Chapter 396 Mutated Dragon (Fourth!)

The body of the strange shrimp looks full of terrifying explosive power. The shells of that section are completely blue, and some tend to be dragon scales.

In addition to the two huge forelimbs, the tiny pliers of the strange shrimp have also undergone tremendous changes.

It became like a dragon’s claw, but compared to the two powerful forelimbs, it was much smaller.

They have a blue shell on their heads, and their eyes are shining with thunder.

The whole strange shrimp clan looks extremely sacred, completely reborn.

“Five eleventh level, one twelfth level, and the rest are all tenth level!”

Wang Xian looked at the strange shrimp family, with a surprised look on his face. After the baptism of Hualongchi, all the strange shrimp levels were upgraded by one level.

However, what shocked Wang Xian most was the changes in the Golden Swordfish clan.

Wang Xian was a little dumbfounded when he looked at the golden swordfish clan in a completely human form.

Completely human form.

The body reached two meters, with arms and legs, like a human giant.

The spikes on their heads disappeared completely, replaced by a sharp sword in their hands.

The long sword reached about 1.5 meters, the hilt of the sword had a dragon head, and the whole body of the sword looked like a dragon.

The long sword is completely connected to their arms, and the whole body is covered by a bunch of strange armor.

The position of the back, the fin turned into a wing, it may be because of the current strength is too weak, this wing is not very big.

Wang Xian looked at the huge change of the Golden Swordfish family with a face full of surprise.

After the baptism of the Golden Swordfish clan, how did it become a human form?

“Your size?”

Wang Xian looked at the leader of the Golden Swordfish clan, and asked with some doubts.

Today, the leader level of the Golden Swordfish has reached level 12. This guy is about 2.5 meters in size, and the whole person is extremely mighty under the golden armor.

“Dragon King, the attack of our Golden Swordfish clan is monotonous. We can only use the spikes on our heads to attack. In the transformation of the Dragon Pond, we think of the humans we have encountered. They hold weapons in their hands and can carry out all kinds of attacks. All kinds of attacks are extremely powerful, so we transform into human form, but we can still return to our previous form!”

The leader of the Golden Swordfish explained to Wang Xian, his body moved and transformed into the form of a swordfish again.

“All right!”

Wang Xian watched the change of the Golden Swordfish, with a slight smile on his face.

The previous form of the Golden Swordfish did seem to have a lot of monotonous attack, except for penetration.

The current human form of the Golden Swordfish will not be noticed by anyone when it enters the human society.

“Old devil, you teach them literacy and language!”

Wang Xian thought for a while, then looked at the sharp swords in their hands: “Give them the cultivation method of the ancient spirit sword technique, maybe the golden swordfish clan can become powerful swordsmen!”

Wang Xian said and smiled. The Golden Swordfish practiced swordsmanship. What would it be like?

“It’s amazing!”

Elder Fan watched Wang Xian communicate with this group of terrifying creatures, staring at him with flickering eyes, his face full of surprise.

“Go, Elder Xiaoyu Fan, in order to solve the toxins in your body, I can only put you into the Hualong Pond, and enter the Hualong Pond. Your bloodline will evolve into the bloodline of the dragon, that is to say, you can become a dragon in the future.”

Wang Xian reminded Elder Fan Xiaoyu, mainly speaking to Elder Fan.

“Become a dragon?” Elder Fan was shocked, but nodded expectantly.

“Haha, I want to become a golden dragon, water dragons are also good, water dragons are beautiful, um, blue dragons are also pretty, hehehe!”

Xiaoyu smiled, his face full of excitement.

Wang Xian smiled, and led Xiaoyu and Elder Fan through the Dragon King Palace, and walked down to the Hualong Pond with their awe-inspiring gazes.

At this time, in Hualong Pond, the turtle prime minister Ao Xia was still slowly resurrecting, and I don’t know how long it will take.

“Xiaoyu and Elder Fan, you should be able to enter the Hualong Pond within two days at most. Call me what happens in the middle!”

Wang Xian said to the two of them, and they nodded heavily.

Putting the two into the Hualong Pond, Wang Xian took a look at the side.

The two of them submerged in the Hualong Pond, and their vitality increased rapidly.

“Xiao Xian, don’t worry, Elder Xiao Yu Fan and the others will be fine.”

Guan Shuqing comforted Wang Xian from the side.

“Well, let’s go, I will let a joss watch here, let’s go to rest!”

Wang Xian nodded and returned to the Dragon King Palace.

At this time in the Dragon Palace, the Demon Azure Dragon was teaching the Golden Swordfish to read and speak, and to teach them to practice swordsmanship.

After the baptism of Hualongchi, the wisdom of the Golden Swordfish clan learns basically anything that can be said to be unforgettable.

Especially the practice of swordsmanship, in the dragon field of the Dragon Palace, the practice of martial arts can double the efficiency, and it is extremely powerful.

The strange shrimp clan is entrenched in the training of dragons.

Wang Xian looked at it with a satisfied expression on his face. After Prime Minister Turtle and the others were resurrected, Wang Xian could lead them to fight the entire East China Sea.


When Wang Xian and the others lay in the Dragon King’s bedroom and rested, the Hualong Pond had undergone tremendous changes.

In the Hualong Pond, in the place of Xiaoyu and Elder Fan, blood was gurgling with bubbles.

The dragon blood from Hualongchi slowly turned black after entering their bodies.

Vaguely, located in their bodies, the black spots of the tarsus maggots did not disappear at all, but grew rapidly.

The black spots slowly spread to their bones, and gradually, the pure white bones turned towards black.

As the black spread, their entire bodies slowly turned black.


Hualong Pond can make people evolve in the direction of Shenlong.

The first-level Hualong Pond could not support them to immediately transform into a dragon.

Just like the Golden Stegosaurus clan and the Odd Shrimp clan, their bloodline, physique, talent, and wisdom will be greatly improved by the baptism of Hualongchi, and they can change some forms.

When Xiaoyu and Elder Fan entered the Hualong Pond, they couldn’t directly transform into a divine dragon. This required a long process of cultivation.

However, the terrifying black spots in their bodies contained terrifying energy. The dragon blood did not wash it away, but merged with it and became even more terrifying.

Their bones made a creaking sound.


At this time, on the nine pillars around Hualong Pond, the black magic dragon suddenly emitted a faint luster.

The bodies of Xiaoyu and Elder Fan in Hualong Pond were undergoing tremendous changes involuntarily.

However, although their direction of change is leaning on the magic dragon, they are different from the magic dragon.

To be correct, it is more terrifying and hideous than the magic dragon.

Their flesh and blood seemed to be completely hidden in the bones, one by one, the terrifying black bones appeared.

This is the mutant dragon!

Bone Dragon!

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