Chapter 375 Xiaoyu’s accident (third!)

“Head Tang, what happened to my sister!”

Wang Xian took a deep breath and asked immediately towards the head of Tang.

“Xiao Yu is now suffering from strange poison, and the same is true of Master Xiao Yu. The two are in a coma now, Dr. Wang, where are you, come and have a look!”

Head Tang said quickly.

“Okay, I’ll go back right away, and I will be able to arrive at night, where is Xiaoyu now!”

Wang Xian asked with a sullen face.

“In the villa, we first asked the Emperor Sui to help with treatment, but the Emperor Sui was helpless!”

The head of Tang’s voice said anxiously.

“Huh, I see, please take care of Xiaoyu and the others, and I will go back immediately!”

Wang Xian hung up the phone with a calm face.

“What’s wrong, Xiaoxian? What happened to Sister Xiaoyu? I also have a message from Elder Fan on my phone!”

Guan Shuqing and Lan Qingyue walked in and asked anxiously.

These days they are all in the Dragon Palace, a kilometer deep under the sea, there is no signal inside, so the mobile phones are all placed on the yacht.

If it hadn’t been for Lan Qingyue to come up and prepare to deal with the company’s affairs, they would still not know what happened to Xiaoyu.

“Talking to others, the body is very poisonous, and Elder Fan is also poisoned. It is the head of Tang who sent the message!”

Wang Xian’s face became gloomy, and he was very poisonous in his body, and even Sui Emperor couldn’t solve this poison.

Although Emperor Sui was not a genius doctor, as a strong man in the pill realm, as a master of alchemy, he definitely knew a lot about poison.

But even he didn’t have the slightest solution, presumably this kind of poison is definitely not simple.

“Can you be so poisonous in your body when you learn from others?”

Wang Xian’s face slowly became gloomy, and a strong murderous aura flashed in his eyes.

Guan Shuqing and Lan Qingyue on the side saw Wang Xian’s expression and hurriedly comforted them.

The yacht swiftly drove towards the location of Jiangcheng.

The distance from Jiangcheng here is relatively long, and it takes nearly ten hours.

When the yacht came to the front of the villa, it was already eight o’clock in the evening.

Wang Xian’s figure jumped and flew directly into the villa.


As soon as he entered the villa, the sound of Demon Abyss came from nearby.


Wang Xian didn’t say much, and walked straight into the room.

“Master, the lady is in the room on the second floor!”

Mo Yuan immediately said to Wang Xian.


Wang Xian nodded, instead of taking the stairs, he jumped directly to the second floor and opened the door.


“Doctor Wang, you are here, Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu and her master have been unconscious!”

Seeing Wang Xian walking in, the head of Tang hurriedly stood up, his expression a little tired.

“I’ll take a look!”

Wang Xian looked at the bed, Xiaoyu and Elder Fan were pale, without the slightest blood, there was an aura of death on their bodies.

Wang Xian stretched out his arm with embarrassment and placed it on Xiaoyu’s body, and the dragon gas poured directly into Xiaoyu’s body.

“This is?”

As soon as the dragon energy entered Xiao Yu’s body, the situation inside Xiao Yu appeared in Wang Xian’s mind.

Dense black spots are all over Xiaoyu’s body, and the black spots occupy her entire body, everywhere, terrifying.

The black dots slowly absorbed Xiaohan’s vitality, as if merging with her.


Wang Xian sullen his face and wiped away the black spot with his dragon spirit.


The dragon Qi wiped out a black spot, and at this moment, Xiaoyu on the side showed a painful expression, cold sweat streaming down.

Wang Xian’s face sank, and a female disciple of the Thorns School at the side immediately wiped the sweat off Xiao Yu with a towel.

“The genius doctor Wang, Emperor Sui said that Xiaoyu and her master had black bone poison in their bodies, and the poisoning was deep, and the black bones were completely integrated with them. Direct removal with power is tantamount to a thousand swords, and the pain is second. The most important thing is that the black bones are already part of their bodies. The black bones absorb 80% of their life energy, and removing the black bones is equivalent to killing them directly!”

Head Tang said with some embarrassment in his eyes, he knew the strength of Emperor Sui from Elder Fan.

The existence in the legend, the terrifying innate powerhouse, this kind of character is said to be incurable, it is almost…

Wang Xian’s face was gloomy when he heard the words of the head of Tang, and he slowly probed with dragon spirit.

Just like Sui Huang’s diagnosis, after Wang Xian inspected the body of Hou Xiaoyu, he felt very troublesome.

This was the first time he used dragon energy to cure a poison that was incurable.

The black bones in Xiao Yu’s body have been completely integrated with it, and these black bones have absorbed 80% of the life energy in Xiao Yu’s body.

This caused Xiaoyu to be unconscious all the time. If these black bones were removed, Xiaoyu would die instantly.

“It’s so vicious, this is to let Elder Fan Xiaoyu lie on the bed forever!”

A strong murderous aura appeared in Wang Xian’s eyes, he slowly touched Xiaoyu’s face, and a gust of blue dragon aura entered Xiaoyu’s body.

The qi of the blue dragon entered Xiaoyu’s body, and what made his face slightly embarrassed was that in addition to the qi of the blue dragon being absorbed by Xiaoyu’s body, the black bones also absorbed the qi of the blue dragon.

This made Wang Xian’s face extremely embarrassed.

“Head of Tang, did Emperor Sui say any other information about this black bone poison?”

Wang Xian asked with embarrassment.

“No, in fact, the so-called black bone poison is just a title of Sui Emperor himself. I have checked a lot of information these days, and there is no such poison information!”

Head Tang said with a calm face.

“No message?”

Wang Xian clenched his fists tightly, staring closely at Xiaoyu and Elder Fan, looking at them who were extremely pale, thinking about ways in his mind.

“Doctor Wang, do you have anything to do?” The head of Tang looked at him with a nervous expression on his face.

Xiaoyu is the hope of their thorns faction, and Elder Fan has already stepped into a half-step innate, and entering the innate realm is just around the corner.

If something happens to the two of them, it will be a huge blow to the Thorns faction!

Wang Xian did not answer. At this moment, Lan Qingyue Guan Shuqing Sun Lingxiu and the others walked in.

Looking at Xiao Yu and Elder Fan lying on the bed, and looking at Wang Xian with a gloomy face, his heart tightened.

Sun Lingxiu was slightly surprised when he saw Wang Xian’s solemn expression. With a wave of his arm, a shining light covered the two of them.


Sun Lingxiu frowned and looked again with the power of light.

The light energy submerged into the two of them and was directly absorbed. Feeling the situation inside, Sun Lingxiu frowned.

“Hualongchi, you can only try it with Hualongchi!”

Wang Xian meditated, transforming the dragon pond, which has the effect of washing the flesh. With the power in the transforming dragon pond, it should be possible to understand the black bones in their bodies!

“But before that, let them wake up first, and then…”

Wang Xian’s eyes are full of murderous intent, find the murderer, if the other party has an antidote, it is better, if not.

Annihilate the clan!

Or, whether there is or not, the result is the same!

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