Chapter 382 Blood Flows into a River 7 (Fifth!)

“Patriarch, what’s the situation?”

At this moment, behind the black-clothed crowd, a middle-aged man also smelled a strong blood, frowned and asked quickly.


At this time, the patriarch and elders of the Liuyun family who were walking in the forefront saw the surrounding situation with a look of astonishment on their faces.

Their eyes swept across dozens of corpses on the ground. These corpses were obviously from the Nine Lotus Sect.

When they saw the location beside the cave, their faces slowly showed shock.

Two tragic people lay beside the cave, a figure of a white-clothed black lotus, very familiar.

The other one is still very familiar.

“Young Master of the Nine Lotus Sect, Fang Huazi, the apprentice of Elder Feng!”

The two old men showed solemn expressions, their eyes swept away, and there was no one from the Nine Lotus Sect around, only a corpse from the Nine Lotus Sect.

“These few people?”

They quickly turned their heads and saw a teenager pushing a wheelchair standing at the entrance of the cave.

On top of the wheelchair, there was a young girl sitting.

They stood there quietly, as if waiting for them to come out.

“Blood breath?”

“Patriarch Liuyun, let’s go!”

The urging and doubtful voices of other forces came from behind the cave.

The two black-clothed elders stared at Wang Xian and the others tightly. They jumped and jumped directly on top, looking around with some caution.


Beside, several forces that had originally surrounded the cave, a few middle-aged men in black hurriedly walked past.

The disciples of several other forces also hurried over when they saw that the strong sect came out.

“what happened?”

The two old men of the Liuyun family glanced at Wang Xian and the others, and solemnly asked the disciple who came over.


Several disciples swept away Wang Xian and others in a little fear, and began to talk about the situation here in a low voice.

“what’s going on?”

“What’s going on? Jiulian Sect Young Master? Fang Huazi’s genius doctor?”

At this time, the forces behind came out, shouting with horror on their faces.

The disciples who were guarding around quickly came over to tell them

“What’s the situation? Hurry up and send us Jiulian!”

Below, an overbearing voice from an elder of the Nine Lotus Sect was heard.

All the forces hurriedly retreated to the side position, their expressions swept across the six Wang Xian and the others with a bit of dignity, and their eyes flickered at the powerful Nine Lotus Sect who was walking at the back in the cave.

The news from several disciples shocked them too much.

The genius doctor king of Jiangcheng, a scattered doctor, actually killed him directly to destroy the Nine Lotus Sect.

Looking at the brutal Jiulian Sect Young Master and Fang Huazi’s genius doctor, they knew that this time, there would probably be a battle.

“Huh? There is a smell of blood on it? Why is there someone who wants to break in?”

A slightly fat, middle-aged man appeared, he came out of the cave and said with a smile on his face.


A faint voice came, and the chubby middle-aged man was taken aback for a moment, raised his head, his whole body stiffened, and the smile on his face disappeared.

He slowly looked in the direction of the voice.

In an instant, a terrifying murderous aura came.

“Shaoling, you… how could you do this!”

The plump middle-aged face changed drastically, and his figure moved directly to the side of Young Master Jiulian, his eyes full of anger.

“what happened?”


“Who is it? Who dares to kill my Jiulian Sect disciple!”


All the people of the Nine Lotus Sect walked out, followed by Fang Huazi’s master, the elder of the saint disciple, and another genius doctor of the saint disciple.

When they saw the surrounding scenes, their eyes were red, and they shouted with murderous voice.

The chubby middle-aged man looked at the young master of the Jiulian faction on the ground with embarrassment, and roared loudly: “Shaoling, who did it, say, who is it, I will cut him into pieces!”


Wang Xian saw everyone from the Jiulian School come out with a smile on his face.


Wang Xian’s voice attracted everyone, and everyone looked at Wang Xian.

Elder Feng stood beside the genius doctor Guanghua. Hearing this voice, he immediately looked.

“Jiangcheng, the genius doctor Wang!”

Elder Feng swept over the six of them, his gaze fell on Wang Xian, his eyes were slightly squinted, and his eyes were filled with murderous intent: “Did you do this?”

“Yes, this is just the beginning, then it’s your turn!”

Wang Xian nodded and slowly drew out the long sword in his hand.

“Dare to kill my Jiulian Sect disciple, I want you to die!”

When an old man heard Wang Xian’s words, his body moved, and he attacked and killed him directly.

Didn’t ask too much, and didn’t have the slightest wordy.

Dare to kill the disciples of the Jiulian faction, dare to make the young master of Jiulian so miserable, he should die!

“Nine Lotus School? I don’t know who gave you the courage to harm my Wang Xian’s sister!”

A cold color flashed in Wang Xian’s eyes, and his figure moved directly to meet the old man.

“You’re looking for death!” The old man’s innate strength, exuded a biting chill.


Wang Xian snorted coldly and swung the long sword in his hand directly.


A sword was still a sword, and the old man slapped his palm towards Wang Xian, but when the sword passed, his attack stopped instantly.

“Destroy, start!”

Wang Xian’s long sword retracted, his body moved, and he directly attacked the group of people from the Nine Lotus Sect.


Everyone in the Nine Lotus Sect was taken aback for a moment, and looked at the elder who attacked first.

How did the elder’s attack stop?


Under the shocked gaze of the Jiulian Sect and everyone around him, the old man fell directly to the ground, his eyes widening.

At the location of his neck, a lot of red blood poured out!

“Kill the elder with one sword?”

“not good!”

Everyone in the Nine Lotus Sect saw the death of the elder and looked at the Wang Xian who was attacking them, with shock in their eyes.

“Kill him for me!”

The head of the Jiulian faction swept his eyes, widened his eyes, and shouted angrily.


Jiulian sent all the powerhouses to stare at Wang Xian, palms, directly greeted him.

“Puff puff!”

Wang Xian brandished a long sword and slashed at the powerful Nine Lotus Sect with a terrifying speed.

Although he doesn’t understand swordsmanship, with the support of powerful strength and the blessing of innate weapons, it is easy to kill a class weaker than him.

Killing innate is like killing a chicken and a dog.

“What? How could he be so scary?”

When everyone around looked at that young man Yijian easily killed an innate powerhouse, a shocked expression appeared on their faces.

Although they were shocked by easily defeating the young master of Nine Lotuses, after all, young master of Nine Lotuses had just entered the innate, and it was not impossible to win with one stroke.

But now, that veteran innate powerhouse was still beheaded by one sword.

Especially, that young man holding a long sword has already begun to slaughter many masters of the Jiulian faction!

One sword one!

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