Chapter 3997 Entering the Void Tower, Huge Resources


A demon altar appeared in front of him, and Wang Xian waited quietly.

“Dragon King!”

Soon, An Lie’s figure appeared, and he respectfully worshiped Wang Xian!

“Well, everything is normal in the Dragon Palace, right?”

Wang Xian asked!

“Dragon King, everything is normal in Dragon Palace!”

An Lie nodded and followed his gaze, and looked to the side: “Dragon King, this is the Void Tower?”

As he said, he was slightly startled, his eyes blooming with lustre.

“Yes, the Void Tower, the powerful Void Tower, Anlie, you will bring my body first, and then we will enter this Void Tower!”

Wang Xian nodded, and continued to tell him!

“It’s the Dragon King!”

An Lie nodded, and soon he disappeared.

When An Lie appeared again, Wang Xian’s body followed.


Wang Xian merged with it, and the powerful force merged again.

He scanned the surroundings with a slight smile on his face.

This space is much more stable than the previous space.

However, if he launches an attack, he can still blast this space!

But this is enough.

In the last space, as long as Wang Xian appeared there, the space should not be able to bear it.

At least it can bear it here!

“Anlie, take me inside!”

Wang Xian looked at the Void Tower on the side and said!

Even if his body looks at this Void Tower, it can sense powerful energy and power from above!

This Void Tower is not simple, it is far more powerful than Innate Treasure.

It is only weaker than the fragments of Tianyuan good fortune.

This is already very scary!


Soon, Wang Xian moved his body and entered the interior of the Void Tower.

It’s exactly the same as the internal space of Anlie’s Void Tower!

Also in the highest position, there is a throne!

That is the energy that controls the organs here!

Wang Xian glanced around.

Compared to the Void Tower that An Lie had obtained, there were a large number of corpses in this Void Tower.

There are at least hundreds of thousands of corpses densely packed!

These corpses have two horns, with a hint of space power all over!

Their appearance is somewhat similar to that of human beings, but their faces are completely different.

The skin is varied and somewhat dull.

The thick skin is like a layer of armor!

Wang Xian stared in surprise, came to the front of a corpse, and felt it.

“This should be the Void Clan of the Void Universe, a very terrifying race!”

Wang Xian murmured, these corpses should have been killed by external energy impact.

Of course, it is also possible to be trapped here to die!

They stayed here for more than 20 billion years.

The existence below the Tianyuan good fortune has a life span of at most one calamity of life.

That is more than 30 billion years of life!

From their birth to the present, these Void Clan has definitely exceeded the limit of life!

Wang Xian looked at these corpses.

There are treasures on the bodies of many of these corpses.

Weapons are somewhat like swords, but slightly different from swords.

There are sawtooths on it!

Of course, this thing can also be used as a sword!

“There are a lot of treasures.”

With a look of excitement on Wang Xian’s face, he put away these sharp swords.

Some sharp swords are comparable to innate treasures.

There are dozens of swords of this kind!

This is definitely a huge income.

“Except for weapons, there are no resources.”

Wang Xian checked and found no medicine or the like.

It may have been too long, and the pill has been volatilized!

With a move, he came to the seat of the throne.

Sit directly on it, and the power of space is injected into it!

However, what surprised Wang Xian was that he was unable to open this void tower.

“What’s the matter? This Void Tower is already a masterless thing, I can’t activate it?”

“Can’t you refine it into your own treasure?”

Wang Xian was surprised, a burst of energy was injected into it, and there was still no response!

“What’s the reason? Special blood and physique?”

Wang Xian frowned slightly and looked at An Lie who was aside: “An Lie, try it!”

Wang Xian sat on the throne, and energy was injected.

Immediately, a burst of energy poured into it, and the entire Void Tower also reacted!

“An Lie can, but he can’t. Is it because An Lie’s physique is similar to that of the Void Clan?”

Wang Xian saw this scene and wondered in his heart.

Some races have their own unique weapons, except for the strong of their own race, no other strong can control it.

This is not impossible!

This is the case with this Void Tower. Even if Wang Xian obtains an ownerless Void Tower, he cannot control and use it!

This made him look disappointed.

The power of the Void Tower is beyond doubt.

But unfortunately, I can’t control it!

“Dragon King, if you want to control this Void Tower, you may need a special physique. My physique is similar to that of the Void Clan, so I can refine it.”

An Lie replied: “In addition, Dragon King, this Void Tower is already without a master. I found that there is a living space in this Void Tower. I will open it for you!”


As he spoke, a space appeared directly behind him!

A huge space, a place to rest, and a place to live.

There is also a place to plant the treasures of spiritual grass!

“Huh? There are treasures in this Void Tower?”

Wang Xian was taken aback for a moment and flew over immediately.

“Yes, Dragon King, the Void Tower is like the lair of a race, it is like the Zerg race, with its own brood!”

“After the understanding of the ministers, the Void Clan is divided into many ethnic groups. They are not completely unified. Many small groups of the Void Clan fight separately, and the Void Tower is divided into two types. This is one kind and belongs to those small groups. The family’s nest.”

“It’s a survival base for them, and the disciples of the powerful people of the Void clan born in this survival base continue to build and bless this Void Tower.”

“The second type of Void Tower is a weapon that belongs to the top powerhouse. It is like the Void Tower I have now. It is a real Void Royal Family, a weapon used for expeditions, not for survival!”

An Lie introduced to Wang Xian.

This made him nodded.

The Void Family, the Void Royal Family.

The royal family did not say that it completely controls all the disciples of the Void Strong.

There are still groups of people fighting on their own. When the battle of the calamity starts, they will plunder resources and rob treasures.

This Void Tower should belong to a group of Void Universe.

They aimed at the sword and magic universe, wanting to obtain the space treasures here.

But was left here.

“No wonder this Void Tower is slightly different from yours, Anlie, but the level should not be much different!”

Wang Xian muttered, staring at the space in front of him.

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