Chapter 389

“Young Shao Jiang, haha, are you here quite early?”

In a Lamborghini sports car, a young man walked down and said with a smile to a Porsche young man not far away.

“To watch the show, of course you have to come in advance. The saint disciples are expected to arrive soon. Come early, you can’t miss it!”

The young man named Jiang Shao was full of red hair and looked around with a smile: “Are there many people watching the theater?”

“Haha, of course I have to come and see, this is the most enchanting genius boy in the world, the first time that Tianjiao Young Masters has existed, he is punished, and it is naturally an attractive thing.”

In an off-road vehicle next to him, a chubby man narrowed his eyes and walked down with a smile on his face.

“It’s really jealous. At only twenty years old, he is the ninth genius doctor, a powerful alchemist, and a terrifying innate strong. If I become one of them, I will wake up at night with joy!”

A very handsome young man in a suit and tie walked out of the car, looked at the location of the villa, and sighed slightly.

“Jiang Yuan, Gu Da, Lu Kaiping, you guys are really idle when you come so far!”

“Aren’t you free? Otherwise, why are you here?”

“I want to see who this Jiangcheng King’s genius doctor is, so powerful!”

A famous young man walked out of the car.

But they are all people in the martial arts circle, and they have all heard the name of the other party.

“Jiang Yuan, this supreme sea development zone seems to be a villa by the sea developed by your family?”

The young man in a suit walked towards the red-haired Jiang Yuan and asked with a faint smile on his face.

“Yes, it was developed by my family business!”

Jiang Yuan smiled and nodded: “The genius doctor Jiangcheng lives here. This genius doctor Wang is not easy. No one in the whole Jiangcheng dares to provoke him!”

“It’s not just amazing. According to the information I received, when the genius doctor was on the pilgrimage to the Flame Palace, the Flame Palace could not get off the stage, but the Flame Palace has been destroyed!”

The young man in a suit said with a smile, his eyes full of jealousy.

He possessed terrifying strength and power when he was only twenty years old. Even the elite disciples of their family sects were very envious.

“The Flame Palace is just a newly promoted holy gate, and it is incomparable with the holy disciple. Since the holy disciple dares to speak out this time, he must have this confidence!”

Jiang Yuan smiled: “It just makes me wonder, has this genius doctor escaped now?”

“According to the information I got, the man is still in the villa. I don’t know where he comes from. I am confident that I dare to wait for the arrival of the saint’s law enforcement!”

“Huh!” The young man in a suit snorted coldly, “The villa is close to the sea. If he escapes from the sea, it won’t be easy to find him!”

“You are right. If he wants to escape from the sea, even the strong disciple of the saint can’t do anything about it, but if he escapes today, he will be a human being with his tail caught in the future!”

Jiang Yuan nodded.

“Then you say, will this Jiangcheng King genius doctor escape?”

A young man came over and said loudly.

“It’s hard to say, but I think the probability of him running away is more than 70%!”

Another young man smiled and guessed.

“Haha, anyway, today I will publish a post on Jianghu for live broadcast, and let others see it too!”

A young man took out his mobile phone, took a few photos around, and then edited a post on the rivers and lakes with a smile.

Post name: Sage sanctions, let’s take a look at whether the evil genius flees to become a tortoise with a shrunken head or fights against the disciple of the sage.

A slightly mocking post with a few photos attached, and the youth clicked directly to publish it.

“The saint disciple’s vehicle is here!”

At this moment, a young man’s voice came.

The surrounding area became quiet for an instant.

Don’t look at them all in the appearance of the sons, but in front of the saint’s disciples, they are nothing.

Not to mention the elders of the Saint Law Enforcement Team and Saint Disciple who came this time.

The elders of a saint’s disciple are stronger than their family.

Eight Audi cars parked in front of the Supreme Sea Development Music Zone, and a crowd of people walked out of it.

“That’s… that’s the elder of the saint’s disciple. Five elders came, and five elders came directly!”

When an old man in the front two cars got out of the car, the faces of the surrounding young people showed shocked expressions.

The five elders can see their identity from their clothes.

“Look at the back. Those two law enforcement officers are the captains of the Saint Law Enforcement Team. Two captains came directly!”

“The remaining twenty half-step innate strong men, my God, they are so strong, the power of the saint disciples dispatched this time is so strong!”

“Seven innate strong men, 20 half-step innate men, with such a powerful force, it seems that the death of the saint’s disciple will kill the genius doctor of Jiangcheng King!”

“The elders of the disciples of the saints, because of their proficiency in medical skills, have a much stronger attack than the ordinary innate, and they are definitely not comparable to the innate of the Nine Lotus Sect!”

“Seven innate, it seems that the saint’s disciples have attached great importance to this matter. This king’s genius doctor is completely finished!”

A crowd of young people around was talking quietly.

And the young man who posted on the rivers and lakes excitedly took pictures of the strong disciples of the saints and immediately uploaded them to the rivers and lakes.

“The saint’s disciples dispatched five elders and two captains of the saint’s law enforcement team. If the genius doctor of Jiangcheng does not escape, he will die!”

Edit the text, attach a picture, and send it immediately.

At this moment, the moment this post appeared, it was followed by countless warriors in the rivers and lakes. The entire post was extremely active, waiting for the poster’s update.

“Damn, seven innate powerhouses, this force can destroy several first-level forces!”

“The saint’s disciple is really vigorous and resolute, this Jiangcheng King’s genius doctor is going to die!”

“This is the end of provoking the Holy Sect. Even such a genius of enchanting will be beheaded by the Holy Sect. The genius is about to fall!”

In the post, there are people posting new comments every second, and the whole arena is very lively, and countless martial arts family sects are paying attention.

“Several elders of the disciples of the saints, I am Jiang Yuan from the Jiang family in Beicheng. This is the property of our Jiang family. I will take you there!”

Jiang Yuan looked at the elders of the saint’s disciples, walked over with courage, and said respectfully.

Several sage disciples and elders looked at Jiang Yuan, their eyes swept over the young people who were watching the lively, and waved their hands indifferently!

“Take us over!” an elder said lightly.

“Yes, a few elders are coming with me. According to the information I have received, the genius doctor king who knows nothing about life and death is still in the villa, but I don’t know if he has escaped now!”

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