere!

“It’s the mysterious meat dish monster, the universe dominates the first-order realm!”

A holy child looked at it, immediately recognized this monster, and said!

“Let’s get started, you said that most of the power of the monsters on the third level are below the fifth level, then we will directly sweep!”

Wang Xian looked at the monster and said!

“Well, with the strength of our team, it is still very safe on the third floor, but it is impossible to sweep it!”

Wuman Shengzi shook his head and looked at Wang Xian: “Wang Xian Shengzi doesn’t know. The Warcraft will place its own descendants in the abyss corresponding to its strength, so that they can grow up here. Hunting, if they are hunted by monsters, they may ignore them, but if they are hunted by us, they will suffer their revenge and attack!”

“In other words, if we hunt and kill on a large scale, we may be attacked by a few deeper layers of monsters below!”

The Abyss of Warcraft is not as simple as Wang Xian imagined.

This is the race of Warcraft, and here are their rules.

It’s not that the lower-level monsters don’t care about the upper-level monsters!

After the birth of the offspring of Warcraft, they will grow up layer by layer and hunt!

At this time, once hunted and killed by a different kind of hunting, then the Warcraft is likely to retaliate!

“Oh? Then we really need to be more careful!”

When Wang Xian heard it, he nodded slightly.

In case Youyu Zhou dominates the seventh-order realm of beasts rushing forward, then they are not opponents at all!

“Of course, we don’t need to be too scrupulous. The powerful monsters sensed the death of their children and need time to come over. At this time, if we handle it well, we can leave quickly. Each layer of the Abyss of Monsters is huge. They can’t lock us at all!”

“In the Abyss of Warcraft, the most important thing to be careful is not to be surrounded by a group of beasts for a long time. Once you are surrounded, you may be attacked from a deeper level of beasts!”

The saint of Liuyue added a word on the side!

Wang Xian nodded slightly.

“Let’s go, start cleaning!”

Wuman Shengzi said with a smile, a group of people moved, and flew towards the maze of monsters that dominated the first-order realm of the universe.

They moved quickly and flew over.


That fascinating dish of monsters sensed Wang Xian and the others flying over, and left their colorful wings spread out!

It stared at its pupils, felt a threatening force, turned and fled towards the distance 1

The wings stirred, and a wave of chaotic energy burst out from its body!

The monsters in this abyss of monsters are extremely chaotic in energy. There is not only one attribute in the body, but many kinds.

It’s like an aggregate of various energies, chaotic!

But it has terrifying energy!

“Speed ​​up and kill him!”

Wuman Shengzi said, a burst of energy enveloped everyone.

Their speed suddenly increased several times!

“Hehe, let me do it first!”

Saint Liuyue smiled lightly, and with a move of her palm, a huge staff appeared in her hand!

She raised her staff, and a net of water instantly condensed in front of the magical beast.

The entire water network is moving towards its coverage!


The monster that dominates the first-order realm saw the water net covering it and let out a desperate roar.

“Puff puff!”

The water net covered his body, and drops of water poured into his body.

The entire monster, instantly fell towards the bottom, no life!

“Look for a group of only-shaped monsters to fight, this kind of individual monsters is meaningless!”

Seeing that this monster was easily beheaded, Wuman Shengzi smiled and said!

“I’m going to find it, you guys look around first!”

Wang Xian said to them!

“Let’s look around too.”

The saint son saint of the space forbidden land also spoke!

Among all the attributes, the space attribute is the best at detection!

The responsibility of investigation is naturally their responsibility!


Saint Liuyue nodded: “A few be careful!”

Wang Xian nodded, looked forward, a flash, disappeared instantly!

The saint son saint of the space forbidden land also disappeared instantly.

“Our kind of team is much more convenient than acting alone!”

When a saint saw them leaving, she couldn’t help but said with a smile!

The crowd nodded in agreement.

With spatial attributes to conduct reconnaissance, it is very easy for them to cooperate and fight.

Wang Xian teleported directly to a far away position.

His mind moved, and his mind moved around.

At present, with his strength, there is basically no need to scrupulously look here.

Between a few consecutive flashes, we are already very far away from the team!

He felt around quickly, but encountered hundreds of monsters in the middle.

They are all dominating the realm of Tier One, Tier Two and Tier Three.

“The density of monsters in the abyss of monsters is really big!”

Wang Xian couldn’t help being a little surprised.

In the Jiuyuan Universe, the powerhouses in the realm of the universe do not feel that there are as many as the abyss of monsters.

Of course, this may be bloodied here with the strong Tianyuan good fortune.

Countless strong creatures died here!

Because of the blood of Tianyuan good fortune, this place has changed.

In addition, the strong heavenly origin of the sword and magic universe did not deal with this place.

As for why this place was not dealt with, it may be used to practice the strong disciples in the universe!

There may also be other reasons!

The specific situation is not what Wang Xian can know!


After flying continuously for a day, Wang Xian sensed the existence of a group of monsters.

He flickered, and immediately came to the top of this group of monsters!

“woo woo woo woo!”

“woo woo woo woo!”

When Wang Xian appeared, the monsters immediately sensed him.

Those golden eyes stared at him fiercely.

Wang Xian’s gaze swept across, and there were twenty-five cosmos that dominated the fifth-order realm.

The universe dominates the fourth-order realm, there are more than fifty!

There are more than 300 other grades in the rest!

“This level of monster group, I can easily destroy it myself!”

Wang Xian looked at it and murmured.

With a hesitant look on his face, he decided to notify them of Wuman Shengzi.

Fight with them for some time first.

If it doesn’t work, I am leaving alone!

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